1、One possibility with electric locomotives is that the motor can be ud as a generator during braking, feeding electricity back into the supply system; this is called regenerative braking.
2、The locomotive is a railway vehicle that provides the motive power for a train, and has no payload capacity of its own; its sole purpo is to move the train along the track.
3、The engine rotates the drive shaft at up to 1,000 rpm and this drives the various items needed to power the locomotive.
4、Whatever the arrangement, a modern locomotive has a complex air management system which monitors the temperature of the various rotating machines in the locomotive and adjusts the flow of air accordingly.
5、The air for cooling the locomotive's motors is drawn in from the outside of the locomotive. It has to be filtered to remove dust and other impurities and its flow regulated by temperature, both inside and outside the locomotive.
山的图片6、The main advantage of the turbocharger is that it gives more power with no increa in fuel costs becau it us exhaust gas as driver power.
7、To convert the AC output from the main alternator to DC, rectifiers are required. If the motors are DC, the output from the rectifiers is ud directly. If the motors are AC, the DC output from the rectifiers is converted to 3-pha AC for the traction motors.
8、One inverter per axle is more complicated, but the GE view is that individual axle control can provide the best tractive effort. If an inverter fails, the tractive effort for that axle is lost, but full tractive effort is still available through the other five inverters. By controlling each axle individually, keeping wheel diameters cloly matched for optimum performance is no longer necessary.
9、The amount of fuel which can be burnt depends on the amount of air available in the cylinder. So , if you can get more air into the cylinder, more fuel will be burnt and you well get more power out of your ignition. Turbo charging is ud to increa the amount of air pushed into each cylinder.
10、Early locomotives came in a variety of forms. Generally they were designed to run off the supplied current, so locomotive with a direct current (DC) supply had DC motors while alternating current (AC) supplied locomotives with AC motors. AC can be either single or three pha. While the former requires two wires supply, one overhead the other
being the truck, three pha requires three supply wires. Three pha locomotives therefore had two overhead supplies, the track being the third.
11、Cars and road vehicles get around this by a gear/clutch system, otherwi known as a mechanical transmission system.
12、There are also special batteries, like the start-up batteries in the car, which could be ud to start the diel engine from cold.
13、DC is direct current —it travels in one direction only along a conductor. AC is alternating current — so called becau it changes direction, flowing first one way along the conductor, then the other.
14、From a transmission point of view, AC is better than DC becau it can be distributed at high voltages over a small size conductor wire, whereas DC needs a large, heavy wire or, on many DC railways, an extra rail.
15、In reality, a smoothing circuit is added to remove most of the “ripple” and provide a more constant power flow.