1. 齐恒公The higher the standard of living, the _______.
A. greater is the amount of goods is consumed
B. greater amount of goods consumed
C. amount of goods is ud is greater
D. greater the amount of goods consumed
2. I knew her _____ , the more I appreciated her.
A. a more B. (the)more C. most D. very well
3. He is _____ than bad.
A. more good B. better C. much better D. best
4. The question is more complicated than _____ on the surface.
A. appears B. appearing C. is appeared D. that appears
5. In computer programming, this model is _____ to any of the others we have in the department.
A. 云南特产水果obvious superior B. superior obviously
C. obviously superior D. superior obvious
6. Don’t wake the _____ baby who is fast _____.
A. sleeping, asleep B. asleep, asleep C. asleep, sleepy D. sleeping , sleeping
7. It is reported that they have caught a lion_____.
三国历史 A. live B. living C. alive D. alive with
8. You will have to make the curves _______; otherwi, everyone will be copying your mistakes.
A. much rounder B. round C. more round D. much more round
9.Jack is ____ as Peter.
A. as intelligent B. so intelligent C. very intelligent D. more intelligent
10 John is ____ hardworking than his sister, but he failed in the exam.
A. no less B. no more C. not less D. no so
11. Mary is ______ than Alice.
A. more experienced a teacher B. a more experienced teacher
C. more an experienced teacher D. more experienced teacher
12. It ems urgent that the meeting ______ immediately
A. begin B. began C. begins D. will begin
13. Her hair is _______.
A. the same colour as her mother B. the same colour as her mother’snba暂停
C. same colour as her mother D. same colour as her mother’s
14. She is a warm-hearted person and always helps _______.
A. the disabled B. the disabled men C. a disabled D. disabled
15. It is ______ to rain tonight.
A. apt B. likely C. liable D. inclined
补血养生粥16. Everyone prent considered his conduct ________.
A. contemptuous B. contemptible C. contemporary D. contemplative
17. The rules stated that anyone who had held office for three years was not _____ for re-election.
A. inclusive B. permissive C. eligible D. admissible
18. The ascent of the mountain is _____ , but anyone who makes it to the top is rewarded by a spectacular view.
A. helpful B. assiduous C. arduous D. ardent
19. On the dert travellers often e ______ rivers and lakes.
A. imaging B. imaginative C. imaginable D> imaginary
20. The hou that we ud to live in is in a very _____ state.
A. neglectful B. negligible C. neglected D. negligent
21.I’m afraid ths painting is not by Qi Baishi . It’s only a copy and so it’s _____.
A. worthless B. invaluable C. unworthy D. priceless
22. I never trusted him becau I always thought of him as such as a (n)______ character.
空气炸锅烤鸡翅A. doubtful B. suspicious C. ambiguous D. equivocal
23. Although not an economist himlf, Dr. Smith has long been a vere critic of the government’s _____ policies.
A. economical B. economy C. economic D. economics
24. She is so ______ that she cried for days when her pet rabbit died.
A. nsible B. ntimental C. nsational D. nless
25. Mary is ______.
A. tall, white and beautiful B. tall white beautiful
C. tall white and beautiful D. tall, white or beautiful
26. I happen to e a ______ cowboy in the streets.
A. tall, dark and handsome B. tall, dark, handsome
C. tall, handsome and dark D. tall and dark and handsome
电脑k歌软件哪个好用27. The girls are crazy _____ the singer.
A. about B. of C. to D. for
28. He is very clever ______ making excus.
A. at B. with C. for D. by
29. She is competent ______ the task.
A. for B. on C. in D. of
30. She was abnt ______ work with a cold.
A. of B. from C. against D. off
31. She was engaged ______ protecting wild birds.
A. in B. on C. with D. about
32. I am suspicious ______ excessive tenderness.
A. of B. about C. about D. from
33.She is bent _____ becoming a musician.
A. on B. in C. for D. with
34. I am accustomed _____ walking long distances.
A. from B. of C. to D. with
35. Your view on education is almost identical ______ mine.