Industrial Revolution
Process of change from an agrarian, handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacture.
It began in England in the 18th century. Technological changes included the u of iron and steel, new energy sources, invention of new machines that incread production (including
the spinning jenny), development of the factory system, and important developments in transportation and communication (including the steam engine and telegraph). Other changes included agricultural improvements, a wider distribution of wealth, political changes reflecting the shift in economic power, and sweeping social changes. The Industrial Revolution was largely confined to Britain from 1760 to 1830, then spread to Belgium and France. Other nations lagged behind, but once Germany, the U.S., and Japan achieved industrial power they outstripped Britain's initial success. Eastern European countries lagged into the 20th century, and not until the mid-20th century did the Industrial Revolution spread to such countries as China and India. Many analysts saw evidence of a cond, or new, industrial revolution in the later 20th century, with the u of new materials and energy sources, automated factories, new ownership of the means of production, and a shift away from laisz-faire government
The first time the industrial revolution influence to the world in the following aspects:
①the industrial revolution greatly improve the social productive forces and enriching people's material life, consolidate the capitalist countries rule. Capitalist production system was finally gained dominance,
②the industrial revolution promoted the new city of generation, speed up the process of urbanization,
餐厨垃圾管理办法③the industrial revolution promoted the development of the cau of science education and scientific communism come,
小标题的作用 ④the advanced production technology and production mode spreads to the world, hurled the old ideas and old system promoted world industrialization;
⑤the industrial revolution caud social structure of major change, industrial bourgeois gradually become the dominant part bourgeois. The proletariat also officially formation.
⑥the industrial revolution promoted world market formation. For global regions, nations and ethnic communication and future global integration laid a preliminary basis.红龙井
The first time the industrial revolution impact to China:
①the Occident powers launched two opium war, China began to degenerate into a mi-colonial and mi-feudal society,
②subject to foreign enterpri in China of the induction, China's modern industry produce (or westernization enterpri and national capitalist enterpri, or capitalistic China produced);
③the Chine learning from the western countries advanced science and technology