13。Robbie Woods and his Merry Men罗比。伍兹和他快乐的弟兄们
Chapter 1
I am Robbie Woods。
I am always the first to make a good joke 。
I always the first to tidy my work away at the end of the day。
But somehow I am never the first to be picked for teams and plays。
Big Bradley Tomlinson and Bossy Becky Sparrow always get to pick the teams for rounders.
‘I’ll have Jack and Scott and Jordan and Sam,’says Big Bradley.
‘I’ll have Carly and Kylie and Katy and Kaylee,’says Bossy Becky.
It is the same with the school play。
In my first year at school ,we did the Christmas Nativity Play。
No, I wasn't Joph。
I wasn’t a Wi Man either.
I wasn’t a shepherd.
I was a sheep。
I had to stand there looking woolly and being quiet.
I wasn’t even allowed to go ‘Baaaa’.
The next year, we did Humpty Dumpty。
No, I wasn’t Humpty Dumpty. That was katy。
I wasn’t one of the Kng's men
They were Becky ,Jack ,and Scott。
I wasn’t one of the King’s Hors either.
I was a brick in the wall。
I just had to stand there, wearing a box and then fall over。
The next year, we did the Pied Piper.
No, I wasn’t the Pied Piper. That was Jordan (becau the he can play the recorder).
I wasn’t the Mayor ,That was Bradley (becau he’s big).
I wasn’t one of the townsfolk and I wasn’t one of the children。
I was a rat.
This time I had words to learn and say。 It was what they call a ‘speaking part’.且听凤吟
I had to say :squeak squeak squeak .
If you ask me it was more of a squeaking part than a speaking part.
Chapter 2
Our teacher, Miss Goody, called everyone together。
‘What about his merry women?’ said Becky。 ‘It’s xist!’
‘What about his mirable man?’ said Scott。 ‘It’s mirablist!'
‘What about just getting on with it,’ said Miss Goody. ‘Who would like to be Robin Hood?’
I shot my hand up into the air.
‘Robbie Woods would.。。’said Miss Goody。
‘Robbie Woods would。 Robbie Woods would, would he。。。’ Bradley began to chant。
But I ignored him. ‘I’m dead keen on Robin Hood,’ I explained。
‘I know all the stories。
I’ve got all the books.
I've got a bow and arrow。
I've even got my own Robin Hood costume,’ I said.
‘But I want to be Robin Hood,' said Becky。
‘And me!’ said Bradley。
‘I will give everyone a chance,' said Miss Goody。 ‘There are all the parts。'
‘And there are also parts for villagers, knights, and ladies.。。and of cour we’ll need lots of trees to be the forest.'
I can guess what I'm going to be.
Chapter 3
‘I bet I'll be a tree,' I sighed.
‘No you won’t,’ said Becky。 ‘You’ll be a little baby bush…’
‘Or a teeny tiny twig,’ said Bradley.
‘Quiet,’ said Miss Goody.
I took a copy of the Robin Hood words。
There were lots of words。
And some of them were a bit strange.
But I was determined to be Robin Hood。
I mean, If your name was Frankie Stein, you’d be interested in Frankenstein. Wouldn’t you?
If your name was Richard King, you’d be interested in King Richard。 Wouldn’t you?
And my name , Robbie Woods, is just like Robin Hood. So it's only natural I’d take an interest in a hero with the same name (almost) as me. Isn't it?
I'm not the only one to notice how like Robin Hood I am.
All my uncles and aunties give me Robin Hood prents。
I’ve got Robin Hood teddies (I've had tho since I was little).
I’ve got Robin Hood jigsaws( and it’s not easy doing a jigsaw which is nearly all green).
I’ve got all the videos of all the Robin Hood films and。.. I’ve got casttes of Robin Hood songs。
I made up my own version。 I’d gallop round the playground (when I was little) singing:
Robbie Woods, Robbie Woods
货代英语 And his Merry men
Robbie Woods, Robbie Woods
Here he comes again.
Feared by the bad .
Loved by the good,
Robbie Woods, Robbie Woods
Robbie Woods。
There were other versions, mostly made up by Bradley but I didn’t like tho so much :
Robbie Woods, Robbie Woods
running round the school.
Robbie Woods, Robbie Woods
Looking like a fool 。
Feared by the bad .成都小吃有哪些
Loved by the girls,
Robbie Woods, Robbie Woods ,
Robbie Woods。
But I don’t care if Bradley teas。 I want to play the part of Robin Hood 。