Lesson One Twelve Things l Wish They Taught at School | ||||||||||||||||||
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1 I attended junior and nior high school, public institutions in New York and New Jery, just after the Second World War. It ems a long time ago. ①二战刚结束,我在纽约和新泽西的公立学校上了初中和高中。现在想来似乎是很久远的事了。 The facilities and the skills of the teachers were probably well above average for the United States at that time. Since then, I've learned a great deal. 学校的设施、教师的水平在当时的美国大大高于一般水准。因而,那时的我可以说是受益匪浅。One of the most important things I've learned is how much there is to learn, ② and how much I don't yet know.③ Sometimes I think how grateful I would be today if I had learned more back then about 螯怎么读what really matters. 我所学到的最重要的一点,就是要学的东西实在是太多,而我还没有学到的东西也太多。有时候,我想那时要是能学点真正重要的东西,今天我会多么地心存感激。In some respects that education was terribly narrow手机系统内存; the only thing I ever heard in school about Napoleon was that the United States made the Louisiana Purcha from him.在有些方面,当时的教育十分狭窄;关于拿破仑,在学校里我所学到的仅仅是美国从他手里买下路易斯安那。 ④(On a planet where some 95% of the inhabitants are not Americans, the only history that was thought worth teaching was American history.在一个约95%的居民不是美国人的星球上,学校当局认为只有美国历史才值得讲授。 ) In spelling, grammar, the fundamentals of math, and other vital subjects, my teachers did a pretty good job. But there's so much el I wish they'd taught us. 在拼写、语法、数学基础知识以及其他重要的学科的教授上,我的老师们做得相当不错。但是还有许多其他的东西,我曾希望他们教授给我。
2 ①Perhaps all the deficiencies have since been rectified. It ems to me there are many things或许该教而没教的缺陷自那以后已经得以纠正。照我看来似乎有许多东西 (②often more a matter of attitude and perception than the simple memorization of facts主要是态度问题、认识问题,而不是简单的对事实记忆的问题) that the schools should teach — things that truly would be uful in later life, uful in making a stronger country and a better world, but uful also in making people happier. 学校应当教授——那些在以后的生活中真正有用的东西,即那些能使国家更强大、世界更美好,也能使人们更幸福的东西。Human beings enjoy learning.③ That's one of the few things that we do better than the other species on our planet.人类乐于学习。这是我们人类比这个星球上其它物种做得好些的为数有限的几件事中的一件。 ④Every student should regularly experience the "Aha!" — when something you never understood, or something you never knew was a mystery, becomes clear.每个学生都应该经常体验一下说出“啊,原来是这么一回事!”时的感受——也就是你以往不懂的或是不知道自己不懂的事情,一下子变得豁然开朗时的感受。 3 So here's my list:下雨天英文 下面就是我列出的方法:
Pick a difficult thing and learn it well. 挑一件难事,从中学习 4 The Greek philosopher Socrates said this was one of the greatest of human joys,and it is. While you learn a little bit about many subjects, make sure you learn a great deal about one or two.希腊哲学家苏格拉底曾经说过这是人类最大的乐趣之一,确实也是如此。与其涉足多门学科而略知一二,不如选其一两个学科学深学透。 It hardly matters what the subject is, as long as it deeply interests you, and you place it in its broader human context.只要你对所选的课题感兴趣,只要你的研究不脱离课题本身更为广阔的人文环境,你的课题是什么并不重要。 After you teach yourlf one subject, you become much more confident about your ability to teach yourlf another. You gradually find you've acquired a key skill. 教会你自己一个课题以后,你就会对教授你自己另一课题的能力更加充满信心。你会逐渐发现你已获得了一种主要技能。The world is changing so rapidly that you must continue to teach yourlf throughout your life. ①But don't get trapped by the first subject that interests you, or the first thing you find yourlf good at. 世界的变化日新月异,你必须在一生中不断地教授你自己。但不要沉溺于你感兴趣的或你擅长的第一门学科而止步不前。②The world is full of wonders, and some of them we don't discover until we're all grown up. Most of them, sadly, we never discover.这个世界充满了奇妙的事物,有些我们完全长大成人之后才会发现;很遗憾,大部分我们一辈子也发现不了。
Don't be afraid to ask "stupid" questions.不要害怕问“愚蠢的”问题 5 Many apparently naive inquiries like why grass is green, or why the Sun is round, or why we need 55,000 nuclear weapons in the world — are really deep questions. ① The answers can be a gateway to real insights.许多明显幼稚的提问其实是很深刻的问题,诸如草为何是绿的,太阳为何是圆的,为什么我们的世界需要55000个核武器。对这些问题的回答很可能会使你对事物有深刻的理解。 It's also important to know, as well as you can, what it is that you don't know, and asking questions is the way. 尽可能明确你有哪些事情不明同样也很重要,提问题就是找出不懂之处的办法。To ask "stupid" questions requires courage on the part of the asker and knowledge and patience on the part of the answerer. ② And don't confine your learning to schoolwork. Discuss ideas in depth with friends. ③ It's much braver to ask questions even when there's a prospect of ridicule than to suppress your questions and become deadened to the world around you. 提“愚蠢的”问题,对于提问者来说需要勇气,对答问者来说需要知识和耐心。不要把自己的学习局限于课堂。与朋友深入地讨论观点或想法。明知会引起嘲笑而提问要比把问题埋在心里、对周围的一切变得麻木不仁要勇敢得多
