第二章 消化系统
Chapter 2 Digestive System
accessory pancreatic duct 副胰管
accessory parotid gland 副腮腺
aggregated lymphatic follicles 集合淋巴滤泡
alimentary canal 消化管
alimentary gland 消化腺
alimentary system 消化系统
alveolar bone 牙槽骨
ampulla of rectum 直肠壶腹
anal canal 肛管
anal columns 肛柱
anal pecten 肛梳
anal sinus 肛窦
anal valves 肛瓣
武术分类angular incisure 角切迹
anocutaneous line 肛皮线
anorectal line 肛直肠线
anus 肛门
apex of tongue 舌尖
apical foramen 牙根尖孔
ascending colon 升结肠
ascending part 升部
bare arer 裸区
body of gallbladder 胆囊体
body of pancreas 胰体
body of stomach 胃体
body of tongue 舌体
caecum 盲肠
canine teeth 尖牙
cardia 贲门
cardiac incisure 贲门切迹
cardiac part 贲门部
caudate lobe 尾状叶
cavity of pharynx 咽腔
cement 牙骨质
cheek 颊
colic bands 结肠带
conon 结肠
common bile duct 胆总管
common hepatic duct 肝总管
crown of tooth 牙冠
cystic duct 胆囊管
deciduous teeth 乳牙
deep part 深部
dental cavity 牙腔
dental pulp 牙髓
dentate line 齿状线
dentine 牙质
descending colon 降结肠
descending part 降部
diaphragmatic surface 膈面
duodenal bulb 十二指肠球
duodenojejunal flexure 十二指肠空肠曲
duodenum 十二指肠
enamel 釉质
epiglottic vallecula 会厌谷
epiploic appendices 肠脂垂
esophagus 食管
extrinsic lingual muscles 舌外肌
falciform ligament 镰状韧带
filiform papillae 丝状乳头
fissure for ligamentum teres hepatic 肝圆韧带裂
fissure ofrligamentum venosum 静脉韧带裂
foliate palillae 叶状乳头
foramen cecum of tongue 舌盲孔
fornix of stomach 胃穹窿
fossa for gallbladder 胆囊窝
frenulum of tongue 舌系带
fundus of gallbladder 胆囊底
fundus of stomach 胃底
fungiform papillae 菌状乳头
gall bladder 胆囊
genioglossus 颏舌肌
gingival 牙龈
greater curvature of stomach 胃大弯
haemorrhoidal ring 痔环
hard palate 硬腭
haustra of colon 结肠袋
head of pancreas 胰头
hepatic fissure 肝裂
hepatopancreatic ampulla 肝胰壶腹
horizontal part 水平部
ileocecal orifice 回盲口
ileocecal valve 回盲瓣
ileum 回肠
incisors 切牙
inferior duodenal flexure 十二指肠下曲
intrinsic lingual muscles 舌内肌
isthmus of fauces 咽峡
jejunum 空肠
large intestine 大肠
laryngopharynx 喉咽
left colic flexure 结肠左曲
left interlobar fissure 左叶间裂
left intergmental fissure左外叶段间裂
left lobe of liver 肝左叶
lesr curvature of stomach 胃小弯
ligament of Treitz Treitz 韧带
ligamentum teres hepatic 肝圆韧带
ligamentum venosum 静脉韧带
lingual tonsil 舌扁桃体
liver 肝
longitudinal fold of duodenum 十
lower dental arch 下牙弓
duodenal papilla 十二指肠大乳头
major salivary glands 大唾液腺
median glossoepiglottic fold 舌会厌正中襞
middle hepatic fissure 正中裂
minor duodenal papilla 十二指肠小乳头
minor salivary glands 小唾液腺
molars 磨牙
nasolabial sulcus 鼻唇沟
nnasopharynx 鼻咽
neck of gallbladder 胆囊颈
neck of tooth 牙颈
notch for ligamentum teres hepatis 肝圆韧带切迹
oral cavity 口腔
oral cavity proper 固有口腔
oral lips 口唇
oral vestibule 口腔前庭
oropharynx 口咽
palate 腭
palatine tonsil 腭扁桃体
palatoglossal arch 腭舌弓
palatopharyngeal arch 腭咽弓
pancreas 胰
pancreatic duct 胰管
papilla of parotid duct 腮腺管乳头
papillae of tougue 舌乳头
parotid duct 腮腺管
parotid gland 腮腺
perineal flexure of rectum 直肠会阴曲
periodontal membrane 牙周膜
permanent teeth 恒牙
pharyngeal opening of auditory tube 咽鼓管咽口
pharyngeal recess 咽隐窝
pharyngeal tonsil 咽扁桃体
pharynx 咽
philtrum 人中
piriform recess 梨状隐窝
porta hepatis 肝门
premolars 前磨牙
辛亥革命纪录片pulp cavity 髓腔
