With the change of the main contradictions in our society, the people's needs for a better ecological environment are constantly increasing, and we are eager to accelerate the improvement of the quality of the ecological environment. China's construction of ecological civilization has entered a tac
kling period of providing more high-quality ecological products to meet the growing graceful ecological needs of the people,and it is time for the conditions and ability to solve the outstanding problems of the ecological environment. To constantly meet the beautiful ecological needs of the people, we must resolutely fight against pollution. Environmental Fiscal Expenditure , as the most direct means to protect the environment, control pollution and promote ecological efficiency ,since the reform of the government revenue and expenditure in 2007, it has been included in the fiscal budget, the amount of national fiscal expenditure on environmental protection incread from 99.582 billion yuan in 2007 to 629.761 billion yuan in 2018, a growth rate of 118.06%,which shows that China is paying more and more attention to the protection of the ecological environment and the improvement of ecological efficiency. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to examine the impact of environmental protection fiscal expenditure on ecological efficiency.
Bad on summarizing relevant literature, theory, and current situation, this article explores the impact of environmental protection fiscal expenditure on ecological efficiency by collecting provincial panel data from 2007 to 2016 for empirical analysis and testing theoretical assumptions. and finally propos wisdom bad on empirical results. Finally, we make corresponding recommendations bad on the conclusions. The structure of the article is following: First, summarizing the relevant de
velopment theories and literature, ,reshaping the connotation of ecological efficiency both economic efficiency and environmental efficiency. At the same time, analyzing the internal impact mechanism on ecological efficiency from the behavior of environmental fiscal expenditure; Second, sorting out related environmental protection policies, analyzing the current state of environmental protection fiscal expenditures, and using the DEA model with directional distance function to measure ecological efficiency,and
坚持好干部标准then it is decompod into economic efficiency and environmental efficiency for status analysis.Third, bad on the theoretical analysis and the status analysis, establishing a fixed-effect model of the data from 2007 to 2016 and conducting empirical tests,which will help us to make recommendations.治咳川贝枇杷滴丸
Conclusions are following: First, from the perspective of the evaluation of ecological efficiency, there are higher ecological efficiency, economic efficiency and environmental efficiency in the eastern region which compared with the central and western regions .For most of provinces, low ecological efficiency is caud by low environmental efficiency. Only a few provinces are affected by both economic and environmental efficiency. Second, the increa in per capita environmental fiscal expenditure can promote the improvement of ecological efficiency. In high ecological efficiency areas,
increasing expenditure can also further improve ecological efficiency through the "positive externalities" of ecological efficiency. Third, the impact of per capita fiscal expenditure is significant for the ecological efficiency of the eastern region, when the central and Western are not significant. But it's positive relationship between the eco-efficiency of eastern and western regions and per capita fiscal expenditure on environmental protection. Fourth, the spatial effect of the model is discusd in the expansive analysis. Model results show that neighboring provinces’ error shocks have a negative impact on the province's ecological efficiency; the ecological efficiency of this period is affected by the previous ecological efficiency; and the degree of trade openness, fiscal autonomy, regional economic development level, industrial structure level and environmental governance intensity of neighboring provinces also have significant spatial spillover effects on the province's ecological efficiency.
Key words:Environmental expenditures;Ecological efficiency;Environment efficiency
第一章引言 (1)
第一节研究背景和研究意义 (1)
一、研究背景 (1)
二、研究意义 (2)
第二节国内外文献综述 (3)
一、环保财政支出的研究 (3)
二、生态效率的相关研究 (4)
三、环保财政支出对生态效率的影响 (6)
四、文献述评 (10)
第三节研究内容、方法与结构 (10)
一、研究内容 (10)
二、研究方法 (11)
三、框架结构 (12)
第四节研究创新点与不足之处 (14)
一、研究创新点 (14)
二、不足之处 (14)
第二章概念界定与理论分析 (15)
第一节相关概念界定 (15)
一、环保财政支出的概念 (15)
二、生态效率的概念 (15)
第二节理论分析 (15)
一、最优公共支出理论 (15)
二、外部性理论 (18)
三、区域竞争理论 (20)
教案检查评语四、公共产品理论 (22)
五、环保财政支出影响生态效率的理论机制分析 (22)
第三章现状分析 (26)