By the year 2050, human population will increa by about three billion people. An estimated 109 hectares of new land will be needed to grow enough food to feed them, if traditional farming methods continue as they are practiced today. However, historically, nearly 15% of the land that is suitable for raising crops has been laid waste by poor management practice. What makes the situation wor is the fact that due to a rapidly changing climate, massive floods, long droughts, hurricanes and vere monsoons take their toll each year, destroying millions of tons of valuable crops.
The food crisis has been a problem with us for a while, and unfortunately this will continue. Extreme weather conditions even make it wor. Long-term droughts in some areas have negative effects on the crop productions, making some poor countries hard to fight against poverty. In tho regions, people find it hard to survive with enough food or make a living out of farming.
What are the contributing factors of the climate change? There are a number of reasons. The massive number of cars being driven, in addition to factories that run on coal power. Th
桃胶的功效与作用及食用方法>卓依婷新年歌e rapid industrialization of some countries in recent years has also led to the cutting down of forests to allow for the expansion of big cities, which makes it even harder to fight the global warming.
装修家装的公司哪个好In conclusion, we must address the problem of climate change and the problems associated with food production ari.