你什么时候回来>民族节日Unraveling the Pivotal Impacts of Electron-游戏呢称
Acceptors on Light Absorption and Carrier Photogeneration in Perylene Dye Sensitized Solar
期刊名称: Acs Photonics
年份: 2014年
期号: 第8期
关键词: solar cell; organic dye; light absorption; excited state; charge transfer
四年级英语手抄报简单又漂亮摘要:Understanding the ultrafast dynamics of excited state evolution and carrier generation at the complicated titania/dye/electrolyte interface is crucial for the development of narrow energy-gap organic. dyes to enhance the performance of dye-nsitized solar cells (DSCs). We herein modulate the energy-levels of N-annulated perylene dyes in significant measure by u of benzothiadiazole-benz
oic acid (BTBA) and pyridothiadiazole, benzoic acid (PTBA)gments as the electron-acceptors. Bad on the model of cold vs hot,excited states for electron injection in DSCs, we have perceived from femtocond transient absorption measurements that a driving force diminution does not necessarily cau a deceleration of electron injection from the hot excited state to titania, suggesting a crucial role of electron coupling on interfacial