Edition 2007 (E)
Edition 2007(E)
Guidelines for the determination of calibration intervals of measuring instruments
Guide pour la détermination des intervalles de calibration des instruments de mesure
Copyright – ILAC (3)
Foreword – OIML (4)
Preamble (5)
Purpo (5)
Authorship (5)
1.Introduction (5)
时间像2.Initial choice of calibration intervals (7)
3.Methods of reviewing calibration intervals (7)
Method 1: Automatic adjustment or “stairca” (calendar-time) (8)
Method 2: Control chart (calendar-time) (8)
Method 3: “In-u” time (9)
Method 4: In rvice checking, or “black-box” testing (9)brantb
Method 5: Other statistical approaches (9)
Bibliography (11)
Copyright (ILAC)
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Foreword (OIML)
The International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) is a worldwide, intergovernmental organization who primary aim is to harmonize the regulations and metrological controls applied by the national metrological rvices, or related organizations, of its Member States. The main categories of OIML publications are:
International Recommendations (OIML R), which are model regulations that establish the metrological characteristics required of certain measuring instruments and which specify methods and equipment for checking their conformity. OIML Member States shall implement the Recommendations to the greatest possible extent;
International Documents (OIML D), which are informative in nature and which are intended to harmonize and improve work in the field of legal metrology;
International Guides (OIML G), which are also informative in nature and which are intended to give guidelines for the application of certain requirements to legal metrology; and
International Basic Publications (OIML B), which define the operating rules of the various OIML structures and systems.
OIML Draft Recommendations, Documents and Guides are developed by Technical Committees or Subcommittees which compri reprentatives from the Member States. Certain international and regional institutions also participate on a consultation basis. Cooperative agreements have been established between the OIML and certain institutions, such as ISO and the IEC, with the objective of avoiding contradictory requirements. Conquently, manufacturers and urs of measuring instru
ments, test laboratories, etc. may simultaneously apply OIML publications and tho of other institutions.
International Recommendations, Documents, Guides and Basic Publications are published in English (E) and translated into French (F) and are subject to periodic revision.
Additionally, the OIML publishes or participates in the publication of Vocabularies (OIML V) and periodically commissions legal metrology experts to write Expert Reports (OIML E). Expert Reports are intended to provide information and advice, and are written solely from the viewpoint of their author, without the involvement of a Technical Committee or Subcommittee, nor that of the CIML. Thus, they do not necessarily reprent the views of the OIML.
This publication - reference ILAC-G24 / OIML D 10, Edition 2007 - was developed by the ILAC Accreditation Committee and by OIML TC 4 Measurement standards and calibration and verification devices. This version superdes OIML D 10 (Edition 1984). It was approved for final publication by ILAC in November 2005 and by the International Committee of Legal Metrology in 2002.
OIML Publications may be downloaded from the OIML web site in the form of PDF files. Additional information on OIML Publications may be obtained from the Organization’s headquarters:
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Guidelines for the determination of
calibration intervals of measuring instruments
This Guidance Document is a revision of OIML D 10. It was drafted by ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) and the OIML (International Organization of Legal Metrology) as a joint venture and is published as such.
It is important to point out that:
•It is not the responsibility of accreditation bodies to teach laboratories how to run their business.
•It is the responsibility of each individual laboratory to choo to implement any or none of the methods described in this Document bad on its individual needs and its individual asssment of risks.
•It is also the responsibility of the laboratory to evaluate the effectiveness of the method it choos to implement and take responsibility for the conquences of the decisions taken as a result of the method chon.
The purpo of this Document is to give laboratories, particularly while tting up their calibration system, guidance on how to determine calibration intervals. This Document identifies and describes the methods that are available and known for the evaluation of calibration intervals.
This publication was developed by the OIML and ILAC as a joint venture and as a revision of OIML
D 10. Within ILAC the focal point has been the Accreditation Committee.
1. Introduction
An important aspect for maintaining the capability of a laboratory to produce traceable and reliable measurement results is a determination of the maximum period that should be permitted between successive calibrations (recalibrations) of the reference or working standards and measuring instruments ud. Various international standards take this aspect into account, e.g.:
ISO/IEC 17025:2005 [1] contains the following requirements:
Clau 5.5.2: “Calibration programs shall be established for key quantities or values of the instruments where the properties have a significant effect on the results”.
Clau 5.5.8: "Whenever practicable, all equipment under the control of the laboratory and requiring calibration shall be labeled, coded, or otherwi identified to
indicate the status of calibration, including the data when last calibrated and
the date or expiration criteria when recalibration is due”.
Clau 5.6.1 “All equipment ud for tests and/or calibrations, including equipment for subsidiary measurements (e.g. for environmental conditions) having a
significant effect on the accuracy or validity of the result of the test,
calibration or sampling shall be calibrated before being put into rvice. The