Shattered Faith
I remember my first Mortenson ①Moment. It was a few years ago, in an old auditorium. Greg Mortenson, arriving late, flashed a shy smile and a namaste sign as he took the stage. Soon he launched into The Story: How in 1993, he ②stumbled into the tiny Pakistani village of Korphe. How the kind villagers nurd him back to health③ with many cups of tea. How as payment for their generosity, he returned to build a school. ④How that one school became hundreds of schools across Pakistan and Afghanistan. And how, tonight, we could help him build more.
If Mortenson’s story—distilled from his mega-bestller Three Cups of Tea—emed ⑤smarmy in places, its pull was irresistible. Anybody with a heart had to be inspired by the beautiful idea that one man could make such a profound difference in such a hard and desperate part of the world. People had not merely come to listen, they’d come to believe.
This past week, thanks to⑦an extended piece of electronic journalism by bestlling author Jon Krakauer, we learned that Mortenson may very well be a charlatan. That significant passages of The Story appear to be fictions .That his charity is apparently hopelessly mismanaged. That many of its schools stand empty—some of them rving as storage sheds for hay.
⑧It’s only natural to feel betrayed and disappointed upon discovering that tho we admire are flawed. But this was more than simple imperfection.
⑨Believers like me were left to pick up the million little pieces of yet another shattered hero. And to wonder, how could we have been so gullible?
Americans have a profound longing for heroes—now perhaps more than ever. On some level, we still subscribe to the myth of the man⑩in the white hat. We yearn to believe not only in his good dee
ds but in his inherent goodness as a person. We em to have a monochromatic view of heroism. We have a hard time believing that the doer of a heroic deed could have rious defects or①even be rotten to the core. Heroes are suppod to be heroic—period. We prefer to take ours neat.
Yet all heroes and saints are imperfect—even the greatest ones. So what? Their accomplishments em all the more heroic③ for their having been complicated, multidimensional, flesh-and-blood human beings.
Our deep need for heroes is tied to the sheer size of our country and the myth of the frontier. During the time of the “winning”of the West, the most popular form of literature in America was the “blood and thunder”:
mass-produced novels in which swashbuckling characters rescued kidnapped women, shot up the savages, and saved the day. ④The nation was hungry for a single heroic character who could personify the surge of Manifest Destiny, exalting American accomplishments while simplifying the stickiest aspects of Western conquest. Who cares if it wasn’t true?
Perhaps⑤ the most telling quote from Krakauer’s piece speaks to this same theme—the notion that Mortenson’s story was allowed to⑥blossom without check for years becau it soothed the ⑦national conscience during a messy, intractable war.
Until we hear from him, I prefer to hold on to the perhaps naive belief that ⑧the final truth of the allegations will fall somewhere shy of doing irreparable harm to his great cau. The idea of Three Cups of Tea remains heroic, even if its creator has gone astray.