Programming Cat Teaching Design亲密爱人简谱
1.Be able to u "Control" and "Appearance" blocks to change the character's appearance;
2.Learn to u "n" blocks to move the character;
3.XXX' XXX awareness。and improve their XXX.
Key Points and Difficulties:
Being able to u "Control" and "Appearance" blocks to change the character's appearance。learning to u "n" blocks to move the character.
XXX: Task-driven method。lecture method。and puter practice method.
Teaching Materials: Computer ork classroom。XXX courware.
Play n: Flying Bird。Think about it:
1.Who is the protagonist in the n。Where is it。What is it doing。(Name and answer)
2.Try to draw a mind map bad on the n.
II。Teaching New Lessons:
1.Analysis of n n Process: How do you plan to make this n。Group n among students。(Name and report on the n steps)
1) Add sky background and blue magpie character.
2) XXX.
个人自我鉴定300字2.Add background and character (student n。teacher summary)
Sky background: Material Library - Background - Sky
Blue magpie: Material Library - Character - Blue Magpie
3.Add commands to the character (XXX)
1) Let the bird fly.
工作流程怎么写n: How does the bird flap its XXX。(Switching een two appearances) Try it: When "Start" is clicked。"Repeat" "Next Appearance" "Control" - "Repeat"
Appearance" - "Next Appearance"
Try it out。what problem did you find。(Flapping wings too fast) How to solve it。"Control" - "Wait 1 cond"
Tip: Changing the waiting time can control the speed of the bird flapping its wings.
向四周看2) XXX.
XXX is an n。Try to find the appropriate XXX "n"。Familiarize yourlf with coordinates.
n" - "Move to X (100) Y (100) within 1 cond"
Try it out: Change the speed of the bird's flight and find the n where the bird needs to fly.
III。Design Your XXX:
Think about it: Who do you want to be the protagonist of your n。Where is it。What is it doing。Draw a mind map: Draw a mind map bad on your n.
Do it: Bad on the mind map you drew。make your own n.
IV。Summary of the Lesson:
1.What kind of n did you design。Show it to your classmates.
2.XXX。What role did it play in your n?
Board XXX:
n after Class:对孩子的评语
鱼煲Sky: Material Library - Background - Sky