pulp chamber 牙冠腔
pyloric antrum 幽门窦
pyloric canal 幽门管
pyloric part 幽门部
pyloric sphincter 幽门括约肌
pyloric valve 幽门瓣
pylorus 幽门
quadrate lobe 方叶
rectum 直肠
right colic flexure 结肠右曲
right interlobar fissure 右叶间裂
right intergmental fissure 右后叶段间裂
right lobe of liver 肝右叶
root canal 牙根管
root of tongue 舌根
root of tooth 牙根
老年人吃什么水果好sasral flexure of rectum 直肠骶曲
salivary gland 唾液腺
condary porta of liver 第2肝门
sigmoid colon 乙状结肠
small intestine 小肠
soft palate 软腭
solitary lymphatic follicles 孤立淋巴滤泡
sphincter of hepatopancreatic ampulla 肝胰壶腹括约肌
sphincter ani externus 肛门外括约肌
sphincter ani internus 肛门内括约肌
spiral fold 螺旋襞
stomach 胃
subcutaneous part 皮下部
sublingual caruncle 舌下阜
sublingual gland 舌下腺
submmandibular gland 下颌下腺
sulcus for vena cava 腔静脉沟
superficial part 浅部
superior duodenal flexure 十二指肠上曲
superior part 上部
suspensory ligament of duodenum 十二指肠悬韧带
suspensoy muscle of duodenum 十二指肠悬肌
tail of pancreas 胰尾
teeth 牙
terminal sulcus 界沟
tongue 舌
transver colon 横结肠
tubal tonsil 咽鼓管扁桃体
tubal torus 咽鼓管圆枕
uncinate process 钩突
upper dental arch 上牙弓
uvula 腭垂
vallate papillae 轮廓乳头
velum palatinum 腭帆
vermiform appendix 阑尾
visceral surface 脏面
white line 白线
wisdom tooth 迟牙
inspection 望诊
inquiry 问诊
auscultation 听诊
percussion 扣诊
palpation 触诊
biopsy 活组织检查
pathological ction 病理切片
endoscopy 内窥镜检查
ECG(electrocardiogram) examination 心电图检查
EEG(electrocardiogram) examination 脑电图检查
Intravenous pyelography 静脉肾盂造影术
Skin-test 皮肤试验
examination by centesis 穿刺检查
routine analysis of blood 血常规分析
urine analysis of blood 尿常规分析
red blood cell count(RBC) 红细胞计数
white blood cell count(WBC) 白细胞计数
general check-up 全身检查
routine examination 常规检查
follow-up examination 随访检查
consultation 会诊
emergency 急诊
diagnosis 诊断
prognosis 预后
convalescence, recovery 康复
relap 复发
treatment 治疗
prescribe 开药方
fill a prescription 配药
injecting 打针
hypodermic injection 皮下注射
intramuscular injection 肌肉注射
intravenous injection 静脉注射
inoculating 预防注射
fluid infusion 点滴注射
blood transfusion 输血
do 剂量
tablet 药片
capsule 胶囊
liquid medicine 药水
powder 药粉
ointment 药膏(软膏)
plaster 硬膏,石膏
lotion 洗剂
suppository 栓剂
analgesics 止痛药
antipyetics 退烧药
antitussive 止咳药
expectorant 祛痰药
diuretics 利尿药
hemostatic 止血药
antidiarrheal 止泄药
antipruritic 止痒药
antidote 解毒药
antirheumatic 抗风湿药
anticarcinogen 抗癌药
antibiotics 抗菌素
anticoagulant 抗凝剂
cardiac tonic 强心药
vasodilator 血管舒张药
vasoconstrictor 血管收缩药
antiepileptic 抗癫痫药
antispasmodic 解痉药
dative 镇静药
anesthetics 麻醉药
penicillin 盘尼西林
streptomycin 链霉素
gentamycin 庆大霉素
aspirin 阿斯匹林
morphine 吗啡
dolantin 度冷丁
iodine 碘酒
distilled water 蒸馏水
normal saline solution 生理食盐水
atropine 阿托品
hormone 激素
gluco 葡萄糖
side effect, adver effect 副作用
operative treatment 手术疗法
major operation 大手术
minor operation 小手术
anesthesia 麻醉
general anesthesia 全身麻醉
local anesthesia 局部麻醉
excision, removal, rection 切除术
tonsillectomy 扁桃体切除术
thyroidectomy 甲状腺切除术
pneumonectomy 肺切除术
ectomy 乳房切除术
gastrectomy 胃切除术
cholecystectomy 胆囊切除术
hepalobectomy 肝叶切除术
nephrectomy 肾切除术
salpingectomy 输卵管切除术
hysterectomy 子宫切除术
hysteromyomectomy 子宫肌瘤切除术
proctectomy 直肠切除术
appendectomy 阑尾切除术
