1.以here, where作前缀与另⼀个词构成⼀个正式法律词汇中的专业副词术语如:hereafter, hereby, herein, hereinafter, hereinbefore, hereof, hereto, hereunder, hereupon, herewith, thereafter, thereby, therefrom, therein, thereinafter, thereinbefore, thereon, thereof, thereupon, therewith;
whereas, whereby, wherein, whereon, etc.
译⽂①: Parties shall adhere to the principle of fairness in designating each party‘s rights and obligations.
★ each party所指是谁⽽且条⽂⼀开始的parties 也不明确。
译⽂②:The parties to the contract shall comply with the principle of fairness in defining the rights and obligations of the parties thereto.
★译⽂中的thereto限制了parties,指的是the parties to the contract, 也就是⽤⼀个thereto代替了⽂中的3个“to the contract,”使⾏⽂简洁、明了、准确。
★译⽂②中的⽤词defining ⽐译⽂①中的designating确切。Define = to determine or identify the esntial qualities; to fix or mark the limits of sth; to make distinct; clear or detailed 之意,designate: to point out the location, to indicate and t apart for a specific purpo. 不如define在表达“确定”的内在含义上更贴切。
新生儿斗鸡眼 第六条当事⼈⾏使权利、履⾏义务应当遵循诚实信⽤的原则。
译⽂①: Parties shall adhere to the principle of honesty and trust worthiness in exercising their rights and performing their obligations.
★译⽂中两次⽤their,这种情况在法律语⾔中是极少的,法律语⾔中避免⽤不确定的代词。所以应该删去their, 以thereof 来限定为合同规定的权利和义务。修改见译⽂②。
译⽂②:The parties to the contract shall, in accordance with the principle of good faith, execute the rights and perform the obligations thereof.
★thereof 代替of the contract,使意思表达明确。⼜如,要表达前⽂提及过的合同的“合同条件、条款”时,可以译为“the terms, conditions and provisions thereof” 。
译⽂①: After a contract goes into effect, the parties may reach a supplementary agreement on items that have not been included or are not explicitly stipulated in the contract, such as quality, price or remuneration, place for performance and other matters;…….
★ a supplementary agreement:意思不明…….that have not been included虽是限制性定语从句,仍末说明包含在什么之中?
★ Such as ⼜显得⽆处着落,句⼦结构不严密。英⽂的含义与原⽂出⼊很⼤。
译⽂②: If, after the contract made by and between the parties becomes effective, there is no agreement therein on the terms and provisions regarding quality, price or remuneration and place of performance, etc. or such agreement is unclear, the parties may, through consultation, agree upon s
upplementary terms and provisions;
★⽤agreement therein把agreement说得⾮常清楚,指agreement in the contract.
★ therein: in that; in that particular context; in that respect之意,表⽰在上⽂已提及的, ⽐如表⽰“合同(中)的…….,⼯程(中)的……”时,可以⽤此词。⼜如,表⽰“修补⼯程中的缺陷”可以译为“ the remedying of any defects therein”, 此中的therein即 “in the Works”,⼜如“⽤于⼯程中的材料或机械设备”可译为 “materials or plant for incorporation therein” 此时的therein乃是 “in the Works”。本条款中的therein指的是 “in the contract made by and between………”
第96条 ……. 对⽅有异议的,可以请求⼈民法院或者仲裁机构确认解除合同的效⼒。
译⽂①:…… If the other party has objections, it may request a people‘s court or an arbitration organization to confirm the rescission.
If the rescission of a contract is required to go through approval and registration procedures according to the provisions of laws or administrative regulations, the relevant party shall act accordingly.
粮食画图片大全 ★ the other party has objections 反对的对象不清楚,后⾯应该加thereto,即objection to the fact that the contract shall be rescinded(在上⽂中)这回事。
★ it may request……,合同法律⽂件中很少⽤代词it来代表某⼀⽅,应该⽤the party in question 来限定,使之不发⽣歧义或误解。In question: under consideration; being talked about,此词组表⽰“在考虑中或在议论中”的某事或某问题,有强调限制作⽤,可译为“这”“该”如“该⼯程”可译为 “the Works in question” 常⽤于合同法律⽂件中。
★ a people‘s court不合适,⼈民法院已成为专有名词,the people’s court。
★ to confirm the rescission ⽋译。可改为to confirm the rescission of the contract.
★ if the rescission of a contract is required…….中的If表⽰如果,假设的情况。中⽂的含义是⽐较确定的,不宜⽤if.
★ The relevant party 所指是谁?不明确。原⽂就没有执⾏的主语,⽤被动语态来处理。
★ act accordingly 语⾔⽋正规、确切。
译⽂②:……If the other party disagrees therewith, the party in question may request the people‘s court or an arbitration institution to confirm rescission of the effectiveness of the contract.
Where the laws or administrative regulations specify that the rescission of a contract shall go through the formalities of approval and registration, the provisions thereof shall be complied with.
★ therewith: with that 与此,与之。即disagrees with the fact that the contract shall be rescinded.
★ Where: ⽐If肯定,表⽰处在某种情况下,环境中,法律中常⽤。
★ thereof 在前⾯已谈到,指provisions of the laws or administrative regulations, ⽤此词组⽐译⽂①简洁、鲜明。
★ shall be complied with 正规的法律语⾔。
译⽂①:If the safekeeping duration expires or the depositor wants to obtain the deposited goods, the safekeeping party shall return the original goods and their interest to the depositor.
