Role of Wind Power in Sustainable Development of Electricity Power of China Abstract:Achieving sustainable development is a target of the whole world. As a clearly and renewable resource, wind power must be one of the most important electricity resources in 21 century. This paper analyzes in detail its role in sustainable development of electricity power of China from many respects such as characters of wind power, rerves and distributing of wind energy, its applications at prent and in the future of China, and etc. As well as some feasible actions and effective measures to encourage developing wind power in China are bring forward in this paper.
Keywords: new energy resources; wind energy; wind generation; status of wind power resources; development prospects; suggestion
西门子冰箱门Wind is the sun exposure to the Earth around the Earth's surface temperature caud by heat generated in different atmospheric movement formed. The solar energy reaching the earth into a wind of about 2% of the estimated global wind energy rerve is about 2.74×109MW, which can be developed using approximately 2*107MW, the world can be developed than the total water u 10 times bigger.
Wind power is the first wind energy into mechanical energy, and then converted to electrical energy, electrical energy delivered to end urs. Wind power technology is a multidisciplinary, sustainable development, environmental protection of integrated technology, the current direction of development are: wind turbine lighter, more flexible structure, direct-drive generator (no gear box), and variable speed operation, wind energy utilization rising, increasing unit capacity.
At prent, the coal, fuel oil as the main countries, has been facing rious environmental pollution, coupled with the limited rerves of fossil fuels to reduce the double crisis deepens, development and utilization of new energy sources have become the world's energy strategy of sustainable development an important part of the Wind energy is the most potential for development of new energy a energy. Energy in the tension continues, the world many countries, especially developed countries, are looking for an alternative to conventional energy, environment friendly and sustainable development of new energy. Wind, solar, tidal energy and other new energy sources can effectively alleviate the energy supply, industry conditions in which the most mature devaluation wind power. Therefore, many countries in the world on wind power is fully recognized in adjusting the energy structure, environmental mitigation aspects of the role and importance of the wind power of Kaifa of attached great importance, will wind energy development in priority development plan.
China's wind power generation after 20 years of development has matured, commercial units of unit capacity increas, further reducing the cost of wind power, wind power and reliability of conventional thermal power generation cost clo to it as the big wind scale development to provide a broad prospect, wind power is fast becoming the new industry beginning to take shape.
I Wind Characteristics
1.1 Wind energy is renewable energy
Can e from the above, wind energy is converted from solar energy, as long as the sun and the earth exist, there will be wind. Wind power and nature of coal, oil, natural gas and other fossil fuel energy, would not with their own transformation and human u and declining, it is a cycle, inexhaustible, have long-term and renewable of features.
1.2 Wind energy is clean energy
Development and utilization of wind energy will not cau air and environmental pollution, not harm the environment, not harm human health, is the real green energy; the same time, development and utilization of wind energy will help to achieve energy curity and diversification, reduction of greenhou gas emissions, reduce environmental pollution caud by fossil fuels.
Standard coal consumption by thermal power 350g/kW•h basis, the wind farm generating 100 million a year if kW •h, then annual savings of standard coal 35,000 t, a corresponding reduction in exhaust emissions: SO2 is 672t; NO2 to 382t; CO is 9.7t; CO2 is 8022t. Show that the environmental benefits of wind power are enormous.
1.3 Wind energy has a statistical law
From the short run, the wind speed suddenly big suddenly small, from time to time, direction Comparative Study and Integration, with great random and can not be controlled; However, from a macro, long term, wind energy has a certain statistical law , to a certain extent, predictable, and therefore wind energy is fully utilized.
II Situation of China Wind Power
2.1 Wind Energy Resources in China
China's vast coastline, rich in wind resources. 80s in the 20th century in China conducted a survey of wind resources, according to the country more than 900 meteorological stations of meteorological data for the first time a more complete estimate of the height of land 10m from the ground layer of wi
nd energy resource rerves, estimated results are: the average land Wind power density 100W/m2, total rerves of wind power resources theory about 3.226 billion kW, economic development and utilization of about 253 million kW; offshore wind energy development and utilization can be 3 times the amount estimated by the land about 750 million kW; Total 1 billion kW, higher than China's water rerves (rerves of hydropower resources in China was 380 million kW, the world No. 1, the actual amount can be developed is 40% -60%).
