Inspirations, Discoveries, and Future Perspectives in Total Synthesis全合成的未来
The last one hundred years have witnesd a dramatic increa in the power and reach of total synthesis.
The pantheon of accomplishments in the field includes the total synthesis of molecules of unimaginable beauty and diversity such as the four discusd in this article: endiandric acids (1982), calicheamicin γI (1992), Taxol (1994), and brevetoxin B (1995). Chon from the collection of the molecules synthesized in the author’s laboratories, the structures are but a small fraction of the myriad constructed in laboratories around the world over the last century.
Their stories, and the background on which they were bad, should rve to trace the evolution of the art of chemical synthesis to its prent sharp condition, an emergence that occurred as a result of new theories and mechanistic insights, new reactions, new reagents and catalysts, and new synthetic technologies and strategies.
Indeed, the advent of chemical synthesis as a whole must be considered as one of the most influential developments of the twentieth century in terms of its impact on society.
Conclusion and Future Perspectives 总结和远景
The first one hundred years of the Organic Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society (1908-2008) saw an unprecedented growth in the power and scope of the scienc
e of organic chemistry. Some of the most spectacular progress政治资料 occurred in chemical synthesis in general and total synthesis in particular.
Although the achievements are too many to mention, one can clearly recognize the increa in the power of the methods and tools, and the molecular complexity that can be reached in the laboratory. As en earlier, Table 1 lists the Nobel Prizes that have been awarded to date in the field of organic 电脑流量监控synthesis and related disciplines along with the citations for the work recognized and provides a general snapshot of the gradient of the art and science of total synthesis, organic synthesis, and organic chemistry.
It is interesting to note that while no Americans are found on the list prior to 1965, that year marks a change. That change, of which the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society must be proud, is reflected in the 17 Nobel Laureates who award winning work has been done in the United States since then.
With such record of accomplishment and height in power, one may ask what is next for chemical synthesis. While wishes may be expresd accurately, predictions are more risky, especially when they pertain to such a dynamic and ubiquitous discipline as that of chemical synthesis, where rendipity still plays a major role in discovery.
However, a few measured words on the subject of future perspectives are both in order and不失落 expected. First and foremost, synthesis has to be viewed as an牛肉萝卜 art and a science that needs to be advanced for its own sake.
Deficiencies certainly exist and become stark when we compare our prent capabilities with tho of nature in terms of efficiency and unwanted byproducts. Improvements are clearly needed with regard to strategies and tactics.
Availability of raw materials and sustainability concerns dictate the discovery and development of new synthetic methods and technologies for the conversion of renewable natural materials beyond petroleum and other traditional sources into high value and muc
h needed products such as pharmaceuticals, nutritional foods and supplements, and advanced materials.
Converting carbon dioxide back to more valuable organic molecules is a challenge waiting to be answered, and green chemistry should be pursued riously for the sake of the planet. The goal should be the development of chemistry through which renewable natural resources can be converted to high value products cleanly and efficiently, and in harmony with nature for the benefit of society.
In order to rve humanity optimally and to fully exploit its power, chemical synthesis must also be focud on, and become the awesome tool in, other areas and disciplines. Thus, expanding its reach beyond its traditional boundaries in chemicals and pharmaceuticals, synthesis can help push the envelope and shape the new frontiers in biology and physics, and in biotechnology and nanotechnology.苹果耳机设置