★ wants to obtain………与原⽂意思有出⼊,“提前”未译,“领取”之意也末译出。
★ goods指货物,原⽂中是保管物,未指明是货物,有出⼊。
★ and there interest: there 所指不明(法律⽂件中少⽤)。Interest来⾃何处不清。“孳”的词义未译出。
译⽂②:If the safekeeping duration expires or the depositor claims and retrieves the article before the expiry date, the safekeeping party shall return to the depositor the original article and the interest generated therefrom.
★ claims and retrieves:系同义词连⽤,取两个字的相同的词义,因为 claim除了索取,取回外,还有索赔之
★ article ⽐goods 准确,贴切。
★ therefrom就很好的监管了interest这个词,把孳息的来源说清楚了,即from the article.
★ generated这个词很好地表达了孳息,即息⽣息,不断滚动的利息。
译⽂①:A commission contract is a contract between the commissioning party and the commissioned party, under which the commissioned party handles business for the commissioning party.
★ business:复数形式只作买卖、店铺、商号解。作事务、职责、任务解是不可数的,所以应⽤business.
★ under which…… which所指何物?不清楚,容易产⽣歧意、产⽣误解
★ business 很少与for短语连⽤
译⽂②:A commission contract refers to a contract between the commissioning party and the commissioned party whereby the commissioned party shall handle the business of the commissioning party.
★ whereby: by the agreement; by the contract; by the following terms and conditions etc. 凭此协议,凭此条款等等,此词常⽤于合同协议书中,引出合同当事⼈应承担的主要合同义务。
We hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statement is true and correct and all available information and data have been supplied herein, and that we agree to provide documentary proof upon your request.
★ hereby: by means of, by reason of this,特此,因此,兹等意,常⽤于法律⽂件、合同、协议书等正式⽂件的开头语;在条款中需要强调时也可以⽤。上⽂中hereby:特此之意。
★另有些专业⽤语也⼀并作些解释。如:to the best of our knowledge: as far as we know。
★ foregoing statement: above-mentioned statement 上述声明。
★ herein 这也是法律⽂件中常⽤的字:in this, in the statement。
★ documentary proof:证明⽂件。
This Law is hereby formulated and prepared in order to develop the foreign trade, maintain the foreign trade order and promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy.
Foreign trade mentioned herein shall cover the import and export of goods, technology and the international trade in rvices.
★ This Law is hereby formulated and prepared: 意为“兹制定本法……… ”
★ maintain the foreign trade order维护对外贸易秩序
★ promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy促进社会主义市场经济的健康发展
★ Foreign trade mentioned herein本法所称对外贸易
★ herein: 作in this Law解
★ the international trade in rvices国际服务贸易
A sales contract refers to a contract whereby the ller transfers the ownership of an object to the buyer and the buyer pays the price for the object.
★ sale contract:买卖合同
★ the ller:出卖⼈, 注: ller在法律中称为出卖⼈,在合同中称为卖⽅;同样Buyer在法律中称为买受⼈,⽽在合同中称为买⽅。
★ object: 标的物,即买卖合同中出售的货物。
在合同等法律⽂件中,表⽰强制性承担责任、履⾏义务,即中⽂中常⽤的“应该”,“必须”等字眼时,翻译时应该⽤shall,⽽不能⽤“must” 或 “should”.有时可以⽤will,但⼒度不如 shall强。
This company shall be a Chine legal person. All activities hereof shall be governed and protected by the Laws and relevant rules and regulations of People‘s Republic of China.
★ Legal person:法⼈
★ All activities hereof:All activities of this company公司的⼀切活动
All disputes arising from the performance of this contract shall, through amicable negotiations, be ttled by the Parties hereto. Should, through negotiations, no ttlement be reached, the ca in question shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing and the arbitration rules of this Commission shall be applied.
★ 3个shall都表⽰应履⾏的责任。
★ Should引导假设条件句,代替if,倒装句型。
★ amicable negotiation:友好协商。
★ the performance of this Contract 履⾏本合同。自由落体运动实验
★ the Parties hereto: the Parties to this Contract 本合同双⽅。
★ shall then be submitted for arbitration 然后应提交仲裁。
★ the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing: 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京)
对外经济合同等法律性⽂件要求使⽤书⾯的正规⽤语,以维护法律⽂件的尊严及权威性。常⽤的专业词汇有:in accordance with, unless otherwi, provided that, be deemed to, in question, in ca, be liable for, be liable to, in respect of, in the event that, in (the) ca ,etc. 此外还常⽤些⼤词,法律正式⽤词等等。中⽂条款译成英⽂条款时,不运⽤或不会运⽤专业词汇,译⽂就显不出其法律的权威
译⽂①:Parties shall enjoy the right to sign contracts on their own according to law, and no unit or individual shall interfere illegally unless legally authorized to do so.
★ enjoy: to have for one‘s u, benefit, to take pleasure 之意带有感情⾊彩,⾮正式⽤词。
★ to sign contracts; sign: to place a sign to, to engage or hire 签字,签名。这是按照中⽂“签合同”译来的。签订合同的动词可以单独⽤conclude or enter into ( a contract ),或者由下列⼏个动词的任意两个的组合,即同义词连⽤:sign, conclude, make, enter into (a contract ), 单独⽤sign contract是不能表达签订合同之意。
★ unless legally authorized to do so: 属于加意,原⽂并⽆此意。
★ according to: ⾮法律⽤语,应该正式⽤语in accordance with
译⽂②:The parties shall, in accordance with the law, have the right to voluntarily conclude and enter into a contract. No unit or individual shall illegally interfere.