BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2012
BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2012 This workbook contains information prented in the 2012
竹编教程BP Statistical Review of World Energy, which can be found on the
internet at:
Plea u the contents or the tabs at the bottom to navigate between the tables. Oil: Proved rerves
Oil: Proved rerves - barrels (from 1980)
Oil: Production – barrels (from 1965)
Oil: Production – tonnes (from 1965)
Oil: Consumption – barrels (from 1965)
Oil: Consumption – tonnes (from 1965)
Oil: Regional consumption – by product group (from 1965)
恋爱手记Oil: Spot crude prices
Oil: Crude prices since 1861
Oil: Refinery capacities (from 1965)
Oil: Refinery throughputs (from 1980)
Oil: Regional refining margins (from 1992)
Oil: Trade movements (from 1980)
Oil: Inter-area movements
Oil: Imports and exports
Gas: Proved rerves
Gas: Proved rerves - bcm (from 1980)
Gas: Production – bcm (from 1970)
Gas: Production – bcf (from 1970)
Gas: Production – Mtoe (from 1970)
Gas: Consumption – bcm (from 1965)
Gas: Consumption – bcf (from 1965)
Gas: Consumption – Mtoe (from 1965)
Gas: Trade movements pipeline
高值耗材定义Gas: Trade movements LNG
Gas: Trade 2010-2011
Gas: Prices
Coal: Rerves
Coal: Prices
Coal: Production - tonnes (from 1981)
Coal: Production - Mtoe (from 1981)
Coal: Consumption - Mtoe (from 1965)
Nuclear Energy – Consumption TWh (from 1965)
Nuclear Energy – Consumption Mtoe (from 1965)
Hydroelectricity – Consumption TWh (from 1965)
Hydroelectricity – Consumption Mtoe (from 1965)
Renewables - Other renewables consumption Mtoe (from 1990)
Renewables - Other renewables consumption Twh (from 1990)小额信贷
Renewables - Solar consumption - TWh (from 1990)
Renewables - Wind consumption TWh - (from 1990)
Renewables - Geothermal, Biomass and Other TWh - (from 1990)
Renewables - Biofuels production - barrels (from 1990)
Renewables - Biofuels production - Ktoe (from 1990)
Primary Energy: Consumption Mtoe (from 1965)
Primary Energy: Consumption by fuel type Mtoe
Electricity Generation TWh (from 1985)
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Renewable Energy - Geothermal (Installed capacity)
Renewable Energy - Solar (Installed capacity)
Renewable Energy - Wind (Installed capacity)
Approximate conversion factors