学生姓名:冷梅玲 班级:07051207
关键词:库尔特·冯尼古特 黑色幽默 荒诞
An Analysis of Black Humor in
Tom Edison’s Shaggy Dog
Student name:Leng Meiling尺子的英语 公园 Class:07051207
Supervisor:Ye Xiaomei
Abstract: As an important literary school, black humor belongs to postmodernism and flourished in America in the 1960s—70s. Kurt Vonnegut is one of the reprentative novelists in this school. Black humor is skillfully applied in his short story Tom Edison’s Shaggy Dog.
In this paper, what is firstly introduced is the meaning and history of black humor, and its wide utilization in other writers’ works. Then follows a detailed analysis of black humor ud in Tom Edison’s Shaggy Dog in three aspect: abnormal plots, morbid language and absurd characters. First comes abnormal plots. The dog has super intelligence and man is incompetent, which is the esntial reflection of black humor. In the next place is morbid language, shown in many conversations that violate the relevant maxim of Cooperation Principle and Polite Principle, in which black humor is expresd to a greater extent. The final part is absurd characters—Harold K. Bullard and the stranger, which pushes black humor to a climax. At the end of this paper there is a conclusion of the theme that the author tries to express by using black humor.
From the above, the disrtation finally comes to the conclusion: black humor applied in this story is an interesting and effective technique. Through some absurd and abnormal reflections, black humor renders the author better clarify and enrich the ideas in the works and readers reader better understand its connotations as well.
The purpo of this paper is to help readers know what is black humor and its application in this story, and help us students improve our English writing and English literature appreciation.
Keyword: Kurt Vonnegut black humor absurdity
Signature of Supervisor:
1.Introduction 1
2.Black Humor in Abnormal Plots 3
2.1 Dog’s Super Intelligence 3
2.2 Man’s Incompetence 4
裙子评语3.Black Humor in Morbid Language 5
3.1 Conversations That Violate the Relevant Maxim of CP 5
3.2 Conversations That Violate the Relevant Maxim of PP 7
4.Black Humor in Absurd Characters 8
满面红光的意思4.1 Harold K. Bullard 8
4.2 The Stranger 10
5.Conclusion 11
Bibliography 12
Acknowledgements 12