IELTS Listening Task Type 2 (Matching) Activity (1) – teacher’s notes
This is an activity to introduce matching type tasks, focusing on prediction of possible language in the recording and paraphrasing of the language in the task.
Time required: 60 minutes
Additional materials required: § recording of tapescript for sample task 2(1). (You will have to make this recording yourlf with a friend or colleague or ask two friends or colleagues to do it for you for this sample task or another that you choo)
§ copies of tapescript, enough for one per student plus teacher. (NB the worksheets here are only for u
with this sample task but other worksheets can be easily made for other sample tasks as the ideas are transferable)
Aims: § to introduce task type 2
§ to predict language related to the topic
§ to practi paraphrasing of the answer choices.
§ to help students complete the task.
1. Introduce the topic of ‘university’ and elicit some vocabulary associated with it
(lecture, study, degree, campus, etc)
2. Hand out worksheet 1. Students discuss the topic of university and the cour
subjects which will be heard in the listening. Monitor to e how much students know about the topics.
3. Explain any other information required (read the tapescript to identify what the
students need to know about university and the subjects discusd).
4. Introduce task type 2 by giving the students a copy of the sample task. Ask students
to highlight the key words in the task (Jack, tutor, each, cour options, definitely, may, may not, won’t, correct letter, more than once, media studies, women, power, culture, society, identity, popular culture, cultural theory).
5. Hand out the first page of worksheet 2. Students work in pairs to brainstorm other
ways of expressing the phras A, B and C in the context of the sample task.
6. Hand out the cond page of worksheet 2, and ask students to classify the phras
into the three columns. Do a whole class check and then ask for other possible phras found in step 5.
7. Explain that they are now going to do the sample task. To complete the task they
need to listen for detail, but be aware that the words in the recording will be different from tho in the options (A, B and C) – some of the phras from worksheet 2 may be heard instead. In this task, the wording of the questions (e.g. Media Studies) is the same as in the recording but, in other tasks of this nature, students may have to listen for paraphras of the too. Play your recording.
8. Students check in pairs. Check answers by replaying your recording and stopping
after each answer.
9. As a followup, students could look at the tapescript and underline the phras that
signal the correct options.
IELTS Listening Task Type 2 (Matching) Activity (1) – answer keys Key to Worksheet 2
Will definitely do it May or may not do it Won’t do it
That would fit in really well Put me down for that
I’ll go for that
I’ll sign up for that
That sounds perfect
That one’s for me
I’d definitely like to do that I’ll think about that one
I’ll consider it
I don’t really know about that
It depends on the cour
I might wait to decide
It sounds interesting but I’m
worried it might be difficult
I’m not sure – I’ll sleep on it
I’d rather not take that
That sounds dull
That’s not really relevant for
I don’t think I like the sound
of that
I’ve decided I’d rather do
something completely new
小直径炸弹I’ll forget about that one then五月天色丁香
I think I’ll give that a miss
Key to Sample Task
21. C
22. A
23. B
24. B
25. C
IELTS Listening Task Type 2 (Matching) Activity (1) – tapescript直译和意译
You will hear a Communication Studies student talking to his tutor about optional cours for the next mester.
Dr Ray Come in. Oh hello Jack. Have a at. Right ... you said you wanted to e me to talk about your options next mester?
上老师Jack That's right. We have to decide by the end of next week. Really, I'd like to do all five options but we have to choo two, don't we.
Dr Ray Yes, but the choice depends on your major to some extent. You're majoring in Communication Studies, aren't you?
Jack That's right.
Dr Ray So for example the Media Studies Option will cover quite a lot of the same area you did in the core module on mass communications this mester the development of the media
through the last two centuries, in relation to political and social issues.
Jack Mmm. Well that was interesting, but I’ve decided I'd rather do something completely new.
There's a Women's Studies option, isn't there?
Dr Ray Yes, 'Women and Power' – again it has a historical focus, it aims to contextuali women's studies by looking at the legal and social situation in the nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries …
Jack So it would be uful if I intended to speciali in women's studies ... but I'm not sure I do actually.
Dr Ray Well, it might still be uful to give you an idea of the issues involved. It's taught by Dr Steed.
Jack Oh, really? I'll sign up for that, then. What about the option on Culture and Society?
Dr Ray That address the historical debate on the place of culture since the Industrial Revolution in Britain.
Jack So a historical focus again ...
Dr Ray Do I get the message you're not so keen on history?
Jack Well, it's just we em to have done quite a lot this mester … anyway I'll think about that one.
Dr Ray If you're interested in a cour focusing on current issues there's the option on Identity and Popular Culture – that approaches the subject through things like contemporary film,
adverts, soap operas and so on.
Jack Oh? That sounds interesting. Can you tell me who runs it?
趣票网Dr Ray Well, it's normally Dr Stevens but he's on sabbatical next mester, so I'm not sure who'll be
running it. It should be decided by next week though.
Jack Right, well I might wait until then to decide ... And the last option is Introduction to Cultural Theory, isn't it. I'm quite interested in that too – I was talking to one of the cond year
students, and she said it was really uful, it made a lot of things fall into place.
Dr Ray Yes, but in fact in your major, you'll have covered a lot of that already in Communications 102, so that might be less uful than some of the others.
Jack Oh, I'll forget about that one, then.
Dr Ray Now while you're here, we could also discuss how you're getting on with your Core Module assignment ...
IELTS Listening Task Type 2 (Matching) Activity (1) – Student’s Worksheet 1
Discuss the following questions with a partner:
1. Have you studied at university?
If you have: What subjects did you take? Were they divided into a main cour and
option cours.
If you haven’t: Are there any subjects that you would like to study further?
2. How much do you know about the university system in the UK? What is a lecture, a
tutorial and a minar? What do students do in each of the? Who leads the
ssions and what do they do?
3. What do you think a degree called ‘Communication Studies’ is about? Does this
subject exist in your country?
4. What do you think the following cour options for a ‘Communication Studies’ degree
are about? Do any of them interest you?
Media Studies
Women and Power
Culture and Society
Identity and Popular Culture
Introduction to Cultural Theory