Unit 1
The full name of UK
Four parts of UK and its capital cities respectively
History---native Celts
invasion from Roman Empire---43 A.D.
贯注Settlement of Anglo-Saxons---410 .
Norman Conquer----William the Conqueror---1066
Battle between Parliament and King---Oliver Cromwell
William and Mary---the Glorious Revolution---1688
Independence of Scotland for 300 years and its union with England in 1707
Wales---independence tendency
Unit 2
蚂蝗The Easter Rising of 1916
The Sinn Fein Party
The Good Fridady Agreement in 1998
签劳动合同Unit 3
The Monarchy----the role of queen
The Parliament---the Bill of Rights in 1689
The Prime Minister/ the Cabinet
The Consitution---no written consitution
Parliament---the role of Parliament
The Hou of Lords
The Hou of Commons----central role---651 MPs
Unit 4
General Elections---who can vote and who cannot vote
5 years term
The Labour Party
The Conrvative Party
Class—middle class / working class
Relative decline
Three industries---North Sea---oil and gas
London Stock Exchange The City
Frank Whittle---jet engine in 1937
Unit 6
The Canterbury Tales
The legends of King Arthur
William Shakespeare---comedies and tragedies
17th century----Francis Bacon, John Milton
18th century----Jonathan Swift, Robert Burns, Daniel Defoe
19th century----Romanticism----poem---Wordsworth, Byron, Keats, Shelley
Novel----Jane Austen, the Bronte Sisters, Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy
20th century---Modernism---Joph Conrad, Virginia Woolf, D.H. Lawrence,
E.M. Forster, George Orwell
Unit 7
5---16 compulsory education
Public school---Eton, Winchester
Comprehensive school
A-level exams
famous universities of UK
无可奈何造句子the Open University
Unit 8
Permanent member of UN Security Council
FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office)---foreign policy making
Unit 9
Newspapers---The Times---oldest daily newspaper
The Obrver---odest national newspaper
T钢笔书法字帖he qualtiy papers/tabloids
Fleet Street/ Street of Shame
Media----BBC( licence fees)/ ITV
Unit 10
Football---FA—football hooligans
Tennis---Wimbeldon---invented in Britain
Cricket---first sports with organid rules/same rules nationally---fair play
Gofl---invented by Scottish鸡眼怎么引起的
Hor Racing---flat racing/ steeplechasing
The Royal Ascot
Fox hunting
Holidays and Festivals
Chrismas---three unique traditions
Trooping the Colour---cond Saturday in June
Guy Fawks Night---Nov. 5
Orange Marches---July 12
St. Patrick’s Day---March 17
New Year’s Eve
Burns Supper---Jan. 25
Halloween---Oct. 31
Unit 1 American Beginnings
Native Americans/ Indians
1492 Christopher Columbus
1497 John Cabot
The first English Settlement---London Company---virginia in 1607---JamesⅠ
Beliefs of Puritans
Maryland---Catholic ttlement---Lord Baltimore
Pennsylvania---Quakers---William Penn
13 colonies
The American Revolution---1774, the first Continental Congress
1775, the cond Continental Congress
1776, July, 4 Declaration of Independence
1783 Independence
Unit 2 The Political System
Artiles of Confederation
Constitutional Convention in 1787
Constitution, Bill of Rights/ amendments in 1791
Checks and Balances
Legislative Branch----The Hou of Reprentatives---435—two-year term
The Senate---100---six-year term
Executive Branch----President---two terms---8 years
13 departments
Judicial Branch----Supreme Court---chief justice---8 associate justies
Federal Courts of Appeal
瑜伽品牌Federal District Courts
The Republican Party---elephant---red
The Democratic Party---donkey---blue
Unit 3 Economy
Alexander Hamilton—protective tariff
Industrial Revolution---the first factory---Samuel Slater---1793---cotton textile mill
Rhold Island
Eli Whitney----cotton gin/ interchangeable parts
Henry Ford---asmbly line ---1913
Scientific management
The New York Stock Exchange---Wall Street