The athletic program is expected to bring publicity to the school, attract students, foster student unity, and encourage alumni giving. “The traditional American affinity for sports and___ 26___ for education combined to form an unbeatable attraction. Every Saturday, educated sports heroes performed for an appreciative audience. Fanfare, combat, and hope of victory assured public identification and loyalty.” The most conspicuous function of athletic competition is to ___27___ the image of the institution.
We may want to question the appropriateness of this public relations function. Publicity is not___28___a good thing. If this publicity is scandalous (or even negative), the school has not benefited. There is a university on the banks of the river that sponsors a “Mississippi River Festival” every summer. The “festival,” for the most part, consists of rock concerts. Unfortunately, ___29___ the festivals have been plagued with violence, rape, drunkenness, drug dealing and usage, and automobile accidents, the publicity has to been
counter to the kind the festival was designed to produce.___30___ athletics, the public is finding out more about the universities than they would wish.
Does athletic fame attract students? Perhaps it does, ___31___ it would be a stupid engineering student who cho Georgia Tech over M.I.T.___32___ its athletic prowess. Some rious students are “turned off” by a school’s athletic record. Notre Dame, ___33___has an excellent academic program, is unjustly viewed by many as simply a sports mill. Does athletic success foster student unity?
Here again, the ___34___ is not clear. Often students’ enthusiasm is tepid in comparison with that of alumni and townspeople ___35___ when they have difficulty in getting tickets, have to pay a handsome price, or are relegated to ats in the end zone. Does athletic success___36___ public support? Do legislators tend to reward___37___ schools with more generous appropriations? The may have done so in the past, but today, with the clor scrutiny of tax dollars, there are signs that funds will be more ___38___ for activities clor to the heart of the academic mission.
What about alumni giving? Certainly alumni will contribute money for athletic purpos in the ca of a few successful universities, but the overall record for alumni giving exhibits no such pattern. A careful study of “big-time” schools from 1960 to 1976 yielded this conclusion: “Our statistical analysis has revealed that there is simply no relationship between success or___39___ in football and basketball and increas and decreas in alumni giving.” “In the final analysis, however, the lack of any relationship between success in athletics and incread alumni giving probably matters a great deal less than the fact ___40___ so many people believe that such a relationship exists.”
26. A. support B. consideration C. reverence D. hesitation 带鱼怎么做才好吃
27. A. enhance B. enlarge C. realize D. dim
28. A. especially B. necessarily C. exclusively D. definitely
乌鱼蛋29. A. as B. when C. so long as D. since
30. A. in view of B. considering C. with respect to D. judging
31. A. but B. yet C. so D. becau
32. A. with regard to B. becau of C. in spite of D. except for
33. A. who B. as C. which D. when
34. A. matter B. ca C. problem D. question
35. A. hardly B. especially C. perhaps D. outstandingly
36. A. arou B. ari C. ri D. heed
五羊杯37. A. poor B. important C. prominent D. successful
38. A. valuable B. worthy C. available D. expensive
39. A. failure B. loss C. defeat D. neglect 书画作品图片
40. A. as B. that C. which D. why
41. My niece has been to Sumatra and Iran as well as all of Europe. By the time she’s twenty, she ___ almost everywhere.
A. will be B. would have been C. would have been D. would be
42. When workers push together to organize themlves in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay them ____.
A. off B. aside C. out D. down
43. I’d rather you____ anything about it for the time being.
A. do B. didn’t do C. don’t D. didn’t
44. We must ____that the procedure is followed as rigidly as possible.
A. cure B. ensure C. assure D. issue
45. I spoke to him kindly____ him.
A. not to frighten B. so as not to frighten C. in order to not frighten D. for not frightening
46. It is a common theme in many science fiction stories that the world may one day be ____by out space invaders.
A. broken in B. taken over C. run over D. filled in
47. Returning to my apartment____.
A. my watch was missing B. I found my watch disappeared
C. I found my watch missing D. the watch was misd
48. Just remember one thing that ____ decisions often lead to bitter regrets.
A. hasty B. prompt C. urgent D. instant