(陕西科技大学, 陕西咸阳 712081)
杨芙莲 杨 妮 葛正浩 张晓燕
摘要 对直动型弧面凸轮机械手进行了系统的研究,并着重对其机构设计、结构设计进行了深入探讨,绘出了其整机结构图。
关键词 弧面凸轮机械手 机构设计 结构设计
1 弧面凸轮机械手的机构设计
图1所示为直动型弧面凸轮机械手的机构结构简图,由两组弧面凸轮 连杆组合机构分别实现X 、Y 方向的输出运动。机械手在提升弧面凸轮2的控制下做升降运动,实现抓放工件(或其它工作);在水平弧面凸轮1的控制下做水平运动,实现工作目标或工作行程。图2所示为机械手手臂即输出轴的运动轨迹,其中1、2、4、5部分是升降运动,其高度为机械手的竖直行程;3、6部分为水平运动,其距离为机械手的水平行程。这两个方向的运动需精确配合,才可实现输出端 门!字形或倒U
图1 直动型弧面凸轮机械手的机构结构简图
为了使直动型弧面凸轮机械手机构的设计合理、图2 运动轨迹示意图
准确、快速,对其进行了计算机辅助设计。先建立数学模型,然后输入基本参数(基本参数为运动周期T 、承载能力P 、水平行程X 和竖直行程Y),由计算机进行数值计
图3 设计流程框图(1)确定基本参数。在给定机械手运动周期T 、承载能力P 、水平行程X 和竖直行程Y 等基本参数的条件下,初步选取结构参数。(2)根据基本参数,确定机械手的运动循环图。如图4所示。并确定连杆的尺寸。
(3)设计弧面凸轮机构 由图1可知,输入轴上固定有水平弧面凸轮和提升弧面凸轮。水平弧面凸轮和提升弧面凸轮分别与水平从动盘和提升从动盘上的带柄
应用文献[1]开发的凸轮连杆机构C AD 软件系统
Ca mlink,顺序调用运动循环图、运动规律等设计模块即可完成对该弧面凸轮机构的设计。
2 弧面凸轮机械手的结构设计
47第30卷 第1期 直动型弧面凸轮机械手的机构与结构设计
轴 6.带柄滚动轴承 7.顶盖 8.水平弧面凸轮 9.输入轴10.提升弧面凸轮 11.提升从动轴 12.提升从动盘 13.提升摆臂 14.导杆 15.连杆 16.端盖 17.挡油板 18.输出臂19.滑块 20.轴承 21.润滑油泵
图5 弧面凸轮机械手整机结构
输出臂的水平方向和竖直方向行程在一定范围内可调,采用PLC 对其进行控制,可控制其停留位置及
该设计填补了国内空白,并对国外同类产品有所改进,已获国家专利,专利号为ZL 2004200415567
3 结语
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2 彭国勋,肖正扬.自动机械的凸轮机构设计.北京:机械工业出版社,1990
3 D.M.Ts ay,H.M.Wei..A general Approach to the Determination of Planar
and Spacial Cam Profiles.Trans.ASME,J.of M ech.Des.,1996,118:259~265
收稿日期:20050201 收修改稿日期:20050503
1 周有强主编.机械无级变速器.北京:机械工业出版社,2001
2 伊万诺夫著,沈允文等译.谐波齿轮传动.北京:国防工业出版社,
3 辛洪兵.研究谐波齿轮传动啮合原理的一种新方法.中国机械工程,
公务员等级4 . . !∀#∃%&,∋.(. )∗!+,−&,吴桂英译.谐波传动.光学精密
5 鲍侃,王维.谐波齿轮无级变速机.中国专利:87108217.9,1992
6 邢万义.谐波传动变速装置.中国专利:95232041.X,1998
7 黄幼德.谐波链式无级变速传动器.中国专利:93238803.5,1994收稿日期:20041122
Abstract The running resistance of the drag-steel-rope abou t the Continuous Conveyor of Disc-tube Asmbly has something to do with the character of the transported matter,for example,granularity,hmid ity,glu tinosity.It also has something to do wi th the loadi ng height of the transported matter on the disc and the friction of kinematic pairs.Therefore,to meet the demand of tra
nsportation and to revolve the driv ing electromotive under the constan t power,the motion parameter of the feeding system in time according to factual condi tion should be adjust ed.In this article,the feeding system ∃s mathematics model of the mo ti on counting parameter is got,non-linear relation between the feeding electromotive and driving electromotive is found out.Key words: Feedin g system Driving electromotive
power Non-linear
Calculation of Gear Load Capacity for Planet Gear Speed Reducer in Two Teeth Difference
Mu Lin(45)
%%%%%%%%%%%Abstract Planet gear speed reducer in few teeth difference is inner meshed transmissi on.There are a few pairs of teeth faces which are a part from each other for a small gap beside the contact point generated by two meshed teeth.The distances of some pairs of teeth faces will be come so clor that they contact each other finally when the Planet -gear speed reducer is fully loaded.More pairs of meshed faces should be able to transmit more power than one.The calcula
tion of them me chanics belongs to statically indeterminate problem.The result of the calculation mentioned above condition i s showed by a fini te element method software COS MOSDesignSTAR to indicate the more loaded abili ty of planet gear speed reducer in two teeth difference.