Wind Energy Resource Map from the perspective of China, the Chine Wind Energy resources are mainly distributed in south-east coast and nearby islands, "Three North" area (northwest, north, northeast) and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, etc.; In addition, the interior has abundant wind energy resources to individual areas, China ongoing new round of wind energy resources asssment survey, will be further verified rerves of China's wind energy resources and distribution. 2.2 Power Structure in China
At prent, China's power installed capacity has made us the world 2, strongly supports the rapid development of national economy and people's living standards rising rapidly, but the current power structure to thermal power, power structure, there is obviously unreasonable (e Table 2), causing the environmental problems become more obvious, if not change this situation, it will riously restric
t the further development of China's power industry.
2.3 Current Situation of China Wind Power
Development of China's wind energy resources, the u of wind power is a brief, but its development is rapid. Since the 90s of the 20th century, installed capacity of wind farms at an average annual rate of around 30% in increments, to the end of 2004, China's 14 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) have been building wind farms in 43 of its mainly distributed in China " Three North "area and the southeast coast of the total installed capacity of wind power reached 764137MW, accounting for the total power installed capacity in China to 0.17% of total electricity generating capacity of its 0.08%. China's wind power generation also is lagging behind, the future long way to go. To speed up the pace of China's wind power development, China has developed a few years ago to develop wind power in 2020, long term planning goals, and in 2005 the appropriate changes and adjustments.
昵称繁体字III wind power generations is an important choice for sustainable development strategy
Energy is the existence and development of human society's material ba, energy and environmental issues facing the global sustainable development have become the two major proble
ms, which is growing international attention. China's energy resources development and utilization, is facing supply and environmental impact of two aspects of challenges. According to relevant departments and experts to study the arguments put forward, energy issues will limit future economic development of the rigid constraints (on wind power for electricity Sustainable development means China may also refer to: "Wind power is the best strategy for sustainable development of electricity ").
3.1 The future development of one-time energy
Coal in China's primary energy production and consumption accounted for 70% the electricity mixed in about 75%. Coal will bring a ries of problems: such as air pollution, fallout caud by coal price market pressure, and coal transport railway stretched pressure. From China has proven recoverable rerves of coal, which can be developed around the u of the time can only be maintained until 2050, the prospects dim.
China's oil lf-sufficiency of a rious shortage of resources, has for many years the import of crude oil and refined oil, the quantity of imports more than 100 million t, after the United States is the world's cond largest oil importer. To maintain the sustainable development of the domestic econo
my, long dependent on oil imports, the situation is difficult to change. End the exploitation of oil resources are depleting day, experts predict a global perspective, the oil will be depleted after 2050.经典情感语录
Natural gas in China's primary energy production and consumption share of small and natural gas as an important resource for chemical industry, can not expect too much as energy to u, and China's natural gas rerves are not large.
China Natural uranium as a rious shortage of resources, reliance on imported uranium resource development prospects of nuclear power, but the event of a nuclear accident would be a rious threat to people's lives, lead to disastrous conquences.
Therefore, the proportion of nuclear power there can be no greater improvement. Now the nuclear energy in accordance with the planning, experts predicts the development of nuclear energy only for 30 years to 50 years.
3.2 The prospects for the development of renewable energy
3.2.1 Water, biomass, solar energy and tidal outlook
In China's current source of electricity, water, 24.24% accounted for more than 1 million kW back hur
riedly already, can back hurriedly about 1/4, experts predict that by 2030 will reach can back hurriedly, 60% of the development of hydropower resources can be also.
