1. advocacy - the act of publicly supporting or speaking in favor of a particular idea or cau
2. analytical - relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning
3. apprehensive - fearful or anxious about the future
4. asrtion - a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief
5. cohesion - the action or fact of forming a united whole
6. compelling - evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way
7. contemplate - think about deeply and at length十四的英文
公司授权书8. deficiency - a lack or shortage of something
9. dismination - the act of spreading something, especially information, widely
10. eminent - famous and respected within a particular sphere or profession
11. exemplify - be a typical example of
12. facilitate - make an action or process easy or easier
石牛山13. homogeneous - of the same kind or nature; uniform in structure or composition throughout
14. immer - involve onelf fully in a particular activity or interest
15. induce - bring about or give ri to
16. inherent - existing in something as a permanent, esntial, or characteristic attribute
17. intuitive - bad on instinct or perception rather than conscious reasoning
18. metaphorical - relating to or involving metaphors; figurative rather than literal王安石的故事
19. mundane - lacking interest or excitement; dull
20. omnipotent - having unlimited power; able to do anything
21. paradigm - a typical example or pattern of something; a model
22. pragmatic - dealing with things nsibly and realistically in a way that is bad on practical rather than theoretical considerations
23. proficient - competent or skilled in doing or using something
24. provocative - causing annoyance, anger, or another strong reaction, especially deliberately
25. rationality - the quality of being bad on or in accordance with reason or logic
26. signify - be an indication of; have importance or value
27. subjective - bad on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
泰山赤鳞鱼28. transcendent - beyond or above the range of normal or physical human experience
欧洲自由行29. ubiquitous - prent, appearing, or found everywhere
30. validate - check or prove the accuracy, validity, or truth of something