prostatectomy 前列腺切除术
tracheotomy 气管切开术
incision of abscess 脓肿切开术
craniotomy 颅骨切开
thoracotomy 胸廓切开
laparotomy 剖腹术
amputation 截肢
fixation 固定
hot compress 热敷
cold compress 冷敷
gastric lavage 洗胃
enema 灌肠
urethral catheterication 导尿
hemostasis 止血
dressing 包扎
w up the incision 缝合切口
remove the stitches 拆线
cardiac massage 心脏按摩
artificial respiration 人工呼吸
diet 饮食
special diet 特定饮食
low protein diet 低蛋白饮食
low fat diet 低脂肪饮食
low calorie diet 低热量饮食
liquid diet 流质饮食
mi-liquid diet 半流质饮食
solid diet 固体饮食
light diet 易消化的饮食
vegetable diet 素食
absorbent cotton 脱脂棉
adhesive 胶布
bandage 绷带
bath towel 浴巾
cotton wool balls 棉球
dressing 敷料
elastic bandage 弹力绷带
gauze 纱布
mask 口罩
mattress 垫子
swab 橡皮单
swab 药签
alcohol burner 酒精灯
breast pump 吸奶器
curet(te) 刮匙,刮器
dropper 滴管
drying baker 干燥器
enema can 灌肠筒
enema syringe 灌肠注射器
finger stall 指套
forceps 钳子
hemostatic forceps 止血钳
obstetric forceps 产钳
funnel 漏斗
gastric tube 胃管
glass measure cup 玻璃量杯
hypodermic syringe 皮下注射器
pump 筒,泵
needle 针头
ampule 安
ice bag 冰袋
incubator 保温箱
kidney basin 弯盆
furnish measuring tape 带尺
medicine cup 药杯
Murphy's drip bulb 墨菲滴管
percussion hammer 叩诊锤
rectal tube 肛管
rubber gloves 橡皮手套
sand bag 沙袋
scales 磅秤
scalpel 手术刀
scissors 剪刀
specimen container 取样器皿
sucker 吸管
ribbon 肠线
test tube 试管
thermometer 体温表
three-channel tube 三腔管
spatula (padded tongue blade) 压舌板
tourniquet 止血带
tray 托盘
ultraviolet lamp 紫外线灯
vesl clamp 止血钳、血管夹
vial 药瓶bedside commode 床边洗脸台
bedside rails 床栏
bedpan 床上便盆
disposable coll
ecting bag 一次性采尿袋
emesis basin 盂盆
patient pack 医院为病人提供的个人用具袋
urinal 男用尿壶、贮尿壶binder 腹带、绷带
straight abdominal binder 直腹带
breast binder 裹胸带
elbow protector 肘护套
sling 悬带
splint 夹板
scrotal support 阴囊托cane (walking stick) 手杖
crutch 拐杖
leg brace 腿支架
stretcher 担架
walker 助行器
wheelchair 轮椅isolation unit, t-up 消毒室,消毒病房
garbage can lined with plastic bag 内衬塑料袋的垃圾罐
isolation cart (plastic bags, masks, gowns, laundry bags, gloves) 消毒箱(内装塑料袋、口罩、衣服、洗衣袋、手套)
surgical isolator 外科手术消毒包
wastebasket lined with plastic bag 内衬塑料袋的字纸篓cannula 套管、插管
perfusion cannula 灌注导管
wash-out cannula 冲洗套管
catheter 导管
cardiac catheter 心导管
indwelling catheter 留置导尿管
double current (two-way) catheter 双腔导管
flexible catheter 软导管
female catheter 女用导尿管
prostatic catheter 前列腺导尿管
railway catheter 槽式导尿管
lf-retaining catheter 自流(潴留)导尿管
tracheal catheter 气管吸引导管
dialyr 透析膜
dialyzator 透析器drainage-tube 引导管旧手机资料怎么导入新手机
elastic drainage-tube 橡皮引流管
glass drainage-tube 玻璃引导管
enemator 灌肠器
intubator 插管器irrigator 冲洗器
oxygen tank 氧气筒
品质管理 oxygen tent氧幕、氧气帐rubber-topped hemostat 带橡皮头的止血器
speculum 窥器、张口器
anal speculum 肛门张口器、护肛器
aural speculum 耳窥器、耳镜
eye speculum 开睑器
nasal speculum 鼻窥器、鼻镜
speculum oris 张口器
rectal speculum 直肠窥镜,直肠张开器
urethral speculum 尿道窥器
vaginal speculum 阴道窥器suction 吸吮器
disposable suction apparatus for wound suction一次性伤口吸吮器
sputum suction apparatus 吸痰器
suction machine 吸吮机
mechanical suction 机械吸吮器
wall suction 壁式引流器steam tent 蒸气帷
wall oxygen outlet 壁式输氧机
ventilator 呼吸机、呼吸器
automatic ventilator 自动呼吸器
positive pressure ventilator 正压呼吸机
negative pressure ventilator 负压呼吸机