有机合成宗师级人物 E J Corey

更新时间:2023-07-22 12:38:29 阅读: 评论:0

有机合成宗师级人物 E.J. Corey的自传
Elias James Corey——科里,美国哈佛大学教授,因发展有机逆合成分析理论,获1990
            夸爸爸的句子 Elias J. Corey – Autobiography 
          ( The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1990)
曹蕾长大后照片My birth in July 1928 in Methuen, Massachutts was followed just eighteen
months later by the death of my father, Elias, a successful business man in
that community 30 miles north of Boston. My mother, Fatina (née Hasham),
changed my name from William to Elias shortly after my father's passing. I
do not remember my father, but all his friends and associates made it clear
that he was a remarkably gifted and much admired person. I have always been
guided by a desire to be a worthy son to the father I cannot remember and to
the loving, courageous mother who raid me, my brother, and two sisters
through the trials of the Depression and World War II. My grandparents on
both sides, who emigrated from Lebanon to the United States, also knew how
to cope with adversity, as Christians in a tragically torn country, under
the grip of the Ottoman empire.
计薪天数怎么算In 1931, our family grew to include my mother's sister, Naciby, and her
husband, John Saba, who had no children of their own. We all lived together
in a spacious hou in Methuen, still a gathering place for family reunions.
My uncle and aunt were like cond parents to us. As a youngster I was
rather independent, preferring such sports as football, baball and hiking
to work. However, when my aunt, who was much stricter than my mother, 为什么手机收不到短信验证码
assigned a houhold chore, it had to be taken riously. From her I learned
to be efficient and to take pleasure in a job well done, no matter how
mundane. We were a very clo, happy and hardworking family with everything
that we needed, despite the loss of my father and the hard economic times.
Uncle John died in 1957, and too soon afterwards, in 1960, my aunt pasd
away. My mother died in 1970 at the age of venty. They all lived to e
each of the four children attain a measure of success.
From the ages of five to twelve I attended the Saint Laurence O'Toole
elementary school in Lawrence, a city next to Methuen, and was taught by
sisters of the Catholic order of Notre Dame de Namour. I enjoyed all my
subjects there. I do not remember ever learning any science, except for
mathematics. I graduated from Lawrence Public High School at the age of
sixteen and entered the Massachutts Institute of Technology, just a few
weeks later, in July, 1945, with excellent preparation, since most of my
high school teachers had been dedicated and able. Although my favorite
subject was mathematics, I had no plan for a career, except the notion that
electronic engineering might be attractive, since it utilized mathematics at
an interesting technological frontier. My first cours at M.I.T. were in
the basic sciences: mathematics, physics and chemistry, all of which were
wonderful. I became a convert to chemistry before even taking an engineering
cour becau of the excellence and enthusiasm of my teachers, the central
新人培训计划position of chemistry in the sciences and the joy of solving problems in the
细胞博士laboratory. Organic chemistry was especially fascinating with its intrinsic
beauty and its great relevance to human health. I had many superb teachers
at M.I.T., including Arthur C. Cope, John C. Sheehan, John D. Roberts and
Charles Gardner Swain. I graduated from M.I.T. after three years and, at the
suggestion of Professor Sheehan, continued there as a graduate member of his
叮咛的近义词pioneering program on synthetic penicillins. My doctoral work was completed
by the end of 1950 and, at the age of twenty-two, I joined the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as an Instructor in Chemistry under the
distinguished chemists Roger Adams and Carl S. Marvel. I am forever grateful
to them for giving me such a splendid opportunity, as well as for their help
and friendship over many years.
Becau my interests in chemistry ranged from the theoretical and
quantitative side to the biological end of the spectrum, I decided to
maintain a broad program of teaching and rearch and to approach chemistry
依然相爱as a discipline without internal boundaries. My rearch in the first three
years, which had to be done with my own hands and a few undergraduate

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