M:Excu me.What’s the best way to get to Michigan Avenue?
W:Sorry,but I’m a visitor here.I was actually going to ask you how to get to California Street! M:Looks like we’re both out of luck!I wish I had a map right about now.
W:I think I’ll have the steak and potatoes,medium⁃rare for the steak,plea.Jeremy,what are you going to have?
M:I think I’m just going to have a salad.I’m trying to eat less meat.
W:Oh,did you hear that?It’s like our roles are reverd!Ha⁃ha!
M:Very funny .
W:That’s a nice hat.Where did you get it?
M:My grandfather gave it to me as a birthday prent when I turned13.I don’t usually wear it that much becau it doesn’t go with a lot of my clothes.But this camping trip is perfect for it.
M:Can you just let me drive the way I want?
W:Dude,you’re going way over the speed limit.And you just ran that stop sign back there. M:You don’t even have your driver’s licen!How can you even begin to judge me? W:Ok,that’s it.I’ve had enough.Let me out of this car!
W:Do you have any extra tickets to the basketball game,Eric?
M:No,sorry,Gina.I sold my last one to Bobby this morning.
W:Oh,okay.I don’t have any money,anyway.I was just kind of hoping you had an extra one that you didn’t need.
M:I don’t know what’s wrong with Randle.Every time I take him to the park,he doesn’t want to play with the other dogs.
W:Well,maybe he’s just tired of something.
M:But he’s always been super social.It’s not just that,though.Whenever we go for a walk,his, uh well,when he does his business,”it’s not very,uh
同在一片蓝天下W:What?Just spit it out!
M:His poop is different than usual,ok?I know that might be gross,but I read online that it can be a sign that something is wrong.
W:Why don’t you just take him to the vet?If something is wrong with him,then that’s the best way to find out.
W:Are you going to watch the World Series?
M:No.I don’t care about that anymore.
W:Why is that?I thought you were a huge baball fan.
M:I am but my team isn’t in the playoffs anymore,so I don’t have any reason to watch the games.
W:But don’t you want to e who wins?You know as a fan of the game?
M:Look,Judy,I don’t really want to talk about this,okay?I’m still upt that we lost,and I don’t think I’ll be able to move on until this whole thing is over.I actually can’t wait for the World Series to end!
W:Oh,I had no idea that you felt that way.Sorry if I made it wor.
M:It’s ok.I guess I get a little too emotional about it.It’s only becau this happens to us every year.We haven’t won a championship since I was a kid!
M:Stacy,I need to buy a new car.I need something with good safety features and good gas mileage,but I also need it to be decent to look at.It also has to be pretty cheap. W:Well,you’ve just described the impossible!Freddie,you need to be realistic.You probably won’t be able to have all tho things in one car.You can’t have everything in life,you know.
M:Yeah,I figured.
W:So,what’s the most important thing?
M:Well,I only have twenty⁃five thousand dollars to spend.That’s my upper limit.
W:Ok,well,we can basically forget about sports cars and big SUVs.But tho don’t really match the other requirements,anyway.Here’s the big question:which is more important looking good or getting good gas mileage?
M:Well,I don’t have a ton of extra money to spend on gas,so I guess I’ll have to go with something a bit more economical.关于草原的诗句
W:Cool.You don’t even need a fancy car,if you ask me.And the good news is that less expensive cars with good gas mileage tend to be really safe.
W:Thank you for coming down today,Mr.Parker.Would you like some coffee?
M:No,thank you.
W:Mr.Parker,plea tell us what you saw on the night of February18th.
M:Well,I was walking home from work that night.I usually drive to work,but my car was in the shop that day.Anyway,I saw this little old lady cross the street,and this guy came out of nowhere and grabbed her pur.
W:Did he have a gun,Mr.Parker?
M:It was dark,but I’m sure I didn’t e any weapons.He did push her down to the ground, though.She screamed,and the man ran away.
W:Did you e what he was wearing?暧昧的表现
M:He had on a brown leather jacket and a black baball hat.He was wearing blue jeans and white shoes.
W:Do you remember how tall he was?What about his build?
M:He emed kind of normal,
W:Could you be more specific,Mr.Parker?
M:I’m sorry.I’m really not good at guessing tho kind of things.A little shorter than me,and a little heavier.I’m six feet tall and I weigh190pounds.
W:That’s very helpful,Mr.Parker.Thank you.
Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.May I have your attention,plea?This is your captain speaking,and I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you to United Airlines.Our flight time to Shanghai will be eleven hours and ten minutes,so we should be arriving fifteen minutes ahead of schedule.We are expecting some turbulence up ahead in about five minutes,so I’m going to ask you to keep your at belts fastened.Once we’re through the rough patch,I’ll turn off the at belt sign,and you can move around the cabin.You should keep your atbelt on whenever you’re ated,however,and as conditions can change quickly.In about thirty minutes, our flight attendants wi
ll be coming around with drinks for you,followed by our evening meal.If you want to e a list of movies we’re showing during the flight,plea refer to the magazine in the at pocket in front of you.Let me remind you that there is absolutely no smoking on this plane anywhere.Failure to follow this rule could land you a big fine,or even in jail,so don’t risk it! Ok,folks,it looks like we’re entering the rough winds now,so make sure you’re all buckled up!