流转税Turnover tax
增值税Value-added tax
消费税consumption tax
营业税business tax
关税Tariff(customs duties)
税负转嫁Shift the tax burden
税收优惠Tax incentives
课税对象subject to taxation、Taxable
价内税Price within the tax
价外税(tax included in price)、tax excluded in price
一般纳税人general taxpayer
小规模纳税人Small –scale taxpayers
增值税专用发票Special VAT invoices
基本税率basic tax rate
低税率政策low tax policy
征收率percentage charges
销项税额tax amount of offt item
进项税额income tax amount
组成计税价格Composite asssable price
成本利润率profit rate on cost
什么食物补肝出口退税export rebates、tax reimburment for export
海关customs、free goods
免税商品tax-free commodities
免征额exemption entitlement 、tax exemption、zero bracket amount
减免税款 Tax deduction
保护关税(protective tariff)
保税制度(bonded system)
差别关税(differential duties)
差价关税(variable import levies)
产品对产品减税方式(product by product reduction of tariff)
超保护贸易政策(policy of super-protection)
出厂价格(cost price)
初级产品(primary commodity)
初级产品的价格(the price of primang products)
出口补贴(export subsidies)
出口动物产品检疫(quarantine of export animal products)
出口管制(export contral)
出口税(export duty)
出口退税(export rebates)
出口信贷(export finance)
出口限制(export restriction)
出口信贷国家担保制(export credit guarantee)
出口许可证(export licence)
储备货币(rerve carreacy)
处于发展初级阶段(in the early etages of development)
处理剩余产品的指导原则(the guiding principle of clealing with the surplus agricultural products)
从量税(specific duty)
从价(ad valorem)
从价关税(ad valorem duties)
单方面转移收支(balance of unilateral transfers)
动物产品(animal product)
多种汇率(multiple rates of exchange)
反补贴税(counter vailing duties)
反倾销税(anti-dumping duties)
关税(customs duty)
关税和贸易总协定(the general agreement on tariffs and trade)
关税合作理事会(customs co-operation council)
关税减让(tariff concession)
关税配额(tariff quota)
关税升级(tariff escalation)
关税水平(tariff level)
关税同盟(customs union)
关税和贸易总协定秘书处(cretariat of gatt)
国际价格(international price)
约束税率(bound rate)
自主关税(autonomous tariff)
最惠国税率(the most-favoured-nation rate of duty)
优惠差额(margin of preference)
优惠税率(preferential rate)
有效保护率(effective vate of protection)
爱好广泛Vocabulary 词汇
taxation bureau税务局,税务机关
real estate房地产,不动产
business tax营业税
value added tax增值税
the national taxation bureau国家税务局
the local taxation bureau地方税务局
business licen营业执照
application form申请表
registration certificate登记证
business income 营业所得,营业收入
impo on 加征(税,义务等)于
levy on 征收,征集,强迫收集
overdue payment 滞纳金
tax evasion 逃税, 偷税, 漏税
criminal responsibility 刑事责任
penalty 处罚, 罚款
trace 追查,追究
individual income tax 个人所得税
taxable 应纳税的,可征税的
rvice 劳务,服务
transfer 转让,让与,转移
intangible ast 无形资产
finance 金融
profit 利润
patent right 专利权
trade mark 商标
land-uright 土地使用权
taxable income 应税收入,计税收入
verify 核定
中通快递快吗foreign currency 外币,外汇
financial institution 金融机构
conver 换算,兑换
quarter 季度
exchange rate 汇率
item 项目
tax rate 税率
lea 租赁
property 财产
movable property 动产
agent 代理人
financial lea 金融租赁
operational lea 经营租赁
ownership 所有权
deduct 扣除, 减除
realcost 实际成本
the land appreciation tax(LAT) 土地增值税
joint venture 合资企业
share 股份 (名词) 分担, 分享 (动词)
proportion 比例 in proportion to 按……的比例
dividend 股息, 资本红利
contribution 出资入股
stock company 股份公司
equity 股本权益, 股权 combine with 与……合并
exempt from 免除的,没有义务的
asss and determine 核定
stamp tax 印花税
Contract 合同
deal in 经营, 买卖
lf-employed trade 自营贸易
application 申请吉他独奏曲
headquarter 总公司, 总部
consignment 委托, 寄售
invoice 发票, 装货清单
group company 集团公司
controlling company 控股公司
一、资产类 Asts
流动资产 Current asts
货币资金 Cash and cash equivalents
现金 Cash
银行存款 Cash in bank
其他货币资金 Other cash and cash equivalents
外埠存款 Other city Cash in bank
银行本票 Cashier's cheque
银行汇票 Bank draft
信用卡 Credit card
信用证保证金 L/C Guarantee deposits
存出投资款 Refundable deposits
短期投资 Short-term investments
股票 Short-term investments - stock
债券 Short-term investments - corporate bonds
基金 Short-term investments - corporate funds
其他 Short-term investments - other
短期投资跌价准备 Short-term investments falling price rerves
应收款 Account receivable
应收票据 Note receivable
银行承兑汇票 Bank acceptance
商业承兑汇票 Trade acceptance
应收股利 Dividend receivable
应收利息 Interest receivable
应收账款 Account receivable
其他应收款 Other notes receivable
坏账准备 Bad debt rerves
预付账款 Advance money
应收补贴款 Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable
库存资产 Inventories
物资采购 Supplies purchasing