1。Your job as a future employee is to help the hiring manager mitigate that risk。A
A。 alleviate B。 manage C.suppress D.trace湘江风光带
2. You need to help them identify you as a prospective “key player”。C
A。immediate B.permanent C。expected D。prosperous
3。 Kelly was outstanding and outshone every other player on the field。B
A.polished B.surpasd C.overlooked D。survived
成贵铁路4. Better still,develop a reputation inside your lab and with people your lab collaborates with as a person who fosters and initiates collaborations.C
A.furnishes B.relieves C。originates D.protects
5. He is a former scientist who transitioned to industry many years ago and then on to a s
enior management position。D
A。transplanted B.succeeded C。pursued D。transferred
6。 The unions mobilized thousands of workers in a protest against the cuts。D我想听故事
A。removed B。discarded C。contracted Danized
7。 This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly,but for tho who can think fast with the courage to act on their convictions。D
A。instincts B。accents C。reputations D.beliefs
8. His speech was made with such great ambiguity that neither supporter nor opponent could be certain of his true position。C
A.neatness B.acquisition C.vagueness D。perception
9。 The scientist who is transitioning into the business world must prioritize his or her relationship asts above their technical asts.A
A.advantages B.ranges C。defects D.abstracts
10. This approach, combined with a liberal u of the pronoun “we”and not just “生抽和老抽I"when describing your accomplishments,can change the company’s perception of you from a lone wolf to a lfless collaborator。D
A。respon B.scope C。obrvation D.impression
11。 I’m trying to foster an interest in classical music in my children.A
A.encourage B。adopt C.oppo D。resist
12。 A German company collaborated with a Swiss firm to develop the product.B
A。operated B。cooperated C.collided D.liberated
1. Each and every restaurant provides delicious yet economical culinary fare.A
A.food B. choice C.ticket D。soup
2。 Guangdong Province is located in southern China, with a 端午习俗moderate climate and abundant produce all year round.B
A.harsh B。mild C。excessive D。humid
3. The culinary culture has exerted a far-reaching influence on other parts of China.B
A。spreading B。widespread C。positive D.famed
4。 Many Chine restaurants in China, as well as other parts of the world, rve this dish, but often the flavor is less authentic.C
A.agreeable B。acceptable C.genuine D.contrastive
5。 The names of Chine dishs are diver.B
A。misleading B。varied C.interesting D.divided
6. This dish of streaky pork is prepared over a slow fire.A
A.fatty B。lean C。steamed D。diced
7. People later named it Dongpo Meat, to commemorate this gifted and generous poet。B
A.recommend B.honor C.promote D.advocate
8。 It is famous for leaving a lingering aftertaste in the mouth.C
A。strong B.fragrant C.continuing D。imposing
9. The eating process is a time to show humility and concern for others。A
A。modesty B。care C.responsibility D。passion
10.Qu Yuan drowned himlf in the Miluo River after being politically wronged.C
A.ntenced B.abud C。treated unjustly D。banished
Unit 4
1.Although such a statement may em lf-centered(自我为中心的), it's actually(实际上) quite insightful/perceptive(富有洞察力的)。虽然这样的话听起来似乎有些以自我为中心,实际上却是相当有见地。
A。 perceptive B.insignificant C.superstitious D.respectful
中国式英语 2.Among other things, people who like themlves are more open to criticism(批评) and less demanding of/包修exacting of others。从别的方面来说,自我喜欢的人更乐于接受批评,对别人的要求也不那么苛刻.
A。 exacting of B.caring for C。disaproving of D。concerned of
3。It can be romantic, exciting, obssive/compulsive(令人着迷的), and irrational。它可能是浪漫的,令人激动的,让人着迷的,或者是不理智的。
A。impatient B.polished C. compulsive D。spiritual
4。And, people who say they are “in love” emphasize caring, intimacy, and commitment/fidelity(忠诚,忠心).而且,说自己“处于恋爱中”的人们重视相互之间的关心、亲密和忠诚。
A。relationship B。fidelity C.accommodation D.promi
5。In any type of love , caring about the other person is esntial. Although love may involve passionate(激情的) yearning/desire(渴望), respect is a more important quality。不管是哪种类型的爱,关心另一方是非常必要的。虽然爱可能包含激情的渴望,然而相互尊重才是最重要的品质。
减法口诀A.involvement B.desire C.conscience D。ache