Listen carefully. 仔细倾听 6 ①Many conversations are a kind of competition that rarely leads to discovery on either side. 很多情况下人们谈活时,总是争相表现自己,这类交谈对双方都无多大益处。When people are talking, don't spend the time thinking about what you're going to say next. Instead, ②try to understand what they're saying, what experience is behind their remarks, what you can learn from or about them.当别人在谈话时,不要费时去思考自己接下来打算说什么,而是设法搞懂他们说的是什么,什么样的经历才使他们说这些话,你从这些话中能学到什么,你对说这些话的人又能了解到什么情况等。 Older people have grown up in a world very different from yours, one you may not know very well. They, and people from other parts of the country and from other nations, have important perspectives that can enrich your life. 老年人所经历的世界与你所经历的截然不同,你也许对其知之甚少。老年人及来自其他地方和其他国家的人们有可以丰富你的生活的十分重要的对事物的看法。
Everybody makes mistakes.人人都会犯错误 7 Everybody's understanding is incomplete. Be open to correction, and learn to correct your own mistakes. The only embarrassment is in not learning from your mistakes. 每个人对事物的理解都是不全面的。要乐于接受改正,学会纠正自己的错误。你应该感到丢人的倒是没有从错误中吸取教训。 Know your planet.了解你所处的星球 8 It's the only one we have. Learn how it works. We're changing the atmosphere, the surface, the waters of the Earth, ①often for some short-term advantage when the long-term implications are unknown. ②.这是我们仅有的一个星球。要了解它是如何运作的。我们往往为了短期的利益,在尚不了解(这些做法)长远影响的情况下,正在改变大气层、改变地球的表面以及地球的水系。The citizens of any country should have at least something to say about the direction in which we're going. ③If we don't understand the issues, we abandon the future. 任何一个国家的公民至少对我们人类要走向何处都有发言权。如果我们不理解这些问题,我们就是放弃未来。
Science and technology.科学与技术 9 You can't know your planet unless you know something about science and technology. School science cours, I remember, concentrated on the unimportant parts of science, leaving the major insights almost untouched. 除非你了解科学与技术,否则你不会了解你所在的星球。我记得学校的科学课程专讲科学的次要方面,而对科学的深层含义几乎只字不提。The great discoveries in modern science are also great discoveries of the human spirit. For example, Copernicus showed that — far from being the center of the univer, about which the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the stars revolved in clockwi homage — the Earth is just one of many small worlds. ①This is a deflation of our pretensions, to be sure, but it is also the opening up to our view of a vast and awesome univer. 现代科学的每项重大发现同时也是对人类精神的重大发现。例如,哥白尼证明地球根本不是什么太阳、月亮及其他行星和星球按顺时针方向绕其转动的宇宙中心,它只不过是许多小小世界当中的一个而已。这当然煞了我们人类的自命不凡的傲气,但是同时(哥白尼的学说)也开阔了我们的眼界,使我们看到一个漫无边际的、令人敬畏的宇宙。Every high school graduate should have some idea of the insights of Copernicus, Newton, Darwin, Freud, and Einstein. (Einstein's special theory of relativity, far from being obscure and exceptionally difficult, can be understood in its basics with no more than first-year algebra, and the notion of a rowboat in a river going upstream and downstream. ) 每个高中毕业生都应对哥白尼、牛顿、达尔文、弗洛伊德以及爱因斯坦的深刻思想有所了解。(爱因斯坦的狭义相对论并不晦涩,也不是特别难懂,只要有一年级的几何知识和在河中划艇逆流而上和顺流而下的概念,其基本原理就完全可以弄懂。)
Don't spend your life watching TV.不要终生沉迷在电视上 10 You know what I'm talking about. 你当然知道我在说什么。 Culture.文化 11 ①Gain some exposure to the great works of literature, art and music. ②If such a work is hundreds or thousands of years old and is still admired, there is probably something to it.感受一下文学、艺术和音乐名篇的熏陶,既然一部作品已存在了几百年或是几千年,今天仍然受到赞赏,那么大概它确实是有些名堂。 Like all deep experiences,③ it may take a little work on your part to discover what all the fuss is about. But once you make the effort, your life has changed; you've acquired a source of enjoyment and excitement for the rest of your days. 要搞清楚人们到底为什么对这些作品还如此热衷,你就得下点功夫,一切感人至深的经历莫不如此。但是一旦你付出努力,你的生活就会得到改变;你就会获得你余生可享受到的快乐与兴奋的源泉。④In a world as tightly connected as ours is, don't restrict your attention to American or Western culture. Learn how and what people el where think. Learn something of their history, their religion, their viewpoints. 在我们所处的联系如此紧密的一个世界里,不要仅仅沉迷于美国或西方文化之中,要了解其他地方的人们是如何想的,想些什么。了解他们的历史、他们的宗教以及他们的观点。
Compassion.同情 12 Many people believe that we live in an extraordinarily lfish time. But there is a hollowness, a loneliness that comes from living only for yourlf. Humans are capable of great mutual compassion, love, and tenderness. The feelings, however, need encouragement to grow.许多人认为我们生活在一个异常自私的时代。如果你仅为自己活着,那你就会感到空虚、感到孤独。人是能够相互同情、相互热爱、相互关心的。但是,这些感情需要鼓励才能不断增强。 13 Look at the delight a one- or two-year-old takes in learning, and you e how powerful is the human will to learn. ①Our passion to understand the univer and our compassion for others jointly provide the chief hope for the human race. 郭风如果你看到一个一两岁的孩子学做一件事时的乐趣,你就会明白人类学习的意志有多么坚强了。我们有渴望了解宇宙的热忱,我们有对他人的同情心,人类的希望主要寄托于此。
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