温补脾阳, warmly invigorating spleen yang 温补肾阳, warming and recuperating kidney yang 温补心肺, warmly invigorating heart and lung 温补脾胃, warmly invigorating spleen and stomach 温阳行气, warming yang for activating qi flowing 补气养血,benefiting qi and nourishing blood 补益肝脾, invigorating liver and spleen 补益心脾,invigorating heart and spleen 补益心肺, invigorating heart and lung 补益脾肾,invigorating spleen and kidney 补益心肝,invigorating heart and liver 滋阴补阳, nourishing yin and tonifying yang 温阳益气, warming yang and benefiting qi 益气滋阴, benefiting qi and nourishing yin 补益精髓, strengthening and nourishing marrow and esnce 补肾调精, invigorating kidney for regulating menstruation 滋补肾精, replenishing kidney esnce 补益心肾 invigorating heart and kidney 滋阴补血, nourishing yin and supplementing blood 温里法, method of warming interior 回阳救逆, restoring yang [and rescuing the patient from collap! 温阳散寒, warmins vans for dispelling cold 温阳散寒, warming yang for dispelling cold 温中散寒, warming spleen and stomach for dispelling cold 温肺散寒, warming lung for dispelling cold 温肾散寒, warming kidney for dispelling cold 温肝散寒, warming liver for d
ispelling cold 温胃散寒, warming stomach for dispelling cold 温通小肠, warmly dredging small intestine 温经散寒, warming channel for dispelling cold 暖宫散寒, warming uterus for dispelling cold 温经活血, warming channel and activating blood circulation 温经止血, warming the channel for stopping bleeding 治风法, method of expelling wind 疏散风邪, dispelling wind pathogens 袪风解肌, dispelling pathogenic wind from muscles 平肝息风, suppressing hyperactive liver for calming endogenous wind 清热息风, clearing heat for calming endogenous wind 凉血息风, cooling blood for calming endogenous wind 清肝息风, clearing liver-fire for calming endogenous wind 解毒息风, removing toxic substance and calming endogenous wind 柔肝息风, softening liver for calming endogenous wind 滋阴息风, nourishing yin for calming endogenous wind 养血息风, nourishing blood for calming endogenous wind温中散寒,warming spleen and stomach for dispelling cold 温肺散寒,warming lung for dispelling cold 温肾散寒,warming kidney for dispelling cold 暖肝散寒,warming liver for dispelling cold 温胃散寒,warming stomach for dispelling cold 温通小肠,warmly dredging small intestine 温经散寒,warming channel for dispelling cold 暖宫散寒,warming uterus for dispelling cold 2019年大阅兵
温经活血,warming channel and activating blood circulation 温经止血,warming the channel for stopping bleeding 治风法,method of expelling wind 疏散风邪,dispelling wind pathogens 祛风解痉,dispelling pathogenic wind from muscles 平肝熄风,suppressing hyperactive liver for calming endogenous wind 清热熄风,clearing heat for calming endogenous wind cooling blood for calming endogenous wind 清肝息风,clearing liver-fire for calming endogenous wind 解毒祛风,removing toxic substance and calming endogenous wind 柔肝息风,softening liver for calming endogenous wind 滋阴熄风,nourishing yin for calming endogenous wind 养血息风,nourishing blood for calming endogenous wind 豁痰熄风,eliminating phlegm for calming endogenous wind 平肝潜阳,suppressing hyperactive liver and subsiding yang 息风解痉,relieving spasm by calming endogenous wind 熄风定痫,arresting epilepsy by calming endogenous wind 祛风解痉,dispelling pathogenic wind for resolving convulsion 祛痰法, method of expelling phlegm 宣肺化痰,dispersing lung qi and dissipating phlegm 燥湿化痰,eliminating dampness and phlegm 渗湿化痰,eliminating dampness and resolving phlegm 祛痰化浊,eliminating phlegm and resolving turbidity 清热化痰,removing heat-p
红烧鲅鱼正宗做法hlegm 润燥化痰,moistening dryness for removing phlegm 温化寒痰,warming for resolving cold-phlegm 祛风化痰,dispelling pathogenic wind and eliminating phlegm 涤痰熄风,clearing phlegm for calming endogenous wind 理气化痰,regulating qi-flowing for eliminating phlegm 散寒化饮,dispelling cold and resolving fluid-retention 泻肺逐饮,eliminating pathogens from lung for expelling fluid-retention 温阳化饮,warming yang for resolving fluid-retention 化痰消瘀,dissipating phlegm and eliminating blood stasis 化痰散结,dissipating phlegm and resolving mass
化痰消瘿,dissipating phlegm for eliminating goiter 祛痰宣痹,eliminating phlegm and dredging blockage of channel 开窍法, method of inducing resuscitation 清热开窍,clearing away for resuscitation 宁心开窍,calming heart for resuscitation 芳香开窍,causing resuscitation with aromatics 化痰开窍,eliminating phlegm for resuscitation 辛温开窍,resuscitation with pungent and warm drug 驱虫法, method of expelling intestinal parasites 驱蛔杀虫, expelling and killing ascarid 温脏安蛔, calming intestinal ascaris by warming method 驱虫攻下,expelling intestinal parasites by purgation 健脾驱虫,strengthening spleen for expelling intestinal parasites 杀虫消疳,destroying parasites for 增肌粉和蛋白粉
