[摘 要]采集轿车雨刮系统的8专利申请详细步骤>留痕个噪声样本为试验对象,由人耳主观分辩出能够描述雨刮系统运行状态的 3种主要的感受噪声成分,即电机声、换向声和刮刷声。利用多元回归分析,建立了3种成分噪声的声品质客观评价模型,并最终建立了以3种成分噪声的烦恼度值来表征雨刮系统噪声品质的评价模型。红薯面粉
中图分类号:金门炮战V328 文献标识码:A 微风徐徐文章编号:1009-914X(2017)20-0026-01
Sound Quality Analysis of Wiper System Noi in Cars
He Shuaicao
(R&D Centerof Great Motor Company,Automotive Engineering Technical Centerof HeBei,baoding 071000)
[Abstract]With 8 noi samples of wiper system acquired as object,three main nsory con-stituents of wiper system noi ( motor noi,direction reversal noi and blade scraping noi),which can de-scribe the operation status of wiper system,are subjectively identified by human ears.Through multivariate regression analysis哺乳期可以吃蒜吗,the objective evaluation model for the sound quality of three noi constituents is t up and finally an evaluation model is established using the annoyance degrees of three noi components to characterize the overall sound quality of wiper system noi.