Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by lecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be ud only once.
Today is my last day in Copenhagen. It is difficult to believe that I should leave after two months’ 有趣的发现1) adventurous experiences in Denmark. I am so grateful for all the wonderful people who were so 2) generous to open their homes and their hearts to me. Additionally, I am thankful for all the city planners who t aside time in their busy 3) schedules to meet with an American student.
It will be strange to return home to where well-intentioned 4) dwellers who e me cycling offer to throw my bike in their car and take me wherever I need to go. But at the same time I am ready. I think it is important not to 5) escape to the places where living in a certain way is easy. I think that America needs to build up its basic 6) facilities for bicycl
es, and I want to help improve our cities.湖光水影月当空打一字
You may think that I am too idealistic and obviously bicycling is not going to take off in the United States for plenty of 7) understandable reasons. You may be completely right. However, I believe a(n) 8) attempt can only fail if one is concentrated on the result. As one member of ven billion people, does that mean that I don’t have to make a(n) 9) measurable impact on anything becau there are plenty of other people to change the world? Absolutely not. We should have the realization that anything we manage to do will probably be 10) negligible . However, we have ven billion people and their impacts can add up. So if we can’t look forward to the result, we should at least try to enjoy the journey. Thankfully, when it comes to cycling, that one is easy!
∙A. generous
∙B. negligible
∙C. effort
∙D. neglected
∙E. adventurous
∙F. virtuous
∙G. schedules
∙H. deadlines
∙I. facilities
∙J. understandable
施工方案怎么做∙K. dwellers
∙L. attempt
∙M. habitats
∙N. measurable
∙O. escape
1) adventurous 2) generous 3) schedules 4) dwellers 5) escape 6) facilities 7) understandable 8) attempt 9) measurable 10) negligible
∧ 收起解析
Directions: You are going to read a passage with 10 statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choo a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter.
Bringing Back the Night: The Fight against Light Pollution
A) Last month, France – including the City of Light – grew darker late at night as one of the world’s most comprehensive lighting regulations went into effect. From to , shop lights are being turned off, and lights inside office buildings must be extinguished within an hour of workers leaving the premis. The lighting on France’s building facades (正面) cannot be turned on before sunt. Over the next two years, regulations restricting lighting on billboards will go into effect. The rules are designed to eventually cut carbon dioxide emissions by 250,000 tons per year, save the equivalent of the annual energy consumption of 750,000 houholds, and reduce the country’s overall energy bill by 200 million Euros ($266 million).
B) But no less a motivation, says France’s Environment Ministry, is to “reduce the print of
artificial lighting on the nocturnal (夜间的) environment” – a powerful acknowledgement that excessive u of lighting in many parts of the world is endangering our health and the health of the ecosystems on which we rely. The good news, however, is that light pollution is readily within our grasp to control.
大连夜景>音响试音C) Until recently, efforts to restrain our u of light have been primarily in respon to the rious light pollution erasing starry nights. But rearchers are increasingly focusing on the impacts of so-called ecological light pollution, warning that disrupting the natural patterns of light and dark, and thus the structures and functions of ecosystems, is having profound impacts.
D) The problem is worning as India, Brazil, and numerous other countries are becoming increasingly affluent and urbanized. Satellite views of the earth at night show v
ast areas of North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia glowing white, with only the world’s remotest regions – Siberia, the Tibetan plateau, the Sahara Dert, the Amazon, and the Australian outback – still hidden in darkness. Some countries, such as Britain, and some US states – including Connecticut and California – have enacted regulations to reduce light pollution, but most nations and cities still do little to dial down the excessive u of light.
E) Technological advances such as LEDs, or light-emitting diodes (二极管), can improve our ability to reduce and better regulate lighting, but the same new lights may actually make things wor becau they contain heavy dos of a “blue-rich” white light that is especially disruptive to circadian (昼夜的) rhythms.
F) Scientists are investigating new ways to provide society with the lighting it demands for
curity, commerce, and aesthetics, while greatly reducing the flood of light that is increasingly interfering with human health and the ability of many creatures to function. One rearch group funded by the German government – Verlust der Nacht, or Loss of Night – is coordinating numerous studies on light pollution, ranging from rearch into the socio-political challenges of cutting light pollution in the Berlin metropolitan area to the effects of light pollution on nocturnal mammals.