Toddler Anna: Elsa (knocks)
Do you want to build a snowman 想不想玩堆雪人呢
Come on let's go and play 快出来 我们一起玩
I never e you anymore 好久没见到你了
Come out the door, 快从门里出来
It's like you've gone away 怎么煮小米粥就好像你已离开
We ud to be best buddies 我们曾经是那么要好
番茄蛋汤的做法>事业编考试考什么And now we're not 现在却变了
I wish you would tell me why 真希望你能告诉我原因
Do you want to build a snowman 想不想玩堆雪人呢
It doesn't have to be a Snowman 不玩堆雪人也可以哦
Young Elsa: Go away, Anna 快走开 安娜
Toddler Anna: Okay, bye 好吧 拜拜
The gloves will 手套能阻挡魔力 看
Conceal it Don't feel it.藏住它 不要去感觉它
Don't let it show不要让魔力出现
Young Anna: (knocks) Do you want to build a snowman想不想玩堆雪人呢
Or ride our bike around the halls 或者在大厅里骑自行车
I think some company is overdue 已经很久都没人陪我一起玩
I've started talking to The pictures on the walls 我已经开始和墙上的画说话了
(Hang in there, Joan! )
It gets a little lonely, All the empty rooms, 八珍糕的做法所有房间都空着 我感到有点孤独
Just watching the hours tick by 只能看着时钟的指针来回摆动
(Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock)梳洗
Anna: (knocks) Elsa
日本传统音乐Plea I know you're in there, 求求你 我知道你在里面
People are asking where you've been, shuxue大家都在问你去了哪里
They say "have courage"; 他们叫我鼓起勇气
And I'm trying to, 我也在努力
I'm right out here for you 我来这里找你
Just let me in 请让我进去
We only have each other如今我们只剩下彼此
It's just you and me只有我和你
What are we gonna do 我们该何去何从
Do you want to build a snowman (sniff)想不想玩堆雪人呢