会计科目名称 | 资产类 |
库存现金 | Cash |
银行存款 | Cash at bank |
其它货币基金 | |
交易性金融资产 | Financial ast at fair value through profit or loss |
应收票据 | Note receivable |
应收帐款 | Account Receivable |
预付帐款 | Prepaid expen |
应收股利 | Dividend receivable |
应收利息 | Interest receivable |
其它应收款 | - |
坏帐准备 | Allowance for bad debt |
材料采购 | Purchasing |
在途物资 | Purchasing |
原材料 | Materials |
材料成本差异 | Materials cost variance |
库存商品 | inventory |
发出商品 | - |
存货跌价准备 | Inventory falling price rerves |
神经痛怎么治疗待摊费用 | - |
持有至到期投资 农业的谚语 | Held- to -maturity investment |
可供出售金融资产 | Available for sale investment |
长期股权投资 | Long term investment on stock |
长期股权投资减值准备 | Long-term investments depreciation rerves |
固定资产 | PPE Plant, Property and Equipment |
累计折旧 | Accumulated depreciation |
固定资产减值准备 | Fixed asts depreciation rerves |
在建工程 | Construction-in-process |
工程物资 | - |
固定资产清理 | - |
融资租赁资产 | Lead ast |
未担保余值 | Unguaranteed residuals |
无形资产 | Intangible ast |
累计摊销 | Amortization |
商誉 | Goodwill |
递延所得资产 | Deferred tax ast |
会计科目名称 | 负债类 |
短期借款 | Short term loan |
交易性金融负债 | Financial liablity value through profit or loss |
应付票据 | Notes payable |
应付帐款 | Accounts payable |
预收帐款 | Unearned revenue |
应付职工薪酬 | Accrued salaries |
应交税费 | Tax payable |
应付股利 | Dividend payable |
应付利息 | Interest payable |
或有负债 | Contingent liability |
递延收益 | Deferred revenue |
长期借款 | Long term loans |
长期债券 | Bonds payable |
就业证明范文长期应付款 | Lea liability |
未确认融资费用 | - |
递延所得税负债 | Deferred tax liability |
会计科目名称 | 权益类 |
实收资本 | Paid- in capital / share capital /common stock |
资本公积 | Rerve/ Revaluation rerve |
盈余公积 | Rerve/General rerve/ Retained earnings |
本年利润 | Profit or loss |
利润分配 | Retained earnings |
库存股 | Treasury stock |
会计科目名称 | 成本类 |
生产成本 | Cost of manufacturing / Direct material |
制造费用 | Manufacturing overhead |
劳务成本 | Direct labor |
前什么后什么的成语研发支出 | Rearch and development expen |
主营业务收入 | Sales revenue |
公允价值变动损益 | - gains or loss arising from a change in the fair value of a financial ast |
投资收益 | gains on investment / investment income |
营业外收入 | Other Revenue |
主营业务成本 | Cost of goods sold |
其它业务支出 | Miscellaneous charges |
营业税金及附加 | 苹果手机位置 - |
测试计划模板利息支出 | Interest expens |
手续费支出 | Transaction fees |
销售费用 | Sales expens |
管理费用 | Administration expens |
财务费用 | Financial expens |
资产减值损失 | Bad debt expen/ |
营业外支出 | Other expens |
所得税 | Income taxes |
以前年度损益调整 | 肝病要做哪些检查 Prior year income adjustment |
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