curing malnutrition 安神法 , tranquillization 重镇安神,tranquillization with heavy prescription 养心安神,nourishing blood for tranquillization 益气安神,benefiting qi for tranquillizing 滋阴安神,nourishing yin for tranquillization 解郁安神,resolving stagnation for tranquilization 消导法,method of promoting digestion 消食化滞,resolving food-stagnancy 消热导滞,clearing heat and removing stagnation of food 消痞化积,relieving oppression and mass 软坚散结,softening and resolving hard mass 固涩法, astringing method 固表止汗,consolidating exterior for arresting sweating 益气固表,invigorating qi and consolidation of superficies 敛阴固表, astringing yin and consolidation of superficies 敛肺止咳, astringing lung for relieving cough 涩肠止咳, relieving diarrhea with astringents 益气摄精, benefiting qi for protecting men 补肾摄精, invigorating kidney for protecting men 固经止血, consolidating channel for hemostasis 固涩止血,astringing for hemostasis 固冲止带,consolidating Chong Vesl for stopping leukorrhagia 补肾安胎,tonifying kidney for preventing miscarriage 固涩敛乳,astringing for arresting lactation 缩尿止遗,reducing urination for preventing enuresis 治痈疡法,method for treating sores and carbuncles 疮疡消法,resolving metho
d for ulcer and sore 疮疡托法,method of expelling pathogens by strengthening vital qi 疮疡补法,benefiting method for sore and ulcer
解毒消痈,removing toxic substance for eliminating carbuncles 活血解毒,promoting blood circulation and detoxication 解毒护阴,removing toxic substance for protecting yin 解毒消肿,removing toxic substance for detumescence 清热排脓,clearing heat and discharging pus 通腑排脓,catharsis and expelling pus 祛瘀排脓,removing blood stasis and expelling pus 托里排脓,expelling pathogens by strengthening vital qi and expelling pus 提脓拔毒,elminating pus and toxin 提脓去腐,eliminating pus and slough 活血去腐,promoting blood circulation and eliminating necrosis 去腐消肿,eliminating slough and detumescence 去腐生肌,eliminating slough and promoting granulation 透脓生肌,promoting pus-drainage and granulation 生肌收口,promoting granulation and wound healing 养阴生肌,nourishing yin and promoting granulation 益气生肌,benefiting qi and promoting granulation 养血生肌,nourishing blood and promoting granulation 回阳生肌,restoring yang and promoting granulation 去毒生肌,detoxication and promoting granulation 消肿生肌,detumescence and promoting granulation 生肌定痛,promoting gr
anulation and relieving pain 消痈散疖,resolving carbuncle and expulsing boil 通乳消肿,promoting lactation for resolving carbuncle 燥湿敛疮,eliminating dampness and astringing sores 消解余毒,expelling retained toxin 敛疮止痛,healing sore and rlieving pain 明目,improving eyesight 祛风明目,dispelling pathogenic wind for improving eyesight 清肝明目,removing liver-fire for improving eyesight 凉血明目,cooling blood for improving eyesight 化瘀明目,expelling blood stasis for improving eyesight 补肾明目,tonifying kidney for improving eyesight 滋肝明目,nourishing liver for improving eyesight 养血明目,nourishing blood for improving eyesight 补气明目,benefiting qi for improving eyesight 退翳明目,removing nebula for improving eyesight 通耳,improving hearing 通鼻,relieving stuffy no 利咽,relieving sore throat 清咽,clearing heat from throat 开音,sound producing 固齿,strengthening teeth 壮水制阳,strengthening governor of water for restraining hyperactivity of yang文天祥的诗句>熊猫简笔画大全
益火消阴,boosting source of fire for eliminating abundance of yin 引火归原,conducting fire back to its origin 交通心肾,restoring normal coordination between heart and kidney 续经接骨,reunion of fractured tendons and bones 强筋壮骨,strengthening tendons and
恨怨bones 通络下乳,dredging collateral for promoting lactation 外治法,external tretment 掺药法,method of dusting powder drug 吹药法,method of blowing drug 导药法,guiding medicinal method 滴药法,dripping method 割治法,cutting method 药熨疗法,therapy of hot medicinal compress 热敷疗法,hot compress therapy 敷贴疗法,application therapy 膏药疗法,plaster therapy 药膏疗法,ointment therapy 发疱疗法,vesiculation therapy 箍围疗法,therapy of encircling lesion with drugs 湿敷疗法,moisten-compress therapy 敷脐疗法,umbilical compress therapy 药浴疗法,medicinal bath therapy 熏洗疗法,fumigation and wash therapy 熏蒸疗法,fumigation and steaming therapy 冲洗疗法,irrigation therapy 腐蚀疗法,immersion and wash therapy 缠缚疗法,eroding method binding therapy 切开疗法,incision therapy 引流疗法,drainage therapy 放血疗法,blood letting therapy 活烙疗法,cauterization threapy 烧蚀疗法,burning-eroding therapy 刮痧疗法,scrapping therapy 神灯照疗法,lamp lighting up therapy 点眼法,eye dripping therapy 敷眼疗法,eye compress therapy 金针拔障疗法,therapy of cataractopiesis with mental needle 勾割疗法,hook-cutting therapy 滴耳疗法,ear-dripping therapy 吹耳疗法,Ear insufflation therapy 塞耳疗法,ear-plugging therapy 洗耳疗法,ear-washing therapy 鼻嗅疗法,smelling therapy