The design of the control system of automobile intelligent wiper bad on 51 single chip microcomputer
The design of the intelligent wiper takes STC89C52 as the core, and realizes the intelligent wiper with the single-chip microcomputer as the control system. The focus is on the design of circuit structure principles and code programming. It includes project overview, program demonstration, intelligent wiper hardware and software design, system debugging and other parts. This design takes the single chip microcomputer as the control core.Bad on the method of block mode, the hardware analyzes the circuit design of the entire system, and gives the overall structure of the system, the minimum system of the single-chip microcomputer, the drive circuit of the stepper motor, the key circuit, and the display circuit. LCD1602, nsor circuit and power supply circuit.In the process of software implementation, the block method is also ud. The software design part includes intelligent wiper program design ideas and intelligent wiper function analysis. The structure and function of the stepper motor, buttons, LCD1602 display and rainfall nsor circuit are designed and implemented, and the logic structure of the main program is mainly written. The software part us C language to analyze the rainfall value and t value to complete the automatic start and stop of the wiper and speed control. The design basically achieves the intended purpo and has strong practical value.《昆虫记》读后感
Keywords: Intelligent wiper, automatic control, MCU, STC89C52, motor drive, LCD1602
第1章绪论 (1)
第1.1节选题背景 (1)
第1.2节研究现状 (1)
第1.3节研究意义 (2)
第2章自动雨刷器的总体设计 (3)
第2.1节总体设计 (3)
2.1.1 设计思路 (3)
2.1.2 总体设计框架图 (3)
第2.2节方案的论证 (4)
2.2.1 主控芯片选择 (4)
2.2.2 电动机选择 (4)
走迷宫2.2.3 电机驱动模块选择 (5)
2.2.4 传感器选择 (5)
2.2.5 工作状态显示选择 (5)
第3章系统中的主要器件介绍 (7)
第3.1节主控制器(STC89C52) (7)
第3.2节电机驱动芯片(ULN2003) (8)
第3.3节步进电机(28BYJ-48) (9)
第4章自动雨刷器硬件电路设计 (10)
第4.1节单片机最小系统 (10)
第4.2节步进电机驱动电路 (10)民主生活会材料>我的老班长
第4.3节按键电路 (11)
第4.4节LCD1602显示电路 (12)
第4.5节供电电路 (13)
第5章自动雨刷器软件设计 (14)
第5.1节软件总体设计 (14)
第5.2节步进电机工作模块 (15)
第5.3节按键控制模块 (16)
第5.4节LCD1602显示模块 (16)
第5.5节雨量传感器自动控制模块 (17)
第6章自动雨刷器调试 (18)
第6.1节系统硬件设计、组装和调试 (18)
6.1.1 制作电路板 (18)
6.1.2 元件焊接 (19)
6.1.3 整板测试 (19)
6.1.4 上电功能测试 (19)
第6.2节系统各模块软件调试 (20)
第6.3节调试小结 (21)
结论 (22)
附录 (23)
参考文献 (27)
致谢 (28)