Chapter 1
1. Multiple choice (choo the best answer).
1) c 2) b 3) a 4) d 5) c
2. Fill in the blanks.
6) Sumerian, Egyptian, Chine characters
彼岸花开花落7) red, rectangular, five stars
8) form, sound, meaning
9) family name, the given name, xing, shi, ming, zi
3. Translate the following terms into English.
10) a. the Imperial palace/the Forbidden City b. 笔尖nature rerve c. autonomous region d. special administrative region孩子发脾气
11) a. the Han nationality b. ethical tradition c. social status d. 难Chine character
4. Explain the following in English.
12) paper making, printing, the compass and gunpowder食字成语.
13) 甲骨文,钟鼎文,小篆,隶书,楷书
5. Answer the following questions.
14) Chine characters mainly have four ways of formation, namely pictographs, indicatives, ideographs and pictophonetic.
15) A person’s ming and zi were normally given by his or her elders. 幼儿算数Hao was different from both ming and zi in that it was chon by onelf rather than by others. A person often had more than one hao. Hao was not ud to address one another but as a signatu
re in one’s poetic and artistic works. Hao usually revealed one’s aspirations and moral values.
16) A Chine surname is generally compod of one character or syllable, such as Zhang, Wu, Li, or Yang. There are also two-syllable, three-syllable or even four-syllable surnames, such as Ouyang, Zhuge, Sima, Gongsun, Zhukehun, Buliugu, Houmochen and Jingjiangliushi.
Chapter 2
1.Multiple choice (choo the best answer).
1) Primitive characters were invented and carved on _______.
a. stones b. bamboos c. pots d. rocks
2) Li Bing and his son directed the construction of _______which made possible rationalized irrigation supply, flood diversion and sand discharge.
a. the Grand Canal b. the Great Wall c. the Silk Road d. the Dujiang Dam
3) During the _______, people learned how to smelt bronze and u iron tools.
a. Shang Dynasty b. Qin Dynasty c. Han Dynasty d. Xia Dynasty
小红帽与大灰狼的故事4) The “times of prosperity” refers to the _______ reign periods.
a. Genghis Khan b. Ying Zheng c. Li Shimin d. Kangxi and Qianlong
5) In the _______ Dynasty, remarkable progress was made in agricultural production and handicrafts, and toward the end of the dynasty, the rudiments of capitalism appeared.
a. Ming b. Qing c. Song d. Shang
2. Fill in the blanks.
6) In __________, Qin Shihuang, the First Emperor, established China’s first centralized autocracy, the Qin Dynasty, thereby ushering Chine history into feudalism.
7) In the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 220), the Han regime reached the period of its greatest prosperity. Emperor Wudi conquered the Xiongnu nomads, and nt Zhang Qian as envoy to the Western Regions (Central Asia), and in the process pioneered the route known as ____________ from the Han capital__________ (today’s Xi’an, Shaanxi Province), through__________ and onward, finally reaching the east coast of the _____________.
8) The __________ was the turning point in Chine history which marked the clo of the ancient period and the beginning of the modern history.
9) The Bourgeois Democratic Revolution of 1911 led by __________ toppled the rule of the Qing Dynasty and put an end to more than 2,000 years of__________________.
3. Translate the following terms into English.
10) a. 旧石器时代____________ b. 新石器时代________________
c. 奴隶社会______________ d. 《红楼梦》________________
11) a. 彩陶 _________________ b. 春秋战国时期 _____________
c. 社会主义市场经济___________d. 鸦片战争__________________
4. Explain the following in English.
12) the Silk Road
13) “a hundred schools of thought contend”
5. Answer the following questions.
14) Why the Opium War was the turning point in Chine history?
15) Why the construction of the Dujiang Dam was so important in Chine ancient times?
16) What are the main contributions of Qin Shi Huang?
1.Multiple choice (choo the best answer).
1) c 2) d 3) a 4) d 5) a
2. Fill in the blanks.
6) 221 B.C.
7) Silk Road, Chang'an, Xinjiang, Mediterranean Sea
8) Opium War
9) Sun Yat-n, feudal monarchical system
3. Translate the following terms into English.
10) a. the Paleolithic Era b. the Neolithic Age c. slave society d. Dream of Red Mansions
11) a. painted pottery b. the spring and Autumn Period c. socialist market economy
d. Opium War商场招商
4. Explain the following in English.
12) During the reign of Emperor Wudi (Liu Che, r. 140-87 B.C.), the Han regime reached the period of its greatest prosperity: The emperor conquered the Xiongnu nomads, and nt Zhang Qian as envoy to the Western Regions (Central Asia), and in the process pioneered the route known as the "Silk Road" from the Han capital Chang'an (today's Xi'an, Shaanxi Province), through Xinjiang and onward, finally reaching the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea.