摘录于Hosting Amazon: One Click Shopping (Economist 2017.9.16)
Set one’s heart aflutter 令人激动不已
Tantalizingly xx跟在形容词后面表示是如此xx,十分诱人,例如:
The payoff will be tantalizingly large,回报巨大,十分诱人
康师傅方便面广告Good access to transport 交通便利 √
带动地方就业:support and additional xx local jobs/ rai local employment by five jobs √
Amenities便利设施 √
Other analys suggest其它分析/研究表明 √
Across people and time 在很长一段时间内广泛影响各种群体(可以是广泛惠及、也可以是
e.g. The benefits are spread widely, across people and time. √
Be inconvenienced by… 因…而不便 √
Need an injection of economic life 需要注入经济活力√
Micromanaging government and dubious finance 政府管控紧、金融条件差(的城市)√
Experience broad productivity gains 生产力大幅度提高
Narrowly lo out 以微弱的差距输掉(标的、比赛等)
Politically tricky to enact 以政治途径来实施将会十分棘手
Upend this dynamic 情况正与此相反
Asrt 声称
Stand a real chance真正有机会
The shortest odds are on sb/sth最没有机会的是……
Dripping with sth 过剩
Upend this dynamic情况正好与此相反
Gambit 招数、手段、策略
Extract sth榨取、牟取
Extract concession, 牟取优待、谋求对方让步
Extract public subsidy 榨取公众福利(subsidy原来是补助的意思,个人觉得不必译得太死,应该就指福利)
Civic improvement觉得和中文 “改善民生”意思特别相近
The bounty is unlikely to end there.好处远不止于此。Bounty原指回报、奖励金
摘录于Endangered: American influence has dwindled under Donald Trump. It will not be simple to restore (2017.11.11 Economist)
G西装革履造句ranted 诚然
America’s standing in the world美国的全球地位
Emulate vt仿效
Wishful (thinking) 一厢情愿的(想法)
Pell-mell (n/adj/adv)混乱、胡乱、乱七八糟
Mishmash 大杂烩
Stoking 火上浇油、拨旺火
Alarm sb 让人警惕、提心吊胆
Bully someone into making concessions 与上一篇的 extract concession意思一致
All bets are off一切难以预料
Soft power软实力
Contract sb 与……意见相左 (简单明了啊!!)
Wor off 更加糟糕
Political purge政治整肃
Tact (为人处世的)技巧、
His love for generals is matched by a disdain for diplomats.
Be voted out被选出局、选下台
Alarm friend and foe alike. 让友军和敌军一样提心吊胆。
This repels America’s liberal allies, in Europe, East Asia and beyond.
The trump team will not make a big push to (积极地、大力地) disrupt (change, modify) global trade until tax reform has pasd through (cleared) congress.
摘录于Surnames in Japan: When two become one from Economist Nov. 11th 2017
Theirs is a rare ca. 他们的情况比较特殊。 Their ca is unique. ×
Maiden name 闺名
Fall behind sb 不如… not doing as well as…×
Numbered adj 时日无多的
e.g. The law’s days are numbered 这部法律的废除指日可待
The traditional family is still very much the norm. 传统家庭依然是标准的家庭模式。
There is a growing n that some of the conventions surrounding family life is unduly rigid. 越来越多的人意识到,家庭生活相关的传统当中有一部分过于严格。
摘录于Caveat Comrade from Economist Nov. 11th 2017
A menagerie of beasts stalking the economy 一群偷偷逼近中国经济的“洪水猛兽”
央行行长central-bank chief/president/governor
Black swan黑天鹅,指概率小、影响大的时间,比如特朗普当选、英国脱欧
Grey rhino 灰犀牛 ,指被忽视的风险
Crocodile 鳄鱼,指专门攻击弱点
Straight talker直言不讳的人/blunt直言不讳的/outspokenness直言不讳 √
Benign conditions= economy is in good shape √
Party ja汤姆猫和杰瑞鼠rgon 党内的行话、套话
Refreshingly free of party ja时尚美甲rgon 不说党内的套话,让人耳目一新
Indefinitely 无限期地、永远地、一直地
Once-soaring 曾经一路高涨、一路走高的
Rhetoric 花言巧语 、说法、说辞
Refrain from stating绝口不提
摘录于The bull market in everything from Economist Oct. 7th 2017
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Autocrat Dictator Despot tyrant | autocratic | |
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Dodder (老人)蹒跚、显出老态橙色郁金香的花语 Doddering (老人)老态龙钟的、步履蹒跚的 | Toddle (孩童)走步不稳的、东倒西歪 Toddler 学步儿童、幼童装 冬天的句子短句唯美 | |
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