第7章 案例分析 Underwater Chaos
1. What’s your reaction to this story? What does it illustrate about decision making?
With the vast sums of money invested into large projects like the Eurotunnel (approximately £9.5bn), it amazes obrvers that important information (i.e. the affect of the cold weather) would not be considered beforehand. However, this situation is fairly common in projects that u groundbreaking technologies in extreme environments. The types of projects occur under conditions of uncertainty and great risk. It is common for the projects to experience unexpected ‘hiccups.’ The best ca scenario in the types of projects is to plan as to avoid life threatening catastrophes and to have contingencies plans in ca of emergencies.书包网官网
2. How could the decision-making process have helped in both the respon to the crisis sit
uation and in preventing it from happening?缓解疼痛的方法
Better planning is always suggested after the fact. Consideration of the effects of extreme weather could have been made part of the testing of the train and track equipment before it was put into u. While the situation was developing, emergency plans should have been in place to deal with a possible breakdown and better communication equipment made available. Eurostar should have been clued into possible problems when other forms of transportation broke down during the extreme weather. It is important to note that Eurostar did take the necessary actions after the incident to correct communication problems and retrofit train equipment.
3. Could procedures, policies, and rules play any role in future crisis situations like this one? If so, how? If not, why not?
Students may not be aware that most companies have plans for dealing with emergencie
s. Airlines are a good example of firms that practice risk management. The firms develop contingency plans for minor and wor ca scenarios. Employees are trained in how to handle emergencies and backup/emergency equipment is distributed throughout the organization. However, unexpected emergencies are by their very nature difficult to plan for. It is almost impossible to plan for every emergency. For example, after the first space shuttle disaster, NASA grounded the entire program and put together a small army of engineers and scientists to mitigate risk to the crew. Unfortunately, the shuttle program by nature is risky and again suffered the loss of another ship and crew.
4. What could other organizations learn from this incident?
As the adage goes, ‘accidents happen.’ Learning from mistakes and the actions that a company takes during an event like this is what’s important. Ask students if they have experienced a similar situation. Students may be able to relate to being stuck in a plane on a runway or in a hotel when rvices were down. How did the company respond?
冥火之触第9章 案例分析 Faded Signal
手机怎样连接电脑1. What strategic mistakes did Nokia make in the U.S. market?
中文注音While Nokia still does well in other countries, it has recently struggled in the US. Nokia’s biggest mistake in the US was that it thought it knew better what the customer wanted than the customers themlves. Seeing the buzz created by the iphone, Nokia neglected the growing fondness for apps and touch screens and believed that its products were superior. Another mistake has to do with the different technologies ud by cellphones (GSM vs. CDMA). Nokia was initially slow to adapt to the technology currently ud by a majority of US cell phone urs.
2. Why do you think a “smart” company makes “dumb” mistakes?
One of the paradoxes of business is that many times they are the victims of their own success. A good example of this phenomenon is Ford’s model T. Having designed a great car, Ford didn’t e the need to update the model it believed was superior to its competitors. While Ford rested on his laurels, other car manufacturers were listening to customers and providing the options and features that customers wanted.
3. What strategies is Nokia using to revitalize its North American business?
Nokia is using its partnerships with AT&T, Qualcomm, and Microsoft to expand their reach in the United States. On one hand, this could be viewed as a growth strategy. Take this statement from the ca, “Everything you e us doing is to build the broad t of capabilities to take us broader and deeper into the U.S. market.” On the other hand, in light of their rent failures what they are doing could be viewed as a turnaround strategy.
鲜花包装纸运维开发工程师4. How could Nokia have done better at using strategic management? What does this ca story tell you about strategic management?
Obviously, Nokia made the mistake of underestimating the competition (i.e. Apple) and not paying attention to the customer. When companies fail to take the considerations into account when determining their strategy, then they are sure to fail. The principle that they neglected is that strategic management cannot be made in a vacuum. The external environment and the competitive environment must be considered when planning
第12章 案例分析 Thinking Outside the Box
1. What external factors were affecting UPS’s HR practices? How did UPS respond to the trends?
The main challenge facing UPS has to do with a large number of projected retirements for delivery drivers. With many of the baby boomers nearing retirement age, UPS has tak
en steps to insure that they will have drivers ready to meet demand. Bad upon the premi that younger drivers learn best by technology and hands on training, UPS has created veral simulations and a videogames designed to aid in driver training