矩形的判定定理一、太阳之花New York's Chinatown is a cultural haven full of ancient and exotic traditions, and a huge amount of restaurants. This bustling and crowded neighborhood is home to over half of the city's Chine population. In the grocery stores and fruit stands, you will find many food items available nowhere el in the city—from exotic fruit and vegetables to live snails and dried shrimp. In recent years, excellent Thai, Vietname and Korean restaurants have joined the mix.
二、Last night, I walked on the New York China Town. I was very glad, becau I saw a lot of Chines. I didn't need to speak English any more, I also could eat quiet a few different Chine foods. But there were lots of Cantone who only spoke English and Cantone, they didn't speak Chine. Whatever, I had fun and also learned a Cantone,"nei hao!" Ha! Ha! So chinatown is a good place .Welcome to 总结报告模板chinatown.
三、Chinatown is located in Lower Town, the southern tip of Manhattan. Its scope is centered on Don't Street, including Kennedy Street, Lafeiyete Street, Disclosure Street = 曾国藩家风家训
陈忠实书法Park Street, Bowie Street and East Broadway Avenue. Just a stone's throw from the city government, Wall Street, the world's most famous international financial center, is just a short distance away. It is also adjacent to Broadway, the World Performing Arts Center. Its superior location makes her a pivotal position in New York.
四、盛兴面馆左偏旁 Chinatown is prosperous - a "model slum," some have called it - with the lowest crime rate, highest employment and least juvenile delinquency of any city district. Walk through its crowded streets at any time of day, and every shop is doing a brisk and businesslike trade: restaurant after restaurant is booming; there are storefront displays of shiny squids, clawing crabs and clambering lobster; and street markets offer overflowing piles of exotic green vegetables, garlic and ginger root.林暗草惊风