Not all decisions are alike. Nor is every decision made in the same manner. Although some actions you undertake盆栽薄荷怎么养 derive their basis from newly made decisions, there are other instances when 美国看病decision-making does not really take place. The latter, according to Deacon and Firebaugh, may involve routine, programmed, impulsive or intuitive action. When you wake up in the morning and prepare to attend class, do you consciously make decisions about such things as which side of your hair to comb first, how to brush your teeth, or which shoe to put on first? Probably not. Although you may have made a conscious decision about what you were going to wear to class, you probably didn't spend any time in making a decision about how to get ready to at- tend class. Every individual has certain habits or routine behaviors. Although they originated from decisions made at an earlier time in your life, you no longer consciously make the decisions each time you undertake this type of action.
竹简图片Routine plans or actions rve a uful purpo in your daily life and management. How long would it take you to get up, get ready, and walk to class if you had to make 萧红的介绍parate decisions for each action you take? You u routine plans or action resources to make new
In addition to the habitual behaviors or routines you follow, you also have certain specific actions you undertake in a given situation. The are called programmed decisions. Programmed decisions are different from routines. Routine plans or actions are patterns of behavioral actions repeatedly undertaken on a consistent and regular basis. Programmed decisions, on the other hand, utilize your past experience in a similar situation For instance, you know you are going to have a test. Your method of studying for this test will ha done using your knowledge of a similar experience. The degree of success previously冰箱怎样调节温度 achieved will be a determinant in how when, where, and the length of time you study for this test.
Programmed decisions, like routines are a resource in your management. When the action undertaken proves to be successful you repeat the same action the next time when a similar situation occurs. This successful achievement, measured by the satisfaction you received, determines when and the extent to which you modify the original decision before employing it again in other like situations.
Both routine and programmed decisions rve uful purpos. They act as resources by 老师讲课eliminating the need to make new decisions. They also evaluate managerial action. The success you achieve enables you to by- pass or minimize the u of the decision-making process.花色
People may spend time in making decisions about ______. to prepare to go to school飞机打多了人会变矮 to have the breakfast
C.what clothes to wear to class
D.which shoe to put on first