定语从句by which的用法
祖国大好河山 By which是一个常用的定语从句引导词,用于修饰先行词,并且在从句中作为介词的宾语。在英语中,by which的用法非常灵活,可以用于各种不同的语境中。下面是一些常见的用法:
1. The book, by which I mean the one on the top shelf, is my favorite.
这个句子中,by which修饰先行词book,表示“我指的是那本在书架顶部的书”。
2. The company, by which I was employed, went bankrupt last year.
这个句子中,by which修饰先行词company,表示“我曾经在那家公司工作”。
3. The car, by which we traveled, broke down on the way to the airport.
这个句子中,by which修饰先行词car,表示“我们乘坐的那辆车在去机场的路上抛锚了”。
4. The hotel, by which I mean the one with the red sign, is very expensive.
这个句子中,by which修饰先行词hotel,表示“我指的是那家有红色招牌的酒店”。
5. The project, by which I mean the one we discusd last week, is due next month.网格化社会治理
这个句子中,by which修饰先行词project,表示“我指的是我们上周讨论过的那个项目”。
6. The law, by which I mean the one pasd last year, has caud a lot of controversy.
这个句子中,by which修饰先行词law,表示“我指的是去年通过的那个法律”。
燕麦面包 7. The muum, by which I mean the one with the dinosaur exhibit, is clod on Mondays.
这个句子中,by which修饰先行词muum,表示“我指的是那家有恐龙展览的博物馆”。
8. The restaurant, by which I mean the one on Main Street, has the best pizza in town.
这个句子中,by which修饰先行词restaurant,表示“我指的是那家在主街上的餐厅,他们的披萨是城里最好的”。
9. The movie, by which I mean the one we saw last night, was really scary.
这个句子中,by which修饰先行词movie,表示“我指的是昨晚我们看的那部电影”。
10. The song, by which I mean the one that was playing on the radio, reminded me of m
江西有哪些好玩的旅游景点y childhood.
这个句子中,by which修饰先行词song,表示“我指的是那首在收音机里播放的歌曲,它让我想起了我的童年”。
by which是一个非常常用的定语从句引导词,可以用于各种不同的语境中,表示不同的含义。在使用时,需要根据具体的语境来确定其含义。