外刊经贸知识选读复习(自考) lesson 1-15 课后问答

更新时间:2023-07-21 17:28:14 阅读: 评论:0

Lesson 1  China’s Foreign Trade(中国的对外贸易)
1、What‘s the meaning of ―the pattern of China‘s foreign trade‖?
―The pattern of China‘s foreign trade‖ refers chiefly(主要的) to the
commodity structure of China‘s foreign trade and her trade partnership with the
2、What kind of clau is introduced by ―when‖ in the ntence of the third
paragraph, ction 1? An adverbial (状语) clau or an attributive (定语)
An attributive clau
3、“Official recognition that foreign technology could play a major role in
modernizing the Chine economy had caud imports to ri by more than
50 per cent in 1978 placing undue strain (过度负担)on the national
1978年中国的进口额增长了50%以上,结果国民经济背上了沉重的负担。) Why did the more than 50% ri in imports of 1978 place undue strain on China‘s national economy?
More foreign exchanges(外汇) is required for more imports. All ctions of China‘s national economy would have to work harder and better to export and
earn more for the imports incread.
4、What‘s ―a net grain exporter(粮食净出口国)‖? Does it mean one who has
never done any imports?
“A net grain exporter‖ should be one who has done both imports and exports
of the item, but finally exported more than imported within a period of time.
5、―The strong increa in imports last year is attributed to buoyant economic
activity as well as to the success of the Government‘s trade and foreign
investment policies.‖(去年进口额的大大增加不仅是由于政府贸易政策与对
What did China‘s forei gn investment policies have to do with(与…有关)her strong increa in imports?
Foreign capital(外资)has flowed into (流入)China mostly in the form of foreign industrial investors to t up production facilities(生产设备)locally(在地方上,本地)together with their Chine partners or alone. For production
efficiency(效率)and other reasons, as a rule they bring in technology and
equipment from abroad to equip(装备)themlves. Thus (因此)it would result in a ri in imports.
6、―Chine officials stress the importance o f introducing advanced technology
to domestic industry, but the need is for technology of varying degrees of
sophistication, not necessarily for advanced technology as the term is
understood in the West.‖(中国官员强调向国内工业部门引进国外先进技术的重要性,但他们需要是不同先进程度的技术,而不是一定需要西方国家所理解的那种纯粹的先进技术。)
What‘s the implication (含义)of the underlined part of the paragraph quoted(引用)above?
China is a developing country with her own economic condition. In introducing advanced technology into our country, we would first choo tho most needed and applicable(可适用的) at the prent stage(阶段,时期)of our economic development.
7、“The authorities do not consider it appropriate to incur large mounts of
external debt until a number of practical bottlenecks in the economy ,such as an inadequate transport network and energy constraints, have been
Why did China refu to borrow more until their transport capacity and energy supply have further incread?
China‘s financial bor rowing is for industrialization and modernization. Without well-developed transport network and enough energy supply, however, industry and the entire(整个的,全部的) economy could not be further(促进,更多的)expanded(扩大的,展开的) successfully. Therefore(因此), it‘s no time for borrowing them then, which could not be effectively(有效的)ud and result only in heavy interest payment.
8、―China‘s access to(有权使用)substantial (大量的)sums of money from
the World Bank also reduces the need to borrow on commercial terms.‖(中国可以在世界银行中借贷巨额资金,这减少了中国以商业条件进行接待的数量)
What does ―borrow on commercial terms‖ imply(暗示)here? And why does China prefer loans from the World Bank?
“Commercial‖ carries(意味) the meaning of having profit –making as the aim.(以获得利润为目标)―To borrow on commercial terms‖ is to borrow at the regular business interest rates (without any special favor received from the bank). China borrows from the World Bank Group for lower interest rates and other favorable conditions.
Lesson 2 China’s Absorption of Foreign Direct Investment (中国吸引外商直接投资)
1、‚A clearly confident China has rolled up large ction of its bamboo curtain ,declared itlf ‗open to the outside world‘ and hung signs on nearly all its cities inviting foreign investors to come and do rious business.‖(一个显然是自信的中国已卷起了一大截竹幕,宣布他要‚对外开放‛,并几乎在每一个城市都挂出了招牌,欢迎外商前来做正当生意。)
In what is China confident in opening the country to the outside world?
The country is fully confident in her social system(社会体系)——Socialism(社会主义)with Chine characteristics when China is opened to the outside world though it ems unavoidable(不可避免的)that all sorts of(各式各样的)Western ideas and their way of life are to be brought in together with (加上,和)the inflow of (流入所需资本和技术)the needed capital and technology.
2、―The four special economic zones (SEZs) in Guangdong and Fujian provinces, 14 coastal cities (all former treaty ports) and Hainan island (19―open‖ areas in all ) have specifically designed tax and other incentives for the foreign investor.‖(广东与福建两省的四个经济特区,14个沿海开放城市(均为以前与清政府的条约所开放的城市,及海南岛(共19个地区)都有为国外投资者特地制定的税收和其他鼓励投资政策。)
What part of the ntence is the word tax here?
Here tax (a noun名词) is ud as the object (宾语) of the verb ―have‖.
3、Why was foreign direct investment considered ―a real element of competition(真正的竞争因素)‖ in ―the country‘s economic-development programme‖(在该国的经济发展中)?
