1. Test (40)
●Multiple choices (25)
●True-fal (15)
2. Individual Exercis (30)
●Ca study
●Creating a scenario script, or managerial game, or managerial simulation, or
role-play, or team-bad exerci, etc.
3. Team Work (30)
●Ca discussion
●Decision-making simulation
● Ca study
Textbook: ca application
p25 Managing the Virus Hunters
p52 Threads of History
七下地理书p181 Fast Company
p289 Fixing What’s Broken: H-P’s Structural Challenge
p484 Best Buy…Best Job
p519 Radical Leadership
● Essay (100-300 words)
1)In a short essay, explain how the definition of a manager has changed over
time. Provide an example that illustrates the current definition. (easy)
2)In a short essay, discuss the difference between efficiency and effectiveness
and include a specific example to support each concept. (moderate)
3)In a short essay, list and discuss 7 of the 10 managerial roles developed by
Mintzberg. Include specific examples of each role and group each according to interpersonal, informational, and decisional roles. (difficult)
4)In a short essay, describe the three main types of managerial skills identified
by Robert Katz. Which skills are most important to each level of management, and why? (moderate)
5)In a short essay, discuss and contrast the work of Frederick Taylor and Henri
Fayol in management history. (difficult)
6)In a short essay, describe the Hawthorne Studies. Next, discuss the role of
Elton Mayo in the studies and list some of the findings of his rearch.
7)Describe four popular variables established by the contingency approach.
Explain how each variable might affect management approaches in different organizations. Provide an example of each. (difficult)
8)In a short essay, discuss the difference between structured and unstructured
problems. Include specific examples of each type of problem to support your answer. Next, discuss the type of decisions that would be ud to address each of the problems. (difficult)
9)In a short essay, discuss bounded rationality and satisficing. (easy)
10)In a short essay, describe the boundaryless organization. What types of
boundaries are there? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this organizational design? (easy)
11)In a short essay, describe a learning organization. What structural aspects does
a learning organization need? (moderate)
12)In a short essay, list and contrast the contribution of three early theories of
motivation. (moderate)
13)In a short essay, list and contrast the contribution of five contemporary theories of
motivation. (moderate)
14)In a short essay, explain which theories work best for certain cultures. The
discussion should include Maslow’s need hierarchy, the three-need theory, the equity theory, and Hertzberg’s two-factor theory. (difficult)
15)In a short essay, identify characteristics (or traits) and behavior of effective
leaders. (moderate)
16)In a short essay, list and discuss five sources in which leader power has been
identified. Include specific examples of each source of power to support your answer. (moderate)
Part 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction to Management and Organization
Chapter 2 Management Yesterday and Today
Part 3 Planning
Chapter 6 Decision-Making: The Esnce of the Manager’s Job
Chapter 7 Foundations of Planning
Chapter 9 Planning Tools and Techniques
Part 4 Organizing
Chapter 10 Organizational Structure and Design
Chapter 11 Managerial Communication and Information Technology
Chapter 13 Managing Change and Innovation
Part 5 Leading
Chapter 16 Motivating Employees
Chapter 17 Leadership
Part 6 Controlling
Chapter 18 Foundations of Control
Chapter 1 Introduction to Management and Organization
Key terms: Managers, management, organization.
I. managers-----who are managers?
Differences between managers and operatives
(coordinating, subordinates)
Top managers
The types of managers Middle managers
(differentiate, example) First-line managers
II. management----- what is management?
coordinating activities
2 key elements of management
香精怎么用accomplish goals efficiently and effectively efficiency & effectiveness (differentiate)
III. Organization-----what is an organization?
distinct purpo
3 characteristics of an organization people
deliberate structure
Understanding the characteristics of traditional and new organizations IV. What do managers do?
The key parts are three perspectives. They are
1) functions (list and define);
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling
2) management roles (name)
interpersonal (figurehead, leader, liaison),
informational (monitor, disminator, spokesperson),
decisional (entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator) 3) management skills (name and differentiate, conclusion)
(technical, human, and conceptual skills)
Chapter 2 Management Yesterday and Today
I. The development of management theories
(Major Approaches to Management)
Scientific Management,
General Administrative Theory,
Quantitative Management
Organizational Behavior
Systems Approach
因为的英文怎么写Contingency Approach
1) Scientific management-----Focus on (how to improve the productivity)
Book: Principles of Scientific Management(1911)
Experiment: “Pig Iron”
Taylor’s four principles of management
–U of scientific methods to define the “one best way” for a job to be done
1. Develop a science for each element of an individual’s work, which
replaces the old rule-of-thumb method.
2. Scientifically lect and then train, teach, and develop the worker.
3. Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensure that all work is
done in accordance with the principles of the science that has
been developed.
4. Divide work and responsibility almost equally between management
and workers. Management takes over all work for which it is
better fitted than the workers.
2)General Administrative Theorists-----focus on entire organization
Fayol’s management functions
(planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling) Fayol’s 14 principles of management (authority, unity of command, unity of direction, scalar chain)
3) Quantitative approach-----operations rearch or management science
It is the u of quantitative techniques to improve decision making.
•applications of statistics
•optimization models
•information models
•computer simulations
4) Organizational behavior------ Hawthrone Studies (Elton Mayo)
(focus on: human behavior in organizations
–concluded that social norms or group standards were key determinants of individual work behavior
From Hawthrone Studies, you know, Mayo concluded that
-behavior and ntiments are cloly related;
-group influences significantly affect individual behavior;
-group standards establish individual worker output;
-money is less a factor in determining output than are group standards, group ntiments, and curity.
Difference between scientific management and organizational behavior
调研报告提纲格式(efficiency) (people)
5) Systems Approach
From the system approach, you know,
A system is a t of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a
manner that produces a unified whole.
An organization is an open system (inputs, outputs ,etc.).
6) Contingency Approach
The contingency perspective emphasizes the fact that organizations are different, face different circumstances or contingencies, and thus
may require different ways of managing.
秘密大追杀II. Current trends and issues (understand)
Globalization, ethics, workforce diversity, entrepreneurship, managing in an E-business world, knowledge management and learning organizations, quality management.
Chapter 6 Decision-Making: The Esnce of the Manager’s Job
1. Define decision-making.
A decision is a choice made from two or more alternatives.
2 key ideas:
2. Outline the steps in the decision-making process.
Decision-making process includes 8-step process.
It begins with identifying a problem
and decision criteria
and allocating weights to tho criteria;
moves to developing,
and lecting an alternative;
implements the alternative;
and concludes with evaluating the decision’s effectiveness.
3. Four factors affected the decision-making process.
a) The decision-making approach----rationality, bounded rationality,
Satisfice - accept solutions that are “good enough”, rather than maximizing payoffs
b) The decision-making conditions---- certainty, risk, uncertainty (Identify)
c) The two types of problem and decision, (Differentiate)
well-structured, poorly structured.
programmed decisions, nonprogrammed decision.
Policy, rule, procedure (Differentiate)
d) Decision making styles, directive, analytic, conceptual, behavioral style.
Chapter 7 Foundations of Planning
1. Define planning
Planning involves defining the organization’s goals, establishing an overall
strategy for achieving the goals, and developing a comprehensive t of
儿童爱国歌曲plans to integrate and coordinate organizational work.
2. Distinguish among the different types of plans.