Key words: Planet gear speed reducer in few teeth difference Inner meshed transmission Contact stress Bending stress Load capacity
Statically indetermi nate problem草莓园
Finite element method
Design of the linear Globoidal C am Manipulator Yang Fulian,Yang Ni,Ge Zhenghao,Zhang Xiaoyan (47)%%%%%%
%%Abstract The linear globoidal cam manipulator is studied systemati cally,the design of the globoidal cam mechanism and structure are em phatically carried out,the machine ∃s structure drawing is drew.Key words: Globoidal cam manipulator Mechanis m design Struc ture design
NC Programming for Equal Diameter Milling Cylindrical C am
Niu Xinghua,Chi Ronglan,Hu Yahui,Chen Guanglai(49)%%Abstract The principle and the NC program ming method are analyzed for equal diameter millin g groove -cylindrical cam with reciprocating follower on the 4-axis NC mill.Bad on the corresponding cylinder,the principle of correcti ng feed speed of F functi on is analyzed,and the calculating method for correcti ng speed is given out.Key words: Corresponding cylinder NC programming
feed Speed
Cylindrical cam
Reciprocating follower
M ain Parameters and Optional Design of Interlocking Teeth C lutch Gu Ling,Guan Ronggen,Ni Guoliang(52)%%%%%%%%%Abstract Main parameters and defects of traditional design on tooth clutch are pointed,an optional mathematic model of main parameters is
buil t with a target function of mini mu m bending stress in tooth root of tooth clutch.The calculating example shows that optional design in creas bearing capacity of tooth clutch.
Key words: Interlocking teeth Clutch M ain parameters Op tion
al design
Parameterized M odel of Involute Helical Gear pair Bad on AN SYS
Bao Jiahan,Zhang Yuhua,Xue Jiaguo(54)%%%%%%%Abstract Accorded to solute interction point between the involute and transition curve in a transver tooth profile,the transver profile is formed.Then parameterized model of helical gear pair is generated directly by swept along helix with APDL in ANSYS.Furthermore en gagement p oint is coincide with pitch point which will be convenient for analyzing the contact s tress of tooth surface,root stress and meshi ng process of helical gears.
Key words: Helical gear ANSYS Transition curve 3D modeling Fuzzy Optim ization of Lift Mechanism in Power Hoist Applying Genetic Algorithm Wang Bing,Xi Pingyuan(57)%%%%%%%Abstract For the sample of traction mechanis m i n tower hoist,consid ering the random character of the value of design parameters and bei ng satisfied with the conditions of load-bearing capacity and dis tributi on of transmission ratio,the maths model in fuzzy design op timizati on is t up which is to mini mize the center distance of reducer in lift mecha nis m.As there i
s the problem of low efficiency and local op timum in traditional opti mal methods,genetic algori thm is adopted to solve the optimization model,so that the opti mization process is si mplified and global op timum is acquired reliably.Key words: Li ft mechani sm Fuzzy optimization
Genetic algo
ri thm
Study on The Dynamic Perform ance of Lathe Bad on V ibration and Acoustics Examination Zhao Jian,Wang T aiyong,Wang Xuemin,Zhao Jianbo(61)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Abstract It is t up that the free load examination and the noi ex amination for the lathe type CA6140.The vibration information and noi information under the free running condi tion can be obtained.As a result of signal treatment,the dynamic performance can be analyzed and the anti vibration capability of lathe can be esti mated.In the mean while,the weak parts of transmi ssion system of the lathe headstock can be expod by the vibration diagnosis and noi diagnosis.The other objective of paper is pren t the reasonable modification method i n order to improve more the antivibration capabili ty.Key w ords: Antivibrati on capability Weak parts
Free load ex
amination Noi ex amination
安全生产协议书Efficiency Test o f Gear Transmission Bad on Virtual Instrument
Lv Wenli,Tang Jinyuan,Liu Yanping(64)%%%%%%%%Abstract Transmission efficiency is one of the important capabilities of gear trans mission t,the conventional experimentation device is often bad on condary instrument testing techniq ue and has many disad vantages.To improve the performance,a new technique bad on virtu al instrument of NI is developed and confirmed to be efficiency by test