Sex, Lies, and Videotape
A Valentine’s Day story by
Missy Lyons
Sex, Lies, and Videotape互联网协议
Sex, Lies, and Videotape © 2009 Missy Lyons Ud with special permission by Phaze Books
/freevalentines for more free Valentine’s Day stories for download.
D eni answered her cell phone on the cond
ring. “Hello.”
“Hey xy.” She recognized that deep, xy voice immediately as Victor’s. The man she called Master in the bedroom, and Sir in the boardroom. The only man who satisfied every fantasy she ever had and then some. “Do ya miss me?”
“Of cour, Victor.” A warm pressure ttled in her chest. “I wish you were here.”
“But you don’t feel too guilty surrounded by all tho other men at the curity convention.”
She curled up on the pillow of the hotel bed, twirling the phone cord between her fingers. “You did say you had an interrogation on Friday and couldn’t come with me.”
“Mmm-hmmm. Just as I expected. You are enjoying yourlf. Did you find any new toys you like?”
“Nothing for the bedroom, silly. But I did get a new Kevlar vest and a custom fit over the shoulder gun holster.”
“Sounds xy…so what are you wearing now?”
Deni took one look at her pink poodle covered flannel pajamas and grinned. At least five of her boyfriends had asked her that exact same question in the past. Men were so visual that she knew he didn’t want to hear the truth. He wanted to hear that she was in the middle of a private and very xual moment with him listening on the phone. Oh well, what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, and he would never know. Not two thousand miles away. One little lie couldn’t hurt. “Leather.”
“You’re killing me, woman.” He groaned, “Not the black leather cort I got you for Valentine’s Day?”
Sex, Lies, and Videotape
“Mmm, yeah. It reminds me of you.” She held back her laughter by biting her bottom lip. He loved dressing her in leather, and she began to associate the feel and scent of leather with more than him. She thought of x. Kind of like Pavlov’s dogs reacted to food, the smell and touch of leather made her instantly wet and hot in her nether regions.
“Do you know what I would do if I were there?”
“I could hope.”
“I’d be kissing your breasts. Taking each one in my mouth, and kissing your nipples. Can you touch your breasts to your mouth?”
“Yes.” They were large enough that she could. She picked up one of her breasts and kisd it.
“How does that feel?”
She felt tingly nsations, aware of her body and wished he was there to e the feelings of desire through to the end. “Good, but not as good as you do it.”
His voice was husky, proving he was as aroud as she was. “Deni, I want you do something for me. Can you make yourlf orgasm for me? Touch yourlf.”
“Are you touching yourlf?” she asked, not wanting to hold back her curiosity.
“Yeah, I have my dick in my hand right now, but I want to hear you come.”
God, she didn’t mean to do anything, but she was actually getting turned on by this phone conversation. She slipped one hand into her warm fuzzy pajamas and centered on her sweet spot. “Mmm, that feels good, but I am imagining you inside of me. Filling me up with your hard cock.”
“Keep going. I want to hear you come.”
“Ohh, baby. I want to fuck you bad right now.” Her body reacted as if he was doing the things to her.
“That’s it. Just let go.”
Her breath came in short gasps, her pul sped up. Her stomach clenched in desire. Waves of lust washed her body, and she peaked, her head felt light-headed
when she came, a tingling nsation was in her lips as if she couldn’t get enough oxygen.
“Yeah, baby. That’s how I am imagining you. On your back, ready for me in that xy little number, just waiting for me to walk in that door and join in.”
“I wish you were here, Victor.”
Just then a knock came at the door. “Oh my God, someone’s here.”
“Just open it, Deni.”
“I can’t. I’m not decent.”
“It’s me. Just open up.”
“Are you rious?” Deni was too excited to wait for his reply. She dropped the phone on the bed, and ran to unlock the door. She almost didn’t expect to e him standing there, after the phone conversation. He was suppod to be two thousand miles away but he wasn’t. He was here.
Standing in front of her dresd casual. Jeans that hugged his lean body. A plain white tee-shirt that he wore under his dress shirts, but that showed off his muscled chest. He kept in great shape for work and pleasure. The FBI demanded his best and he gave everything he had. Not just enough to pass the annual physical exams.
His smile dipped in disappointment. “You lied to me.”
“What are you talking about? You’re the one who said you couldn’t come.”
“I finished up all my work so I could come.” He shut the door behind him, eming to fill the small room with his very prence. His large frame, dark brown hair and demanding eyes, always commanded everyone’s attention wherever he went. “You aren’t wearing the leather cort.”
“I didn’t even bring it, becau I knew you weren’t coming.”电脑开关机记录
“That’s beside the point. You lied to me.”