Chapter Five: Basic Organization Designs
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Determining where decisions are made in the organization's hierarchy
a. defines spatial differentiation.
b. refers to work specialization.
c. defines the degree of centralization.
d. refers to the process of organization design.
2. The idea that jobs should be broken down into the simplest of steps, with one step generally assigned to each individual refers to
a. span of control.
b. work specialization.
c. chain of command.
d. line authority.
3. The MAIN problem to be expected when unity of command principle is ignored is that
a. employees have potential trouble coping with conflicting Priorities and demands.
b. supervisors cannot keep abreast of what all their subordinates are doing.
c. decision making is slow.
毛里求斯旅游 d. there is not enough flexibility.
4. Authority is to a Specific position as ____________ is to an individual.
a. decision making
b. responsibility
c. span of control
d. power
5. Which of the following statements is LEAST accurate regarding power?
a. Functional departments are wedges in the core.
b. The clor one is to the outer edge of the core, the more Power one has.
c. The organization's hierarchy is directly reprented at the edge of the core.
d. The clor one is to the power core, the more influence one has on decisions.
6. The rights inherent in one's job constitute _____________ while the capacity to influence decisions is _______________.
a. power; authority
b. power; responsibility
c. authority; responsibility
d. authority; power
7. Concerning the span of control, early management writers believed that
a. stronger managers should have a larger span of control.
b. top managers should have a larger span of control.
c. lower-level managers should have a larger span of control.
d. new managers should have a larger span of control.
8. A _____ span of control is associated with many levels of management, which gives ri to a _____ organizational structure.
a. wide; tall
b. wide; flat
c. narrow; tall
d. narrow; flat
9. _________ involves the delegation of decision-making and authority to lower levels in the organization.
a. Decentralization
b. Departmentalization
降火汤c. Specialization
d. Centralization
10. In a consulting firm, the consultants have _____ authority since their work directly contributes to the bottom line, whereas consultants in a manufacturing firm have _____ authority becau they are ud in an advisory capacity.
低血糖怎么治 a. planning; line
b. organizing; staff
c. line; staff
d. controlling; line
11. Which of the following is NOT likely to result from increasing the number of levels and layers of management in an organization?
内存占用过高 a. Overhead costs increa.
三年级上语文 b. Decision making can be slowed greatly.
c. Direct contact with the client or customer may be lost.
d. The organization gains additional competitive advantage.
12. The number of persons reporting directly to a single manager is an organizational issue relating to __________.
a. functional authority
b. centralization
c. line and staff relationships
d. span of control
13. The wider the span of control, the more the organization will tend to __________.
a. have many levels of management
b. be more costly than organizations with narrower spans of control
c. have flat structures
今晚的月色真美 d. have tall structures
14. Which of the elements of structure includes making efficient u of workers' diver skills?
a. work specialization
b. authority
c. chain of command
d. departmentalization
15. Terri must constantly report to the department chair as well as her immediate supervisor. Which of the following is being violated?
a. work specialization
b. unity of command
c. span of control
d. departmentalization
16. Which of the following is not a contingency variable that determines the appropriate
span of control for managers?
a. employee training
b. task complexity
蔡伦简介 c. management style preferences
d. expens
17. Tho managers who organizational function contributes directly to the achievement of organizational objectives have
a. span of control.
b. line authority.
c. staff authority.
d. responsibility.
18. A purchasing department may be created becau the hospital administrator cannot effectively handle all purchasing. What type of position authority has been created?
a. accountability
b. line authority
去看电影的英文 c. staff authority
d. responsibility
19. Power bad upon identification with a person who has desirable resources or personal traits is known as