Canadian Political System
Introduction:Canada is a constitutional monarchy with a federal system of parliamentary government and strong democratic traditions. Its political system under which modern Canada operates is known as the Westminster system. Since Canada’s political structure is modeled after tho of Britain and the United States, it can be described as both a federation like the US and a constitutional monarchy like Britain.
Westminster system: The Westminster system is a democratic parliamentary system of government modeled after the politics of the United Kingdom. This term comes from the Palace of Westminster, the at of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.
The esntial features of the怎么用excel Westminster system are:
∙ The Government is chon by the democratically elected lower hou. The government requires the continuing support of a majority of members of that chamber to stay in office.
∙ The head of government is the Prime Minister, who leads a Cabinet which is responsible t
o the lower hou.
∙ A loyal Opposition exists, led by the leader of the party or parties with the cond largest number of ats in the lower hou.
∙ A constitutional monarch, if one exists, who is “above politics” and acts on the advice of the prime minister.
∙ There is a career public rvice which impartially rves the government of the day.
∙ The armed rvices are outside of politics and act on the instructions of the government.
∙ The rule of law prevails, with an independent judiciary, subject to the Constitution.
The Canadian government consists of three parts:
ONE: The Legislature 立法
The Parliament of Canada: the Hou of Commons and the Senate.
●The Hou of Commons:Each member chon by a majority of eligible voters in each of the country's federal electoral districts, or ridings, via a plurality voting system. To run for one of the 308 ats in the Hou of Commons, an individual must be at least 18 years old, and on average, members of the Hou of Commons are elected for a maximum of five-year term.
●The Senate:It is a group of 105 individuals appointed by the governor general on the advice of the prime minister; all tho summoned to the Senate by the viceroy must be a minimum of 30 years old, and own property with a net worth of at least $4,000, in addition to owning land worth no less than $4,000 within the province he or she is to reprent. Its main function is to accept or reject the suggestion of the Hou of Commons.
●The Prime Minister is often the leader of the majority party in Parliament, and lects the ministers who make up the Cabinet, they exerci executive power as the “Government”, and are responsible only to the Hou of Commons.
TWO: The Executive 执行
● The Governor General holds the highest position and is theoretically the source of executive power. In practice, however, the Governor General is only the symbolic executive who can act only on the advice of the Canadian Prime Minister and the Cabinet.
1) To summon the Hou of Common and the Senate;
2)To give Royal Asnt to all federal laws pasd by the Hou ;
3)To open and end ssion of Parliament;朱成玉
珍惜英语4)To dissolve Parliament before an election.
五分钟演讲●The Canadian government is divided into :
The federal government: It shares many of the provincial government’s features. Besides, it has a cond chamber equivalent to the Canadian Senate.
The provincial government: A lieutenant Governor reprents the King or Queen in each province; their duties are similar to tho of the Governor General.
Territorial government: Three territories have their own governments but with less power than tho of the province.
THREE: The Judiciary 司法机构
The courts in Canada are organized in four-level structure.
Level 1: The Supreme Court.
●It rves as the final court of appeals in Canada.
●It hears both civil and criminal appeals from decision of the courts of appeals in all the provinces and territories.中学开学时间
●It plays a special role as advir to the federal government on questions concerning the Constitution and controversial complicated areas of private and public law.
Level 2: The Federal Court of Appeal and the various provincial courts of appeals.
Level 3: The Federal Court, The Tax Court of Canada, The provincial and the territorial superior courts of general jurisdiction.
Level 4: Provincial courts.
Political Parties 政党
(1)报送审批综合性规划草案和专项规划中的指导性规划草案时,将环境影响篇章或者说明一并报送。There are three main political parties in Canada.
新增加的六个内容是:风险评价;公众参与;总量控制;清洁生产和循环经济;水土保持;社会环境影响评价。●The Liberal Party: The most favored and influential political party in Canada, founded in 1867, and has often over the years held a majority in the Canadian Hou of Commons林景新, and at other times still remained a substantial amount of ats. This party combines a liberal social policy with a moderate economic policy.