At the time of writing the article (1984), the reform(改革) of China‘s economic structure just began, and most of her own enterpris were not quite lf-responsible (自我负责)yet for gains and loss in their business operation. In contrast(相反), the enterpris with foreign funds were organized on the principle(法则、原则)of the market economy and they had to be active in competition for survival(生存), with no ―same big pan(平底锅)‖ to eat from. In this n(从这种意义上说、在这方面), they were considered ―a real element of competition.‖
4、Could you find a substitute(代替品) for the word race in ―the race to get foreign technology and funds‖?(竞相引进国外技术与资金)
drive (n.) 运动
5、―The Chine … aspire to own color TV ts, refr igerators, trucks, washing machines and better radios, bicycles and clothing.‖
What is implied(暗指)by using the word ―better‖? (Does ―better‖ refer merely(只不过,仅仅)to the quality of goods here, or something more?)
‚better‖ implies that they had already had things like radios, bicycles and clothing, but expected to have better ones.
6、―Even local factories are taking note of the vast potential(潜力)sales in their own domestic market.‖(即使当地厂商也注意到其国内市场巨大的销售量潜力)
动听的歌In what n is the word sales ud in the ntence?
In the given context the meaning of sales is quantities to be sold.
7、How would you paraphra ―taken literally‖?(从字面上讲)
If Gu Mu‘s statement(陈述) is understood in the word-for-word (逐字的)way.
8、What does ―administrative support‖(行政支持) in the text refer to?
什么是党的根本组织原则Administrative tups responsible for(为…负责) absorbing(吸引)foreign direct investment and relevant(有关的)local rules and regulations(官方的规章制度).
9、What is ―a well-placed source‖?(消息灵通人士)
Source here is ud in the n of a source of information, which might refers to a person or organization, ―A well-placed source‖ should be an official who is
well-informed becau of his special position.
10、‚The central government‘s determination to rai the level of industria l technology is clearly behind the decision to open the 14 coastal cities.‖(中央政府决心提高工业技术水平显然是作出作出开放14个沿海城市的决定的原因)。What ‗s your paraphra(解释) of the above ntence? Does it mean that the ―determination‖ was the reason for the decision?
The reason for the decision was the determination.
11、―The combined industrial output(产量)of the 15 coastal areas is reportedly (据报道)equal to a quarter of the nation‘s total.‖(据报道,15个沿海市、区的工业产量总和相当于该国工业总产量的四分之一)
What is the meaning of ―combined‖ in the ntence?
Could you find another word to replace it? What is that?
12、―But while the reasons for throwing 19 areas and cities open to foreign investment and technology transfer are clear…‖(决心向外国投资与技术转让开放19个区、市的原因是清楚的)
―Throwing…open‖ basically(主要的,基本的)means having… open, doesn‘t it? Then what is the difference in meaning between ―throwing 19 areas and cities open‖ and having … open? What more does it mean when the word throw is ud?
Throw carries the meaning of doing that with force-determination(果断) in the ntence quoted(提到)above.
13、―…, how the preferential systems will operate (in the 19 open districts) is not (clear).This is due largely to (由于)the intensity(激烈) of competition among the 19…(但诸项优惠制度将如何运作,这一点却还不得而知。其主要原因是19个开放地区和城市间的竞争激烈。)
How could ―the intensity of competition among the 19‖, if there was one, lead to some confusion(混淆)in absorbing foreign direct investment?
According to the author‘s own understanding, as the 19 open areas and cities were competing actively(激烈的)with one another for more foreign direct investment, they made their preferential systems more and more attractive(有吸引力的)and thus complicated(错综的、复杂的), hard to operate.
14、―This is due largely to the intensity of competition among the 19, coupled with (加上)the inexperience of most local authorities both in making decisions
and in dealing with the outside world.‖ (其主要原因是19个开放地区和城市间的竞争激烈, 加上大部分当地政府在决策与处理对外事务方面还缺乏经验。) What does ―coupled‖ mean here? Could you find some substitutes for it? Together /along
15、What are ―target projects‖?(重点工程)
key projects重点(工程)项目
16、―One official who is well aware of the confusion afflicting both local authorities and foreign investors is Jing Shuping, president of China International Economic Consultants(顾问、咨询)Inc. which is the consultancy arm of the China International Trust and Investment Crop.‖(对这一令当地政府与外国投资者都头痛的混淆不轻的问题,中国国际经济咨询有限公司的总裁荆舒平最知情,该公司是中国国际信托投资公司附属的咨询性公司)
What is the meaning of the word ―arm‖ here? Could you find some other word to substitute?
17、―The time will come when the cities and zones will ask for help in coordinating(协调)their efforts.‖(有一天,这些市和区事会寻求援助以协调它们的工作的)
What kind of clau(从句)does ―when‖ introduce? An attributive(定语)or an adverbial (状语)one? Why?
an attributive clau.
18、―…, while a comprehensive framework(综合准则)for the country‘s modernization has been provided(提供)by the central committee‘s(中央委员会)21 October 1984 decision to reform the economic structure, it will be some time before the dust ttles and local authorities and foreign investors can deal with one another in a systematic way.‖(虽然中央委员会1984年10月21日改革经济体制的决定为该国的现代化提供了一个综合的准则,但要等到尘埃落定、要等地方政府与外国投资者能有条不紊的打交道还需要一段时间)
学生自我介绍What‘s you understanding of ―the dust ttles‖?
The confusion is removed.
19、What‘s ―stock-taking of the open policy‖?(对开放政策评估)
reviewing (回顾、评论)(reexamining复试)of the open policy.
Lesson 3
1、“If there is a road to China‘s future, Highway 204 out of Shanghai is it.‖(如果有通往中国的未来之路的话,那便是始自上海的204国道。)
1)What is the exact meaning of ― out of‖ here in the ntence?
2)Why does the author compare(比喻)Highway 204 to the road to China‘s
future? (you may answer the question after you‘ve studied the whole
答:1)“Hi ghway 204 out of Shanghai‖ is one leading out of Shanghai.

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