Since ancient times, humans have a way to burn biomass in the u of biomass, mainly for cooking and heating, etc., but its u is low. Annual output of crop straw in China is only about 5 ~ 700 000 000 t, but not a large part of the u. As science and technology continue to progress and development, technology development and utilization of biomass power generation has developed rapidly in recent years, if the straw will not be ud for power generation, installed capacity of 30 million kW can achieve more than that does not include carbon through forest planted to pay for electricity installed capacity. The next 3 to 5 years of biomass power generation technology in China will be a good development.
Solar energy is the world's most abundant source of energy, the current method is mainly the u of solar thermal and photovoltaic u of light, and the future direction of development is the main PV. PV is the u of miconductor electronic devices effectively absorb solar radiation, and make it directly into electrical energy power generation is the future u of solar energy norm. The current cost of PV power generation is also higher compared to the conventional energy generation costs about 10 times higher. Thus, while in southwest China and northwest China, the u of photovoltaic
power can be developed very good resource conditions, but for large-scale, commercial development and utilization of the three far.
Tides in the up down process known as tidal energy rerves, an important application of tidal power generation. Tidal a water refers to the sun, the moon under the action of gravity to ri, do drop oscillation movement, tidal power is to u the tide ro, the energy generated by falling, its principles and hydroelectric power generation similar. China's long coastline, tidal energy resources are abundant, it was 80 years of the 20th century census data tidal energy resources, the theory of tidal energy resources, rerves of 100 million kW or more, can be developed capacity of more than 2000 million kW. However, becau of tidal power development costs higher and technical reasons, in recent decades to develop more slowly in the future as technology advances in tidal energy development will be to some extent.
3.2.2 Wind developing prospects
护眼手抄报In today's world, the development of renewable energy, wind power is outside the hydropower resources development in the most mature technology, with the large-scale development and business development value of power. With the continuous development of wind power technology, t假如没有太阳
he wind generator manufacturing costs and reduces the cost of project development unceasingly; Developing wind power is the trend of the times. Therefore, the development prospect of wind power, compared with conventional power generation wind power has the following advantages:
(1) Covers an area of very small, and does not exist rervoir inundation and migration. Wind farms in the area, the generator and monitoring equipment, building covers an area of only about 1%, and the remaining space is still available for the original purpo.
(2) Project construction period is short. A wind turbine installation time from the transportation to the general no more than 3 months; a 50MW wind farm under construction cycle, generally a year or so.
(3) The installed capacity is more flexible. Difficulties in financing, wind farms can be phad, phad development and construction.
(4) Running simple can be completely unattended. Hundreds of thousands of kilometers can understand the operation of wind farms and to switch the operation unit.
(5) Does not consume fuel, no pollution, and the raw materials needed is inexhaustible.
3.3 Wind Energy in the 21st century will be an important energy
China's energy resources through the above preliminary analysis of the situation can be en, the development of large-scale wind power is the power industry to keep the inevitable choice for sustainable development strategies. This is becau: coal, oil, uranium, etc. The Earth billions of years by the accumulation of mineral resources out of the continuous u by human in less than a 200 years time but empty. Therefore, some experts have predicted that wind energy will be one of the 21st centuries, an important energy; wind power is the power of sustainable development of the strategy of choice. IV "Renewable Energy Law" for wind power development has laid a solid foundation
Overall, China's wind power development is lagging behind the development of wind power in the world, mainly for not forming a sound system of the wind power industry, which is due to the lack of preferential policies conducive to the development of wind power equipment to rely on importation in not change, and on the development of wind power and many one-sided understanding of the caus.
February 28, 2005 the NPC Standing Committee voted to adopt a "Renewable Energy Law" This law
will be January 1, 2006 into effect. It should be said that this is the development of renewable energy in China as
a milestone. The core of the Act is reflected in:
(1) To full grid enterpris purcha renewable energy power generation projects online.
(2) The pricing department to develop renewable energy development is conducive to the economic rationality of the electricity price.
(3) Renewable energy higher than the average electricity price of conventional energy part of the sales price of power-sharing companies.
