
更新时间:2023-07-22 12:56:10 阅读: 评论:0

1.自打我记事起    As far back as i can remember
2.把衣兜倒空      empty ones pockets
qq投票3.欢快的叮当声    a merry jingle
4.沉闷的砰砰声    a dull thud
5.太阳透过卧室的窗户照进来 the sun poured through the bedroom window
6.像海盗的珍宝一样闪闪发光 glint like a pirates treasure
7.被整整齐齐地堆在  be stacked neatly
8.骄傲地咧嘴笑  grin proudly
9.冷饮店  the ice-cream parlor
10.完成自己的使命 rve ones purpo
11.一阵哽咽  A lump ro in my throat
12.一个沉默寡言的人 a man of few words
13.华丽的辞藻 the most flowery of words
14.扮演了重要的角色 play a significant part in
15.被解雇  get laid off
16.帮助某人找到出路 make a way out for
17.眼睛令人奇怪地有些潮湿 a strange mist in one干炸里脊s eyes
18.一把硬币  a fistful of coins
19.百感交集 a gamut of coins
20.属鼠和属鸡四目相对  eyes locked
1.网坛传奇人物  tennis legends
2.单/双打冠军    singles/doubles titles
3.大满贯        the Grand Slam
4.还记得        think back to
5.得优秀        get an A grade
6.一遍又一遍    over and over again
7.小时候就显示出。。。的迹象 there were plenty of early signs
8.对。。。起了决定性的作用  play a pivotal role in
9.收收心/调整好自己  get mylf together
10.好说话的  the soft one
11.对我们的要求是一致的  wanted the same thing for us
12.生在富贵人家  be born with silver spoons in our mouths
13.最重要的一点是 the main thing is that
14.没有一样东西不是靠自己的努力得来的 nothing was handed to us on a plate
15.养家糊口  keep things going
16.当轮到我们的时候  when it came to us
17.把自己该做的/碰到的事情做好 had to earn anything that came our way
18.心存感激  be thankful for
19.对塑造我们的性格起了很大的作用 an important building block in both our characters
20.更愿意冒险 be more prepared to take ricks
21.尝试新鲜的事物 try things out
22.把事情藏在心里 store things up inside
23.将自己的想法和盘托出 to tell it how it is
24.香港买什么便宜为琐事争吵 have a squabble
25.倾吐某事 get things off her chest
26.对。。。最早的记忆是 My earliest memory of ...is
27.推着她 push/wheel her around
28.在小推车里 in her stroller
29.开始打网球(网球偶然来了) the tennis came along
30.刚开始的时候 to begin with
31.把球打到界内 keep a ball in play
32.练球 start off playing
33.打球 hit the ball
34.喜欢把我们俩混为一谈 tend to group us together
35.像其他兄弟姐妹一样  like any other pair of siblings
36.幽默感 a n of humor
37.笑破肚皮  laugh ones head off
38.当姐姐的情结  older sister syndrome
39.保护  be protective of
1.简直不能忍受  feel overwhelmed by
2.熟悉得不能再熟悉的老太太 an over-familiar elderly lady
3.简朴的生活  modest lifestyle
4.经济状况  financial circumstances
5.生来愤世嫉俗,悲观厌世 cynical and pessimistic nature
6.天涯海角  the farthest reaches of the world
create a vision of unimaginable glamour
8.抑制强烈的好奇心 contain ones curiosity
9.无尽遐思,色彩缤纷,令人终生难忘的旅行 a journey ,so rich in ideas,colors and impressions.
10.令...感到惊奇的是  such was
11.轻而易举地  with such little effort
12.时间绰绰有余  have time to spare
13.吸收了大量阳光,色彩鲜艳的水果和蔬菜 fruit and vegetables colored with the sun.
14.突然意识到  be suddenly struck by the realization that
15.送父母礼物实景和想象不一样 ones vision is not matched by the reality
16.体验到想象中的融融暖意和缤纷色彩 experience the warmth and colors of ones mind
17....是件麻烦事 It is a nuisance to do sth.
1.以言举人把....戏称为  amusingly refer to sth as
2.外交护照    diplomatic passport
3.疾速        at top speed
4.一阵尖利的刹车声  a scream of brakes
5.车门砰地一声使劲关上了 car doors were slammed
6.乒乒乓乓一阵敲门声  a banging on the door
7.每隔两分钟    at two-minute intervals
8.在大会的开幕式上 at the opening of the conference
9.教育部  the Ministry of Education
10.致开幕词  give an opening speech
11.问题是.....    The problem was that
12.扯着嗓门与.....论理的喧闹声  a loud and violent-sounding
13.告别晚会  a farewell party
14.死对头  deadly enemies
未来十年热门职业15.觉得活不下去了  lo the will to live
16.比预期的时间长一倍  twice as long as had been intended
17.弯下身子    bend double
18.死胡同  a dead end
19.强劲有力的舞蹈  vigorous high-step dancing

本文发布于:2023-07-22 12:56:10,感谢您对本站的认可!



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