医疗器械公司简介Oedipus Comlpex and Hamlet
西格蒙德.弗洛伊德(Freud Sigmund)(1856-1939)是二十世纪西方最著名的心理学家,精神分析学说的创始人。而“恋母情结”,又称“俄狄浦斯情结”是精神分析理论的一个重要命题,它对二十世纪的艺术理论、艺术创作产生了广泛的影响。威廉.莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)(1564-1616)是欧洲文艺复习时期英国最伟大的剧作家。弗氏著名弟子欧.琼斯(Ernest Jones)运用“恋母情结”理论对莎士比亚著名主人公哈姆雷特形象给予解释。本文对弗氏“恋母情结”理论做了阐述,介绍了琼斯的主要观点,并对“恋母情结”理论和欧.琼斯的观点进行分析批评。祛斑霜排行榜
Freud Sigmund(1866-1939) was the most famous neurologist in 20th century and the father of psychoanalysis. ―Oedipus Complex‖is the key proposition in psychoanalysis, which had a great impact on art theory and creation in 20th century. William Shakespeare(1564-1616) was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's preeminent dramatist. Ernest Jones, a famous pupil of Freud made an explanation on Hamlet’s
figure using Oedipus Complex. The thesis states the Oedipus Complex,introduces the Ernest Jones’proposition and at last gives my analysis and criticism.
Key words: Oedipus Complex Hamlet Procrastination to revenge
1.About Freud and Psychoanalysis安徽古城
Sigmund Freud (6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939)was an Austrian neurologist who founded the psychoanalytic school of psychiatry. Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind an
d the defen mechanism of repression, and for creating the clinical practice of psychoanalysis for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst.Freud believed that people could be cured by making conscious their unconscious thoughts and motivations. Psychoanalysis is bad on the obrvation that individuals are often unaware of the factors that determine their emotions and behavior. Becau the factors are unconscious, the advice of friends and family, the reading of lf-help books, or even the most determined efforts will often fail to provide enough relief. Psychoanalytic treatment explores how the unconscious factors affect current relationships and patterns of thought, emotion and behavior.
2.About Hamlet
夏侯惇和夏侯渊Hamlet is the summit of Shakespeare’s art. The story came from an ancient Danish legend. It was a tragedy of ―blood and thunder‖.. Y oung prince Hamlet who was arching further education abroad came back to his country Denmark. Out of his
imagination, his mother remarried his uncle Claudius just after the old King’s death. A ghost who looked like the old king emerged at night at the castle Elsinor, and told Hamlet that it was Claudius who killed him, so Hamlet undertook to avenge the murderer. He began to pretend to be mad, and le
ft his lover Ophelia. To spy upon the reflection of Claudius, Hamlet arranged a play which was drawn by him. Claudius realized that he knew the truth, so Claudius nt him to England, and asked the man who kept watch on Hamlet to give letter to the King of England, intending to have Hamlet killed there. But Claudius failed, and then Hamlet came back to his country again. Meanwhile Ophelia was drown becau of her father’s death and her lover Hamlet’s drifting apart of her. Her brother Laer tes was very angry; he asked to fight with Hamlet, then Claudius arranged that Laertes was to challenge Hamlet and killed him with a poison sword. In the end, Laertes wounded Hamlet but was stuck with the poison sword. The Queen also died from the poison wine which had been prepared for Hamlet by Claudius. Before death, Laertes told the truth. Finally Hamlet killed Claudius with the cost of his life .
Un der Shakespeare’s pen, the medieval story assumed a new meaning. Hamlet is a good work which has moved the readers and audiences so deeply for many centuries. But why it moved the audiences so deeply? The answer is Hamlet, becau Shakespeare shaped a successful person Hamlet. And the most attractive factor was his procrastination to revenge. As follows, it w ill show the manifestation of Hamlet’s procrastination and this paper will explain how Oedipus Complex influences Hamlet’s procrastination to revenge.
II.The original of Oedipus Complex
Oedipus complexderives from one of the Greece and Rome mythologies.
There was a prophecy that the new prince of Oedipus realm would be the person who killed his father and married his mother, after hearing the prophecy, the Oedipus King decided to disnt his son to the desolate mountain. Luckily, the young prince was rescued and brought up by a shepherd and was nt to Oedipus realm country as the son of Oedipus realm. The prince did a lot of charitable deed that the people regarded him as a hero and then supported him as the king of Oedipus realm. Becoming the king of Oedipus realm, the young king married the queen of Oedipus realm. One day he knew the truth that the queen was his mother and his father had been killed by him as a pasnger. Realized this, the young Oedipus king dug out his eyeballs and then led a vagrant life.
According to the story, the Austrian psychologist Freud had pod the theory of Oedipus which also called Oedipus complex. In 1900 the publication of the Interpretation of Dreams by Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud marked the real establishment of psychoanalysis theory.In psychoanalytic theory, Oedipus complex denotes the emotions and ideas that the mind keeps in the
unconscious, via dynamic repression, that concentrate upon a boy's desire to xually posss his mother .The Oedipus complex occurs during the phallic stage of psychoxual development (age 3–6 years) when also occurs the formation of the libido and the ego yet it might manifest itlf at an earlier age. The phallic stage is the tting
for the greatest, most crucial xual conflict in Freud's model of development. In this stage, the child's erogenous zone is the genital region. As the child becomes more interested in his genitals, and in the genitals of others, conflict aris. The conflict involves the child's unconscious desire to posss the opposite-xed parent, and to eliminate the same-xed one. In another words, during this stage boys ek genital stimulation and develop both unconscious desires for their mother and jealousy and hatred for their father, whom they consider a rival. It was said that boys felt guilt and lurking fear that their father would punish them, such as by castration. Freud also believe that conscience and gender identity form as the child resolved the Oedipus complex at age 5 or 6, but this actually happens earlier.
III.Manifestation of Hamlet’s Procrastination
介绍翻译After Hamlet’s father’s death, the ghost of the old King told Hamlet the truth of his death. Hamlet kne
w the truth and received the task to revenge. In his minds, his father symbolizes the top of the human nature and virtue. However, it took so long time for him to complete his task. At first, when he heard the words of the ghost, he did not take any measure to revenge on Claudius. He postponed and kept a clo watch on Claudius. He arranged a play to spy upon Claudius’s respon to prove the truth of ghost’s words. He put off all his action. Hamlet had many chances to kill Claudius, but he misd all of them. When Claudius stood up and showed his guilty, this would be a perfect opportunity for Hamlet to revenge on Claudius. But he did not. He postponed his revenge again. What is the real reason which leads to his