How to get the poor off our conscience
Qu tengfei (曲腾飞) 1020140017
How to get the poor off our conscience is one of the oldest of human exercis. Problems between the rich and the poor have existed in our world for too many years and in our own time they will continue to be so.
Later some solutions have been propod to solve the problems.The first one appeared in the bible which emphasize on the poor suffer in this world but are wonderfully rewarded in the next.
The cond one is calld utilitarianism which was put forward by Jeremy Bentham,as he said that the greatest good for the greatest in his opinion that society did its best for the largest possible number of people.Then a new formula was comed up in the 1830s by David Ricardo and Thomas Robert Malthus,they think that the poverty of the poor was the fault of the poor,becau it was a product of their excessive fecundity.
The third one is Malthusianism,Malthus has the idea that the fully effective method is Population control or birth control,but it was not accepted by most of the people and didn't have much effect.By the middle of the nineteenth century,a new form denial Social Darwinism achieved great influence,it said that in economic life we are in the phra—“survival of the fittest”.so the weak and the unfortunate must be extruded. However, Social Darwinism came to be considered too cruel,some presidents such as Calvin Coolidge,Herbert Hoover and Roovelt think that public assistance can solve the problems smoothly,just like Social Security,Medicare and Medicaid ,they played a very important role in the issues.
Until now it has become clear that the arch for a way of getting the poor off our conscience was not at an end,and m数学课评课any phenomena indications that most of the things must be done by the government,but others said that the government is incompetent and ineffective to deal with the things.
And then the allegation of government incompetent is associated in our time with the gen
eral condemnation of the bureaucrat, however, the government or bureaucrats 画小花朵are not that we might em incompetent, they小学语文论文题目 will make certain contributions in social curity. So the first design is to blame the government .
The cond design is to argue that any form of public help to the poor only hurts the poor. But There is no evidence to prove. This may be our most highly influenced piece of fiction.
霍金得的什么病The third asrtion can be concluded as tho public-assistance measures have a negative effect on incentive for the reason that people may refu to work hard if they realize that part of their income will be ud for the others.
The fourth design is to point to presumed adver effect on freedom of taking responsibility for them. This is possibly the most transparent of all of the designs. Cherishing freedom, we should not u it as a cover for denying freedom to tho in need.
When all el fails, we resort to simple psychological denial by which we decline to think of the poor.
Finally 狼猫山水库, the author gives his own opinion. That is, the conscience of compassion can be concerned as a sign of human civilization. Thus, we can eventually create a stable and harmonious world if we can make contentment as nearly universal as possible.保险论文