整个系统的分析与设计采用当前计算机软件工程学中的主流方法——面向对象系统分析与设计。遵循Rational统一过程(RUP),既以U Ca为驱动,体系构架为核心的迭代化思想,使用CASE工具中的支持统一建模语言UML的Rational Ro 进行系统的分析与设计工作。
Attendance as a unit’s basic management, the growing importance of traditional attendance can be divided into two concepts :
First, the manual attendance. The manual attendance by hand written, there are many subjective and human factors, management is often not given access to the final results of attendance information, or even a basic constraint;
The cond, the the manual attendance. Mechanical clock bell as management are two management models :
One is that management needn’t get attendance statements, only temporary checks veral employees’s cards, but it will inevitably omission, the employees’s hearts save by luck; The other one is that management request attendance statements, strengthening the management and u of this model need management personnel to collect attendance records, input them by manual computers, then usually result in to record into the link come amiss, test data is not true frequently, the waste, efficiency of the human resource is lowly, the statement don't immediately reflect etc. problem.
But the new record attendance IC card management system can resolve the problems in traditional attendance, the main charactertic are : the u of computers to gather Originality data and statistics attendance data, the time accurate, attendance data are lost or interference confusion (occasional inevitable), and it can make statements auto, arching way is more convenient; Its main advantage is Convenience, low prices, and in many units achieved for-all, that is with telephone, food system connected.
The great method of Computer Software Engineering that Object-Oriented ud analy and design this system. U Rational Ro analy and design that support Unified Modeling Language (UML) in Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool.
The system satisfy test operation and have some practicability.
Keyword manual attendance·mechanical clock bell·record attendance·statistics ·statements auto·arching·Object-Oriented
0. 前言 (6)
1. 系统调查 (7)
1.1 阜新盛明热电有限责任公司简介 (7)
1.2企业组织结构 (7)
1.3 现行考勤业务分析 (10)
1.3.1现行系统业务流程图 (10)
1.3.2 现行系统业务说明 (10)
1.3.3 现行系统现状分析 (11)
1.4 需求分析 (11)
1.4.1 系统功能目标 (11)
1.4.3 系统需求 (12)
1.5 新系统初步方案 (12)
1.6 可行性分析 (13)
1.6.1 技术可行性 (13)
1.6.2 经济可行性 (13)
1.6.3 运行可行性 (14)
1.6.4 总体可行性 (14)
2. 系统分析 (15)
2.1 分析问题领域 (15)
2.1.1 系统边界 (15)
2.1.2 定义活动者 (15)
2.1.3 定义U Ca (16)
2.2 U Ca报告 (17)
2.2.1 “签到刷卡”的U Ca报告 (17)
2.2.2 “签出刷卡”的U Ca报告 (19)
2.2.3 “请假考核”的U Ca报告 (22)
2.2.4 “作业考核”的U Ca报告 (23)
2.2.5 “生成考勤报表”的U Ca报告 (25)
2.2.6 “考勤查询”的U Ca报告 (28)
2.2.7 “数据维护”的U Ca报告 (31)
2.3全局分析 (34)
2.3.1 分析模型整体组织结构 (34)
2.3.2 选用构架模式 (35)
2.3.3 识别关键抽象 (35)
2.3.4 识别分析机制 (36)
2.3.5选定分析局部 (36)
2.4 局部分析 (37)
2.4.1 “请假考核”分析 (38)
2.4.2 “作业考核”分析 (39)
2.4.3 “生成考勤报表”分析 (41)
2.4.4 “数据维护”分析 (42)
2.4.5 分析类属性 (44)
3. 系统设计 (45)
3.1 全局设计 (45)
3.1.1 确定核心元素 (45)
3.1.2引入外围元素 (46)
3.1.3 外围设计元素 (46)
3.1.4 “分析机制”向“设计机制”映射 (46)
3.1.5 落实“设计机制”的具体内容 (46)
3.1.6模型组织结构 (49)
3.2 局部设计 (52)
3.2.1 用“核心元素”替换“分析类” (52)
3.3 代码设计 (61)
3.3.1 代码设计原则 (61)
3.3.2 代码设计 (61)
3.3.3 代码校验 (62)
3.4 数据库设计 (62)
3.5 人机对话设计 (65)
4. 系统实施 (69)
4.1 开发工具选择 (69)
4.3 系统测试 (70)
5. 系统使用与评价 (73)
巨型兔5.1 新系统使用方法 (73)
5.2 系统评价 (74)
5.2.1 经济效益评价 (74)
5.2.2 系统性能评价 (74)
5.2.3 管理性能评价 (74)
结论 (76)指导工作
致谢 (78)
参考文献 (79)