To make "Renewable Energy Law" in the smooth implementation and now is being actively supporting the policy formulation and implementation of rules and regulations. Regulations will mainly include the following two aspects: First, the necessary availability of renewable energy provisions of the quota system policy, the cond is to develop long-term incentive effect of electricity price. July 4, 2005, the National Development and Reform Energy Development and Reform Commission [2005] 1204 document "on wind power construction and management of the rel
evant requirements of the notice" clearly stated in Article IV: "wind farm Tariff prices by the State Council department in charge under the actual situation around the costs and benefits in accordance with the principle of sub-regional estimates to determine, to the society. Wind power concession projects in the electricity price determined by bidding. But shall not exceed the price department under the State Council, electricity price level”. This
document can be interpreted as a concession outside the project costs plus benefits, to ensure that the interests of more investors. Published regional unified electricity price will encourage fair competition, and tariff exemptions for investment in human trouble.
State, "Renewable Energy Law" and the enactment of relevant laws, legal protection of the wind power policy interests of investors, to encourage the development of wind power has taken a solid step forward. Since 2003, only major Power Group, and the state-owned enterpris, private enterpris, foreign-funded enterpris also have to enter China's wind power industry, wind power development prents unprecedented flourishing scene.
V The development of China's wind power proposal
(1) Strongly encourage the development of wind power. To improve the power structure, reduce pollu
tion and protect the environment and ensure sustainable economic growth, vigorously develop clean new energy sources is esntial, and wind energy, in addition to the new hydroelectric energy outside the most potential for development, the development of the most mature technology, also the biggest and most commercial development conditions, and high economic feasibility, it should greatly encourage the development of wind power.
(2) Further development of wind power do the preliminary work. China's wind energy resource-rich, but the available wind energy resources, rerves and distribution of information is a rough estimate, and can not meet the requirements of wind power development, it is necessary to further advance wind power development, such as: the establishment of normal wind power Sources of Funding for preliminary work development; strengthening wind farms wind resource measurement, evaluation, and wind farms in the project planning and survey design preparation work.
(3) Further develop, improve and perfect the relevant laws and policies. February 2005 China promulgated the "Renewable Energy Law" for the development of wind energy resources in China has provided favorable conditions. In order to develop wind energy resources in China and return to normal, healthy development track, the state should be to establish a market-bad mechanism of wind power as the basic starting point to further establish and improve and perfect the relevant laws
and policies, regulations and policies to make more operational so as to ensure a reasonable return for investors, so that the development of China's wind energy resources can be developed rapidly.
(4) Power system planning should be supporting wind power development planning. Long time, China power grid systems, the major thermal power and hydropower with the development of compatible, and the development of wind power grid structure of the system will be new demands, particularly in network access has become restricted the development of wind power bottlenecks. For example: rich wind energy resources in Inner Mongolia, Gansu and other places, in many cas not covered by the local power grid to; future large-scale development of offshore wind farms, grid technology is not only difficult to access, and generally at the end of the grid. Therefore, countries should co-ordinate planning grid system to accommodate large-scale wind power development in China's development needs; same time, with the expansion of wind power installed capacity in the power point layout to increa the construction of pumped storage power station site, with the formation of wind power, hydropower complementary, overcome and reduce the power quality of wind power generation as the evils of randomness.
(5) To increa capital investment, speed up the localization of wind turbine. Previously, most of the construction of wind farms is importing wind turbines. As the high cost of imported equipment, so ma
ny wind power projects with high total cost per kw, wind power price is too high, this is the development of wind power in China has been one of the main slow. Therefore, countries need to increa capital investment, through technology, trade integration, etc., in line with the introduction, assimilation, and the principle of combining lf-development, the Chine gradually master the large-scale wind turbine manufacturing technology to speed up China's wind turbine localization process. Increa the localization rate of wind turbines, the wind power market will reduce the total cost is beneficial to the development of wind power in China. Therefore, China to develop wind power is the fundamental way to achieve localization of the wind turbine.
(6) Strengthening the training of