Public finance 财政
Redistribution 再分配
Organic view of government政府有机论
Revenue 财政收入,税收收入
Unified budget 统一预算,综合预算
Regulatory budget 管理预算此生未完成读后感
Positive economics 实证经济学
empirical analysis 实证分析
Econometrics 计量经济学
Pareto efficient 帕累托最优
Pareto improvement 帕累托改进
Welfare economics 福利经济学
social welfare function社会福利函数
Production possibilities curve生产可能性曲线
Utility possibilities curve 效用可能性曲线
关于做家务的作文Nonexcludable 非排他性
Free rider problem 搭便车
Pure public good 纯公共物品
Private good私人物品
Externality 外部性
market mechanism. 客观性
Coa Theorem :The Coa Theorem states that once property rights are established and transaction costs are small, then one of the parties will bribe the other to attain the socially efficient quantity.科斯定理:一旦产权建立和交易成本较小时,一方将会拉拢另一方达到社会的有效率的产量。
Pigouvian tax :A Pigouvian tax is a tax levied on each unit of a polluter’s output in an amount just equal to the marginal damage it inflicts at the efficient level of output. 庇古税就是对污染者每单位产量征税,其税额正好等于污染者在效率产量水平上造成的边际损害。
Emissions fee : a tax levied on each unit of pollution. 放射费: 在污染每个单位征收的税
Cap and trade :A policy of granting permits to polute, with the number of permits t at the desired pollution level, and allowing polluters to trade the permits.
Cost effective: a policy that achieves a given amount of pollution reduction at the lowest cost
费用有效: 达到特定相当数量污染减少在最便宜可能的政策。
Political Economy is the application of economic principles to the analysis of political decision making.
浙江大学分数线Unanimity rules: All parties must agree for a policy to be implemented. 3. Majority Voting rules: one more than half of the votes must favor a measure to gain approval.
peak :A peak in an individual’s preferences is a point at which all neighboring points are lower.
expenditure incidence: the impact of expenditure policy on the distribution of real income . 支出归宿:支出政策对实际收入分配的影响,称为支出归宿。
Workfare 工作福利制
Economic incidence: The change in the distribution of real income induced by a tax.
Tax shifting: The difference between statutory incidence and economic incidence.
Functional distribution of income: The way income is distributed among people when they are
classified according to the inputs they supply to the production process (for example, landlords,
capitalists, laborers).
Size distribution of income: The way that total income is distributed across income class.
Lump sum tax: A tax who value is independent of the independent of the individual’s behavior.
普拉提是什么运动Proportional: A tax system under which an individual’s average tax rate is the same at each level
of income.
Average tax rate: Ratio of taxes paid to income.
Progressive: A tax system under which an individual’s average tax rate increas with income.
Regressive: A tax system under which an individual’s average tax rate decreas with income.
Marginal tax rate: The proportion of the last dollar of income taxed by the government.
Partial equilibrium models: Models that study only one matket and ignore possible spillover
effects in other markets.
Unit tax: A tax levied as a fixed amount per unit of commodity purchad.
Tax wedge: The tax-induced difference between the price paid by consumers and the price
received by producers.
Ad valorem tax: A tax computed as a percentage of the purcha value.
Economic profit: The return to owners of a firm above the opportunity costs of all the factors ud in production. Also called supranormal or excess profit.
Capitalization: The process by which a stream of tax liabilities becomes incorporated into the
price of an ast.
定风General equilibrium analysis: The study of how various markets are interrelated.
Partial factor tax:
Tax levied on an input in only some of its us. 190. Elasticity of substitution:
A measure of the ea with which one factor of production can be substituted for another. 191. Capital intensive:
进攻三秒违例An industry in which the ratio of capital to labor inputs is relatively high. 192. Labor intensive:
An industry in which the ratio of capital to labor inputs is relatively low.
Excess burden: A loss of welfare above and beyond taxes collected. Also called welfare cost or deadweight loss.
Equivalent variation: A change in income that has the same effect on utility as a change in the price of a commodity.
学习的名句Lump sum tax: A tax who value id independent of the individual’s behavior.