Currently, there are no standard recommendations regarding adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the treatment of urachal tumors. However, the clinical cour of urachal carcinoma more cloly rembles the experience with colorectal adenocarcinoma, which is responsive to perioperative 5FUbad chemotherapy. Since we now have an active chemotherapy combination, it ems reasonable to extrapolate from our experience with colorectal perioperative chemotherapy and offer adjuvant chemotherapy to patients at high risk of relap. There are few long-term survivors in the tting of positive margins, peritoneal carcinomatosis, nodal metastas or when the urachal ligament was not appropriately controlled by en bloc rection with the umbilicus and bladder. MDACC has offered adjuvant chemotherapy with Gem-FLP to tho patients who wish to take an aggressive approach owing to their high risk of relap.