摘要:多准则决策理论与方法的应用能否达到预期的经济效益与社会效益,逐步成为该研究领域关注的核心议题。近年来,基于概率语言术语集(Probabilistic Language Term Set ,PLTS )的决策理论与方法受到广泛关注,PLTS 既能够反映决策者对方案或准则的犹豫模糊语言评价或比较偏好,又能体现各语言术语的概率信息,较为贴近决策者的思维认知过程,已广泛应用于投资项目风险评估、模式识别、医疗诊断等领域,产生了良好的应用效果。从PLTS 的信息融合理论、测度理论、偏好关系理论、基于PLTS 的多准则决策方法这四方面系统回顾PLTS 的研究现状,分析现有研究存在的不足,指出采用概率不确定语言术语集(Probabilistic Uncertain Linguistic Term Set ,PULTS )即能更为高效、精准地反映定性决策信息的模糊不确定性。阐述该领域后续研究应当重点关注PULTS 的信息融合、测度理论框架、偏好关系的一致性-共识达成过程、多准则群决策方法及其应用研究等核心问题,并给出相应的研究思路,为该领域后续研究提供可行性借鉴。
m字额文献标志码:A 中图分类号:C934;TP18doi :10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.2002-0265
HAN Erdong.Rearch progress on multi-criteria decision making method bad on probabilistic linguistic term t.Com-puter Engineering and Applications,2020,56(10):27-35.
文明城市绘画Rearch Progress on Multi-criteria Decision Making Method Bad on Probabilistic Linguistic Term Set赠友人的诗词>洋葱黄瓜炒鸡蛋
汽车LED灯HAN Erdong
School of Business,Luoyang Normal University,Luoyang,Henan 471934,China
Abstract :Whether the application of the theory and method of multi-criteria decision making can achieve the expected economic and social benefits has gradually become the core issue in this rearch field.In recent years,the theory and method of decision making bad on Probabilistic Language Term Set (PLTS )has attracted much attention,PLTS can not only reflect decision maker ’s hesitant fuzzy language evaluation or preference to the scheme or criteria,but also reflect the probability information of each linguistic term,which is clo to decision-makers ’cognitive process.It has been widely ud in investment project risk asssment,pattern recognition,medical di
agnosis and other fields,and has produced good application effect.The rearch status of PLTS is reviewed systematically from four aspects :information fusion theory,measure theory,preference relation theory and multi-criteria decision method bad on PLTS,the shortcomings of existing rearch are analyzed.It is indicated that Probabilistic Uncertain Linguistic Term Set (PULTS )can reflect the fuzzy uncer-tainty of qualitative decision information more efficiently and accurately.The follow-up rearch in this field should focus on the core issues such as the information fusion of PULTS,the framework of measurement theory,the connsus-connsus process of preference relations,the multi-criteria group decision making method and its application rearch,correspond-ing rearch ideas are given to provide a feasible reference for the follow-up rearch in this field.
Key words :multi-criteria decision making;probabilistic linguistic term t;information fusion;connsus reaching process 基金项目:河南省哲学社会科学规划项目(No.2018CJJ084)
(1987—),男,博士,讲师,研究方向为区域经济、决策理论与方法,E-mail :********************。
CNKI 网络出版:2020-04-15,knski/kcms/detail/11.2127.TP.20200415.1051.004.html Computer Engineering and Applications 计算机工程与应用27